音译词,transliterated words
1)transliterated words音译词
1.Three causes are considered: the popularity of Internet language and loan words,the competing form of transliterated words and free translated words,the change of normative appraisal standards for modern Chinese,and the competition of the new and the old words.“粉丝”是当前流行的音译词

1.On the New Morphemes in the New Transliterations;新词语外来音译词带来的新语素考察
2.An OT Account of Vocalic Epenthesis in Mandarin Transliterations from English;普通话中英语音译词的增音现象的优选论解释
3.A Probe into the Phenomena of "Meaning Overflow" of Chinese Transliteration in Person Names and Place Names;汉语人名地名音译词的“义溢出”现象探析
4.An Analytical Study of the Phonemic Loans and Partial Tone Words in the English and Chinese Languages;英、汉语言中的音译借词与谐音词初探
5.A Handbook of English Names With Pronunciation and Translation in Chinese英语姓名读音译名词典
6.Many of the early Chinese borrowings were introduced into English by transliteration while the current tendency is meaning borrowing.早期汉语借词不少是音译借词,当代发展趋势是意译借词。
7.On Chinese Language Borrowing Words from Foreign Languages;音译意译均相宜——谈谈汉语吸收外来词语
8.The Transliteration in the Translating of Brand Names and Its Reasons;音译在商标词翻译中的运用及其原因透析
9.Korean Proper Names: Their Transliteration in English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation;英汉互译中的韩国语专有名词音译问题
10.transliterate Arabic words into English letters将阿拉伯词音译成英语字母
11.Realization of Design and Evaluation of System for Speech Translation Lexicon;语音翻译词典的设计实现与系统评估
12.On the Use of Pinyin in the Transference of Chinese Proper Names into English;论拼音在汉语专有名词翻译中的应用
13.Musical Restrictions and Lyrics Shifts: Functional Equivalence Lost and Regained;功能等值翻译:音乐制约下的歌词转化
14.On the Etymology and Transliteration of Tumen(图们),Tumen(土门) and Douman(豆满)图们、土门与豆满、豆漫之词源与译音考
15.An Analysis of the Chinese Polysyllabic Words in the Five Sutras Scriptures Translated by Kumarajiva;鸠摩罗什五部译经复音词词义若干问题研究
16.Reproduction of "Three Beauties" in the English translation of Chinese ancient poetry--Analysis of the two English versions of Chai Tou Feng by LU You;汉词英译中“意、音、形”美的再现——陆游词《钗头凤》英译两则的对比分析
17.On Difference between Characters Code-Switching Function in the Transliteration of Chinese and English;论汉英音译外来词的文字代码转换功能差异
18.A Contrastive Analysis of the Phonetical and Syntactical Functions between English and Chinese Onomatopoeic Words:Reflections on E-C Translation;英汉拟声词语音、句法功能比较及翻译思考

1.With the development of communication,some transliteration words were created in Chinese,some words are replaced by other Chinese words,some disappeared,and some changed into another form.在交流和沟通过程中,随时间的推移,有些英语的音译词在汉语中固定下来,有些被其它汉语单词所替代,有些从汉语中消失,有些则改用成其它汉语。
3)transliteration words音译词
1.For this reason, some usage principles of transliteration words should be set: 1. 近年来,由于外来词大量涌入,新闻媒体中出现了一些音译词使用不规范现象。
4)phonemic loans音译借词
1.This paper probes into loan words both in the English and Chinese languages and pays chief attention to the phonemic loans and the words with the similar pronunciations and analyzes their characteristics,origin,and tendency of developments to draw some conclusions.本文对英语中的汉语借词和汉语中的英语借词进行探索,着重对主要借入方式中的音译借词即谐音词的特征,产生的根源和发展的趋势进行分析研究,从中找出某些规律以提高语言习的效果。
5)the transliteration phrases (words)音译词(字)
6)transliterated-and-liberally-translated words音意兼译词
1.This paper mainly discusses those transliterated-and-liberally-translated words appearing in Chinese in the 1990s,concludes their features,and analyses the reasons why they appeared and the ways they came into Chinese.本文主要讨论20世纪90年代出现的音意兼译词,总结它们的特点,分析其产生的原因及分析这部分外来词进入汉语途径的特点。

音译1.犹消息;情报。 2.把一种语言的语词用另一种语言中与它发音相同或近似的语音表示出来。