言语能力,verbal ability
1)verbal ability言语能力
1.AIM: To testify the relationship between spatial ability and mental rotation under the condition of controlling verbal ability and to explore the linear function relationship between reaction time (RT) and the rotation angle.高言语能力组心理旋转测验平均反应时间为 (95 7± 1 90 )ms ,低言语能力组为(96 9± 1 87)ms,两组间不存在显著差异 。
2.AIM: To explore verbal ability impact on spatial ability and testify the predictive validity of 3 dimensional cube test in the same sex by comparison of scores of 3 dimensional cube test between individuals of different spatial ability.目的 :通过比较不同空间能力个体三维立方体测验成绩 ,验证三维立方体测验的有效性并探讨言语能力对空间能力的影响 。
3.Cognitive flexibility is an important characteristic of human intelligence,and verbal ability is a key human ability.认知灵活性是人类智力的一个重要特征,言语能力也是人类的一个关键能力,无论是个体灵活地使用语言,或者是语言在促进个体认知灵活性发展中的作用,都是不容低估的重要问题,但关于两者关系的研究却极其少见。

1.He has lost the power of speech.他丧失了言语能力.
2.the faculty of hearing [speech]听力 [语言能力]
3.power of speech语言能力,说话的能力
4.I'm trying to improve my grammar.我在努力提高语言能力.
5.On Linguistic Knowledge,Language Skill and Communicative Competence;试论语言知识、言语技能和语言交际能力的关系
6.Linguistic Abilities & Linguistic Uses of Rural Residents in Tibet;西藏农村居民的语言能力及语言使用
7.Language: Good English reading and writing skill.语言能力:较好的英语读写能力。
8.On Linguistic Competence and Communicative Competence In English Teaching;论英语教学中的语言能力与交际能力
9.No animal has the power of language.没有动物具有语言能力。
10.He's good at mathematics but bad at language.他数学好但语言能力差。
11.How is your language ability?你的语言能力如何?
12.Measuring low on a scale of verbal ability.语言表达能力程度低的
13.He has a great capacity for learning languages.他学语言的能力很强。
14.Pragmalinguistic Awareness and Pragmalinguistic Competence: A Survey of EFL Learners Request Speech Acts;从“请求”言语行为看二语语用语言意识与语用语言能力
15.Language: Native speaker of Mandarin, fluent in spoken and written English.语言能力:英语书面和口语流利。
16.Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 and Development of Spoken English Competence;加拿大语言量表与英语口语能力培养
17.On Creating English Language Environment and Enhancing Learners Communicative Competence;创造英语语言环境,培养英语应用能力
18.Creating English Language Environments and Enhancing Students Communicative Competence;创造英语语言环境培养英语应用能力

speech ability言语能力
1.On the Stereo Teaching Model of Integration Development of Speech Ability;探讨言语能力整合发展的立体化教学模式
2.Fostering the cognitive ability of cultural psychological reference and cultural adaptability is an important component of speech ability of second language.第二语言学习过程是社会互动情景中的言语活动,"热"的社会化过程是第二语言学习过程的有机组成部分;形成第二语言情景下的文化心理参照系认知能力和文化适应能力是第二语言的言语能力重要内容;第二语言学习过程中的言语变异现象部分源于学习者的社会心理结构特征。
3)linguistic competence言语能力
1.The development of cognitive linguistics provides a new approach to cultivating and enhancing EFL learners linguistic competence.提高学生的言语能力是外语教学长期以来的目标。
1.How to Combine the Imparting of Knowledge with the Cultivation of Performance in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中语言知识传授与言语能力培养的有机结合
5)language performance言语能力
1.This paper attempts to discuss the dialectic relationship between language competence and language performance based on the linguistic theory put forward by Ferdinand de Saussure……"lauge"and"parole".认为外语学习中不仅要重视语言能力的提高,还要加强言语能力的培养,在区分语言和言语两个不同概念的基础上,遵循语言发展的基本规律,通过培养学习者的语感,提高外语交际能力。
2.In order to enhance language competence and language performance, English learners will fully exert the functions of input and output, and strengthen the interaction of intake and production.为了使语言能力和言语能力得到同步的发展,在学习过程中学习者要充分发挥输入和输出的功能,使输入和输出互相促进,并在不同的学习阶段采取不同的输入和输出的比例以提高语言和言语能力
6)Language ability语言能力
1.As a theory of communication competence,Hymes Theory of Communication Competence refers to the all- round language ability which is developed between languages,human beings,and society.海姆斯的交际能力理论是一种在语言、人与社会三方力量的运转中,探求人所获得的全面语言能力——交际能力的理论,其关注语言的视野更加广阔,并成为交际语言教学的原始理论基础之一。
2.When college English students finish their present courses,it is vital to establish other relevant courses that can sustain students language ability.文章以浙江万里学院的公共外语大学英语语言能力延伸课程的情况为例,从学生需求、社会需求和教育部《课程要求》等方面分析了其英语语言能力延伸课程的现状、存在的问题,并阐述了开展此项工作的意义以及解决的方法。
3.This paper proposes that the knowledge of language ability has developed in the last few decades, and language test in practice has to change according to this trend.本文提出,近几十年来语言能力这个概念的内涵有了重大发展,由于测量目标的内涵不同了,语言测试势必随之发展。
