课堂设计,Class design
1)Class design课堂设计

1.On the Designing of Second Classroom in Business Japanese Major of Higher Vocational Education;高职商务日语专业第二课堂设计思路
2.On the Design of Activities in Spoken Language Class and Exercises out of Class谈口语课课堂活动及课下练习的设计
3.Designing the Guidance of the Class and Arousing the Students to Think设计课堂导向,调动学生思维——课堂教学改革尝试
4.Designing Curriculum and Instruction with Problem-based Learning Model in Chemistry Classroom;化学课堂中的PBL课程与教学设计
5.The try of curriculum reform begins from classroom teaching planning;尝试课程改革,从课堂教学设计开始
6.Design Classroom Teaching Well and Make Cartography a Quality Course;合理设计课堂教学 创建制图精品课程
7.The Chemical Teaching Design of Middle School Based on New Course Ideas新课程理念下高中化学课堂教学设计
8.Rethinking of Classroom Instructional Design on the New Curriculum关于“新课程下课堂教学设计”的再思考
9.On the Planning of FL Classroom Teaching;授课设计框架法在外语课堂教学设计中的运用
10.Discussion on Instructional Design and Teaching Art of Mechanical Design机械设计课程课堂教学设计和教学艺术的探讨
11.The process of making CAI classroom courseware;谈计算机辅助课堂教学课件的设计制作过程
12.The Understanding of the Course To Optimize Teaching Design in Class and Implementing the Assumption;对《优化课堂教学设计》课程的认识及实施设想
14.Design the Class Teaching Carefully and Help the Students Develop Intelligence精心设计课堂教学 促进学生智力发展
15.Design and Realization a Web-based Virtual Practice Class for Improving Motivation Skills of Pre-service Teachers;基于Web的虚拟实习课堂的设计与实现
16.Research and Design on the Dynamic Evaluation Arithmetic of Teaching;课堂教学动态评价算法的研究与设计
17.High Middle School Mathematics Classroom Teaching Design Based on "Coupling";“耦动观”下高中数学课堂教学设计
18.The Thoughts of "History and Society" Teaching Design;“历史与社会”课堂教学设计的思考

classroom design课堂设计
1.The classroom design of the new curriculum of "Science" should be focused on training the research ability of the students.“科学”新课程课堂设计应注重培养学生的探究能力。
3)classroom teaching design课堂设计
1.This essay probes into the intension of task-based language teaching and analyses specific classroom teaching design for further understanding of task-based language teaching.本文将从其内涵及课堂设计与分析来进一步加深对任务型语言教学的理解。
2.The authors give an analysis of the characteristics of courses taught by themselves in terms of teachers leading role, expound the basic forms and principles of teachers participating in the classroom teaching design reform and propose several major links and steps of classroom teaching design.本文从教师主导(地位)的角度,围绕分析研究所教课程的特点,集中提出了课堂设计的几个主要环节和步骤,从学生学习的外部教学活动到内化过程,强调了课堂教学目标的重要性与达标的基本要求。
4)the class design课堂设计
1.The characteristics of Case teaching call higher request on the class design.案例教学的特点对课堂设计提出了更高的要求。
5)English Class Designing设计课堂
6)optimal design of class课堂优化设计

课堂教学  见班级教学。