道德力量,moral power
1)moral power道德力量
1.Man s spiritual power can be classified into intelligent power and moral power.人类的精神力量可分为智慧力量和道德力量
2.The innercauses of his permanent charmlie liein in extraordinary wisdom,strong will and moral power.本文把他放在特定的时代背景下 ,考察了范蠡魅力永存的内在原因在于他非凡的智慧、意志和道德力量 ,并回顾了近十年来 ,有关范蠡研究出版的简要情况 ,以期引起大家对这位独特人物的关
3.But Tao Yuanming accomplished his self-realization without fully satisfying the intermediate even the lower needs,the reason of which lay in the powerfulness of his 3 personality essentials of the power of wisdom,moral power and the power of will,all of which made him possess the power to surpass frustrations,a power that ordinary people were void of.个中原因,是因为诗人智慧力量、道德力量、意志力量这三种人格要素的强大,从而使他具备了常人所不具备"挫折超越力"。

1.suBstituting moral power for physical force用道德力量来取代物质力量
2.On the Regulating Function of the Moral Influence in Social Economic Life;试析社会经济活动中的第三只手——道德力量的调节
3.give moral or emotional strength to.给予道德上或者情感上的力量。
4.The construction economy government advocates the ethical spirit strength;建设节约型政府 崇尚道德精神力量
6.Moral freedom must be more than freedom from external forces.道德自由肯定不仅仅在于摆脱外界力量的自由。
7.Strength and success-they are above morality, above criticism.力量和成功--它们是超越道德,不受批判的。
8.Moral Self-Discipline and Social Control: Two Forces of Standardizing Academic Activities;道德自律与社会控制:规范学术活动的两种力量
9.Soft Power and the Online Games:A View on the Concept of Moral Education;论软力量与网络游戏——未成年人道德教育视角
10.Attach great importance to moral education,and foster students harmonious personality;发挥思想道德教育力量,塑造青年学生和谐人格
11.scale of moral judgment道德判断量表 道德判断量表
12."Beauty is potent, But morality is omnipotent"美貌固有力,道德力无穷
13.(3) Moral is a set of rules of behavior with the function of shame feelings.传统社会中道德自律的巨大压力使其成为稳定社会的主要力量。
14.Can all our efforts towards morality prevail over the forces of evil?我们为提倡伦理道德所做的努力能够战胜邪恶的力量吗?
15.The Tensility in Moral Education--On social background and Moral Education;德育的张力——浅论社会性道德背景与道德教育
16.And we know Luthor Corp conducts research involving genetically enhanced human strength.我知道路德企业一直在研究 操纵基因来增强人的力量
17.Because speechmakeing is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibilities.因为演讲是力量的一种表现形态,它承载着很重的道德责任
18.Because speechmaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibilities.因为演讲是力量的一种表现形态,它承载着很重的道德责任。

moral power worship道德力量崇拜
3)Moral or ethical strength.道德力量;伦理力量.
4)moral ability道德能力
1.Cultivate the students moral ability through a“six-mode"system and the expansion of time and space——An exploration to the effective education in the course of “The cultivation of ideology and morality"in the universities;延扩教育时空 运用“六式”系统培养学生道德能力
2.Therefore, three-dimensional network of university moral education of students subjective participation should be established to enhance their moral quality, develops their moral ability and perfect their moral personality.为此,必须通过构建主体参与式的高校德育立体网络,提高学生的道德素质,发展学生的道德能力,完善学生的道德人格。
3.Rawls regarded the moral ability as the logistic jumping-off point to review and establish modern society.罗尔斯则把道德能力作为考察和建构现代社会的逻辑起点,但罗尔斯的道德能力并没有在本质上区别于权利能力。
5)moral capacity道德能力
1.He created his view of freedom integrated with equality, thinking that social structure should ascertain and adjust the basic freedom according to human s moral capacity and adjust the social allocation of human s natural gift.罗尔斯从人的能力结构入手考察人的自由及其根据,建构了与平等相结合的自由观,认为社会结构要根据人们的道德能力确定和调整基本自由,并对人们的自然天赋能力的社会分配进行调节。
2.To show the nature of power, and promote all-round development of people, the most critical and highest ability is the moral capacity, which is a person of comprehensive development in accordance with the intrinsic nature of the realization of their own development, perfecting the capacity of its own.本文立足于现实生活,从道德哲学的视角出发,力图对主体的道德能力的全面发展进行分析。
6)power morals权力道德
1.The article analyzes our country power morals legislation s questions ie.对我国权力道德法律化问题即权力道德法律化的多层次性、没有形成法律制度性的保障、泛道德化倾向等进行了分析,探讨了权力道德法律化的途径即法律制度建设与思想政治教育相结合以及对权力道德法律化进程中应注意的问题进行了阐释。
2.It is people s distrust that leads to the legalization of power morals, which is, in essence, a course of transition from traditional type of political authority and Chrisma political authority type to the legal political authority type.权力道德法律化是人们对权力道德不信任的结果,其实质是一个由传统权威型和超凡魅力权威型向法理权威型转型的过程。

《绝对武器:原子力量与世界秩序》《绝对武器:原子力量与世界秩序》Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, The  Juedui Wuqi Yuanzi Liliang yu ShiliZhiXU《绝对武器:原子力量与世界秩序笼(Absolute WeaPon:Atomic Power and下叭,月orde乙跳‘)美国论述核战争与核战略「题的军事理论著作。简称《绝对武器》。绝著者B.布罗迪(1910一1978),美国战略满想家。第二次世界大战末期,美国在日本寸掷两颗原子弹。布罗迪等人据此认为这一逐件必然导致核时代的到来,并引起核威慑有限战争、军备竞赛、核扩散等一系列新l;题。1 945年秋,他在耶鲁大学国防问题研弓所出版的第18号不定期刊物上发表《原-弹与美国安全》一文;次年将该文与耶鲁二学几位同事的文章合编成书,由纽约哈云特、布雷斯公司出版。全书共包括前言和二部分内容。前言为F.5.杜恩撰写的《共r的问题》;第1部分“武器”,包括布罗迪〔《原子时代的战争》、《军事政策的含义》p篇文章,系对《原子弹与美国安全》一文又行加工充实后分编而成;第2部分“政治笼响”,包括A.沃尔福斯的《苏美关系中的上子弹》和P.E.考伯特的《国际组织的影唯两篇文章;第3部分“控制”,是W.T.I福克斯的《原子武器的国际控制》。该书1映了美国军事思想界早期对核战争与核战旧的一些基不有沽,,J入,_核战略的形成和发展具有岁迪的军事思想)一定影响。 (如l球膊八