言语流畅性,Verbal fluency
1)Verbal fluency言语流畅性
1.Recently,Rende explored the role of set shifting in verbal fluency,which is a subfunction of the central executive system.采用双任务范式,探讨了中央执行系统的注意控制和短时存储对言语流畅性的影响。
2.This study aims at exploring the relationships of college students working memory span and ability of speech perception, and therefore the speech perception in this study is discussed on following three levels: verbal fluency, sentences comprehension, and verbal analogies.言语认知从言语流畅性、句子理解、言语类比推理三个层面展开研究。

1.Supermarket Verbal Fluency Test in Identification and Differential Diagnosis of Dementia;言语流畅性测验在痴呆识别和鉴别诊断中的应用
2.Single nucleotide polymorphisms of DAT and DRD_2 genes in Han Chinese population and their association with stuttering中国汉族人群多巴胺转运体、多巴胺D2受体基因多态性及其与言语流畅性障碍的相关性
3.Treating Nonfluent Aphasia Following Stroke by Scalp Acupuncture with Speech Therapy;头针结合言语训练治疗中风后非流畅性失语
4.This diplomat speaks seven languages with great smoothness.这位外交官非常流畅地讲七种语言。
5.a fluent and prolific writer.一个语言流畅有多部作品的作家。
6.The criterion for a fruit of education scientific research is scientific and creationary and applied and logic and laconic and smooth.教育科研成果定量评估的标准主要是:科学性、新性、用性、辑性及语言的简捷性和流畅性。
7.The Impact of the Articulary Loop and Visuospatial Sketchpad on Phonemic and Semantic Fluency;语音回路和视空间模板对音位流畅性和语义流畅性的影响
8.Is Familiarity in Explicit Memory Perception-based or Conceptual Fluent Process-based?熟悉性:基于知觉还是语义流畅性加工
9.Fluent in spoken mandarin, good at expression.普通话良好,语言流畅,有较好的表达能力。
10.The Impact of Attentional Control and Short-term Storage on Phonemic and Semantic Fluency;注意控制和短时存储对音位流畅性和语义流畅性的影响
11.French and English fluently, written and spoken法语和英语口笔语流畅
12.Speech is silver, silence is gold.〔谚语〕畅言是银,沉默是金。
14.On the Significance of Stressing on the Fluency of English Expression;论小学英语教学中强调口语表达流畅性的意义
15.speak naturally and easily.自然而又流畅地发言。
16.Oh, BTW, if you want help in smoothing grammar and language, I am volunteering.噢,顺便说一句,如果你需要流畅语法和语言方面的帮助,我是志愿者。
17.Sex Difference, Word Fluency and Stroop Task;性别差异,词语流畅性和Stroop效应的实验研究
18.Validity of Verbal Fluency in Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease词语流畅性测验对阿尔茨海默病的诊断价值

Smoothness of Language语言的流畅性
3)flueney disorders言语流畅性障碍
4)semantic fluency语义流畅性
1.The two types of verbal fluency that are generally tested are (1) phonemic fluency, in which the subjects generate words beginning with a particular letter, and (2) semantic fluency, in which the subjects produce items from a specified category.采用双任务范式,通过四种次任务考察了工作记忆两个子系统-语音回路和视空间模板对音位流畅性和语义流畅性的影响。
5)word fluency词语流畅性
1.Sex difference is narrowed down to difference of male and female students in word fluency.本文中性别差异指男女学生在词语流畅性方面的差异。
6)Verbal fluency task词语流畅性作业

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-