一般教学效能感,general teaching efficacy
1)general teaching efficacy一般教学效能感
1.The results showed that personal teaching efficacy inferior to overall teaching efficacy and general teaching efficacy;The teachers who have taught less than 10 years have significance difference from the other groups of teach.结果表明:高校教师的个人教学效能感低于总体教学效能感和一般教学效能感;10年教龄可能是教学效能感的重要时期;高校教师教学效能感与教师的人格特质之间有极显著的相关。
2.Findings from factor analysis,correlation analysis, T-tests show that English teachers of vocational and technical colleges enjoy pretty high Personal Teaching Efficacy (PTE), General Teaching Efficacy (GTE) and Subjective Well-Being(SWB).通过对数据进行相关性分析和T检验后,结果显示高职高专英语教师的个人教学效能感,一般教学效能感和主观幸福感总体较高。
2)general teaching efficacy一般教育效能感
1.01);(2) teachers general teaching efficacy is remarkable in.01)具有显著的影响;(2)教师的一般教育效能感对其工作倦怠的耗竭因素具有显著的预测作用(p<0。
3)general self-efficacy of distance learning一般效能感
1.Confirmatory factor analysis of responses from 207 distance learners to the Distance Learning Self-efficacy Scale yielded two substantial factors--general self-efficacy of distance learning and special self-efficacy of distance learning.因素分析结果表明,远程学习效能感可以分为一般效能感和特殊效能感两个维度。
4)teachers general self-efficacy教师一般自我效能感

1.Relationship of General Self-efficacy and Social Support and Defense Styles Among High School Teachers;中学教师一般自我效能感与社会支持及防御方式的相关研究
2.Analysis on general self-efficacy scale test of Mongolian teachers;一般自我效能感量表在蒙古族中小学教师中的测试分析
3.Research on the Relationships between Self-efficacy and Setback Coping Style in Teacher College Student;高师生一般自我效能感与挫折应对方式的研究
4.A study of the general self-efficacy and the anxiety states of students in normal universities.;师范大学生一般自我效能感与焦虑状态的研究
6.On the Sense of Teacher Efficacy and Foster of Normal School Student’s Prepare Sense of Self-efficacy;论教师教学效能感对师范生自我效能感的影响
7.Research on Statues of General Self-efficacy Feeling Condition of University Ideological and Political Instructors;高校辅导员一般自我效能感调查分析
8.Investigation and Management on General Self-Efficacy in Young Nurses年轻护士一般自我效能感调查及管理
9.Influence of Teaching Efficacy on the Students Self-efficacy;教师教学效能感对学生自我效能感的影响
10.Explicit self-esteem, implicit self-esteem and general self-efficacy;外显自尊、内隐自尊与一般自我效能感的关系
11.The Performance of General Self-Efficacy and Self-Monitoring in Cooperative Learning;合作学习中一般自我效能感与自我监控的表现
12.Relationships among Jealousy, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy;嫉妒与自尊、一般自我效能感的相关研究
13.Study on the Self-esteem, General Self-efficacy and Coping Styles of Freshmen新生自尊、一般自我效能感与应对方式的研究
14.On the Cultivation of Self-efficacy in Vocal Teaching and Learning of Normal College;高师声乐教学中自我效能感培养研究
15.The study of Strategy to Improve University Teacher s Sense of Self-function efficiently;提高高校教师自我效能感的策略研究
16.Teacher s Perceived Self-efficacy: Its nature,Structure and Characteristics;论教师自我效能感的本质、结构与特征
17.A Research on Self-efficacy between Outstanding and General Teachers优秀教师与普通教师自我效能感的调查研究
18.Research on the Influence Factors of General Self-Efficacy in Undergraduates;大学生一般自我效能感的影响因素研究

general teaching efficacy一般教育效能感
1.01);(2) teachers general teaching efficacy is remarkable in.01)具有显著的影响;(2)教师的一般教育效能感对其工作倦怠的耗竭因素具有显著的预测作用(p<0。
3)general self-efficacy of distance learning一般效能感
1.Confirmatory factor analysis of responses from 207 distance learners to the Distance Learning Self-efficacy Scale yielded two substantial factors--general self-efficacy of distance learning and special self-efficacy of distance learning.因素分析结果表明,远程学习效能感可以分为一般效能感和特殊效能感两个维度。
4)teachers general self-efficacy教师一般自我效能感
5)General self-efficacy一般自我效能感
1.Objective :To explore the relationships between students in the Teacher Colleges general self-efficacy and setbacks coping styles.目的:探讨高师生一般自我效能感和挫折应对方式的相互关系。
2.To analyze the relationships between attachment,general self-efficacy and depressive symptoms,929 junior middle school students were asked to complete the IPPA,GESE,and SDS.对929个初中生施测抑郁自评量表,父母和同伴依恋问卷,一般自我效能感量表,以探讨父、母、同伴依恋和一般自我效能感对抑郁的影响模式。
1.Relationships among Jealousy, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy;嫉妒与自尊、一般自我效能感的相关研究
2.The Effect of Self-efficacy and Background Factors on College Students Depression Symptoms;一般自我效能感及其背景因素对大学生抑郁症状的影响
