责任编辑,responsible editor
1)responsible editor责任编辑
1.On responsible editors behaviors that do harm to peer reviewers benefits;责任编辑损害审稿专家利益的行为探析
2.Duty of responsible editor in course of reviewing manuscript based Internet for sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊网上审稿过程中责任编辑的职责
3.On responsible editors' improper behaviors that in the course of dealing with authors' manuscripts科技期刊责任编辑处理稿件欠妥行为探析

1.The Responsibility of Executive Editor in the Triditing System and Anonymous Paper Reviewing System;三审制、匿名审稿制与责任编辑的责任
2.Strengthening the Constructions of the Executive Editor s Work System Improving Quality of the Journal Edition;加强责任编辑工作制度建设 提高学报编辑质量
3.On Editor-in-Charge and Editing Quality of Ma s Grammar;责任编辑与《马氏文通》编辑质量问题研究
4.Contradictions confronting responsible editors of university journals to properly resolve;高校学报责任编辑应妥善处理的若干矛盾
5.On the Functional Effect of Initial Evaluation of Academic Journals Editors高校学报责任编辑初审功能有效性探讨
6.On the Editor's Role in the Experts-Anonymously-Reviewing System论责任编辑在专家匿名审稿制中的主导作用
7.On responsible editors' improper behaviors that in the course of dealing with authors' manuscripts科技期刊责任编辑处理稿件欠妥行为探析
8.Liability and Interaction:Reading Note of "The Editors World;责任与互动——读《编辑人的世界》札记
9.On the Strengthening of Editors Responsibility Consciousness by Studying"Three Representations;学习“三个代表”,增强编辑责任意识
10.On Consolidating the Professional Mores and Social Responsibility of Network Editors强化网络编辑的职业道德与社会责任
11.The Responsibilty, Power and Ethic and Moral Accomplishment of the Editors of University Journals高校学报编辑的责任、权利与伦理道德修养
12.Editors Role Orientation and Cultural Responsibilities at the Age of Culture-consume;文化消费时代编辑的角色定位及文化责任
13.Idea,responsibility and value--Thought on edition;理念、责任与价值——对编辑工作的几点思考
15.In my function as chief editor.在我担任总编辑的职位
16.The foreman filled the bill;编辑主任如约交了稿;
17.slot+ [ 2 ] man负责新闻编排的报纸编辑
18.Discussion of the Responsibility of Periodicals Academic Authors and Editors--Authors and Editors Should Take the Responsibility of Their Own;科技期刊编辑人员与作者职责之探讨——编辑人员与作者应“各负其责”

executive editor责任编辑
1.The efficient communication and cooperation between the executive editor and art editor could influence the graphic design and effect of books,even the marketing of books.图书的责任编辑与美术编辑能否积极有效地合作沟通,决定了装帧环节的顺畅与否,更影响着图书设计效果的优劣,最后也必然关系图书营销的成败。
2.The self-quality of executive editor,who is the guard for books publishing,will directly effect,restrict and decide books quality or issuance results.责任编辑作为图书出版的把关人,其自身素质的高低将直接影响、制约甚至决定到图书质量或发行的效果,尤其是责任编辑的政治素质的高低直接影响着社会效益的好坏。
3.An executive editor of the journal is responsible for some work such as the first trial of the manuscript,revising and polishing the manuscript form more standard and proofreading and so on.学报责任编辑肩负着稿件初审、修改加工、规范格式和校对等工作,每一项工作都包含若干琐碎、繁杂又都不可忽视的具体工作内容,要保证责任编辑保质保量的完成这些工作内容,首先必须让责任编辑明确这些具体内容和完成这些具体内容的要求,其次要制定严格的工作规程和建立相应的保障制度。
3)executive editors责任编辑
1.On the risk consciousness of executive editors;试论责任编辑的风险意识
2.The paper also raises some suggestions about how to ensure executive editors to fulfill their duties.科技期刊的责任编辑是刊物质量的第一把关人,对稿件的选取、审理、加工、整理负全面责任。
3.The creative work of executive editors in second examining manuscript can meet the demands of improving of manuscripts which are raised in "Ensuring System of Writings Quality",such as perfect content,well-knit,accurate materials,smooth language and logic.高校学报责任编辑的审稿工作质量直接关系到学报的质量。
4)responsible editors责任编辑
1.Standardization of signature of responsible editors in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊责任编辑署名应规范化
1.Contradictions confronting responsible editors of university journals to properly resolve;高校学报责任编辑应妥善处理的若干矛盾
2.On peer review by editors and experts;论科技期刊责任编辑与同行专家审稿
3.A good initial evaluation ,the first step for academic journals is the key point to keep away losed rules in manuscript review process and improve review quality,and also the best process to play a dynamic role for editors.做好稿件的初审工作是办好学术期刊的首要环节,是遏制审稿失范,提高稿件质量的先决要素,也是责任编辑发挥主观能动性的最佳阵地。
6)editorial responsibility编辑责任
1.In this article,the author first analyzes the problems in the operation environment and received papers,and then further suggests fixing the selection requirement and editorial responsibility according to the journals on middle school mathematics curriculum.根据其运作特点拟定符合期刊运作规律的选稿要求和编辑责任,把荐稿权和抽稿权分离,让审稿人在不同的审稿时段里享有不同的荐稿权和抽稿权,使审稿人有荐稿权的同时也受到制度的制约,保证录用的稿件是经过交叉审稿的优秀论文。

Pro/Engineer Drawing 工程图注释的编辑6.2.1 注释的编编辑 下面注释的编辑菜单,我们可以在里改变注释本身的内容,如文本内容,高度,颜色等。 当选择了 text style 时,可以修改注释的内容很多:文本高度、字体、粗细、间距、倾斜角度、下划线、对齐方式、颜色、文本镜象等。 · 6.2.2 添加或删除尺寸折弯线 添加尺寸折弯线,可以使尺寸的引出线离开附着实体,使图纸看起来比较整洁。 添加 选择命令:DETAIL>make jog 选择一个注释或尺寸(尺寸不能是直径型尺寸) 选择一条引出线 选择防止放置位置 删除折弯线 DETAIL>DELETE 选择折弯线的弯角处,使之变红,中键确认 · 6.2.3 文本的指引线 DETAIL-Mod Attach 选择文本--确认-出现菜单-选择add attach, 这里可以添加、改变、删除文本依附实体以及改变箭头的类型 · 6.2.4 使文本和尺寸关联 文本和尺寸关联以后,在尺寸MOVE的时候,文本可以同时移动, DETAIL-Tools-Relate Dims 选择尺寸(1个)-选择相关的文本(可以多个),中键确定