英文标题,English title
1)English title英文标题
1.The structure of English titles of the medical literat ure;医药文献英文标题结构分析
2.Lingual structure and writing characteristic of English title in medical papers;医学论文英文标题的语言结构及撰写特点
3.As the important component part of Science-tech paper,the English title,and key words play crucial role in extending international academic exchanges.作为科技论文的重要组成部分,英文标题、摘要及关键词在扩大国际间学术交流方面起着不容忽视的作用。

1.Familiar Sentences in the Title and Abstract of Medical Papers in English;医学论文英文标题及摘要的常见句式
2.Lingual structure and writing characteristic of English title in medical papers;医学论文英文标题的语言结构及撰写特点
3.Translation Skills on English Title,Abstract and Key words of Chinese Science-tech Paper;科技论文的英文标题、摘要及关键词的翻译技巧
4.On the Translation of Headline and Abstract from Chinese into English: Problems and Approaches;略论科技论文标题英译及英文摘要写作
5.English Research Article Titles in Chinese and International Journals: Structural and Informational Perspectives中英文期刊英语学术论文标题的对比研究
6.C-E Translation of Titles of Navigation Paper;航海科技论文标题的语体特点及英译
7.On the Roles and Approaches of the Title s Interpretation in English Text teaching and Learning;英语课文标题讲解的作用及方法探讨
8.Positive Solutions for Eigenvalue Problem with Time Scales时间尺标上本征值问题的正解(英文)
9.Investigations into English Translations in Hospitals' Bilingual Signs医院双语标识英文译法的问题及对策
10.Rhetorical Priciples and Strategies for Title Writing of Medical English Research Paper医学论文英语标题的修辞原则与策略
11.Little Punctuation Marks Count Much--Talk Also on the Punctuation Problems in English Writing;小标点里大有学问——也谈英文写作中的标点问题
12.The titles of specific draft standards shall, upon request, be provided in English, French or Spanish.应请求,应以英文、法文或西班牙文提供具体标准草案的标题。
13.Analysis on the Textual Function and Corresponding Stylistic Features of English Newspapers and Magazines;论英语报刊标题的文本功能及相应的文体特点
14.A Cultural Interpretation of the Mother-Daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club;标题:《喜福会》中母女背后的文化差异(英文)
15.Stylistic Analysis of English Newspaper Headlines:A Systemic-functional Approach英文报纸新闻标题的系统功能文体分析
16.The English newspaper headline is brief and explicit and is considered the soul of the news.英文报刊标题提纲挈领,是新闻报道的灵魂。
17.The Methods and Skill of Translating the Title and Abstract of Sports Scientific Essays into English体育科技论文标题、摘要英译方法与技巧
18.A Tentative Study of the Stylistic Features of the Chinese and English Newspaper Sports News汉英报刊体育新闻标题的文体特征探析

English newspaper headlines英文报刊标题
1.To analyze the stylistic features of English newspaper headlines lexicologically, syntactically and rhetorically is quite beneficial to news reading.英文报刊标题提纲挈领,是新闻报道的灵魂。
3)English title英文文题
1.The initial probe on writing English title Science and technology in medical papers;科技论文英文文题撰写初探
4)English scientific paper titles英语科技文章标题
1.Proceeding from the general writing style of English scientific papers and their titles, the present paper discusses the characteristic features of English scientific paper titles and their gramma.翻译英语科技文章标题时 ,应忠实于原文 ,确切表达原意。
5)English painting caption英文绘画标题说明
6)English title英文题名
1.Translation and writing of English title and key words of scientificand technological thesis;科技学术论文英文题名与关键词等的译写
2.Investigation and analysis on expression of English titles in domestic and foreign scientific journals;中外科技论文英文题名表达形式的调查与分析
3.How to write an English title in an academic paper;学术论文英文题名写作应注意的若干问题
