写作策略,writing strategies
1)writing strategies写作策略
1.A Study on the Relationship between English Writing Strategies, Cognitive Styles and Writing Outcomes of Chinese Non-English Majors;大学生英语写作策略、认知风格、写作成绩间关系的研究
2.To probe into the relationships between English writing strategies and sub-cognitive processes of writing essays,we conducted an investigation among 168 sophomores from 3 universities representing respectively the universities of different types in Inner Mongolia.2007年3月至9月,笔者对内蒙古3所高校的168名大学二年级学生进行了问卷调查,目的是了解英语写作策略与写作认知过程之间的关系。

1.On Writing Strategies as a Positive Factor写作策略:写作水平提高的促进性因素
2.WRITING WISDOM AND WISE WRITING--Researches on Strategies of Contemporary Practical Writing;写作智慧与智慧写作——现代应用文写作策略初探
3.Metacognitive Strategy and the Teaching of Writing Strategies in Senior Middle School;元认知策略与高中英语写作策略教学
4.Research on Discourse Transfer in Chinese College Students English Composition and the Relevant Writing Strategies;二语写作中的语篇迁移现象与相应写作策略
5.A Correlation Study on the Relationship between English Writing Strategies and Cognitive Processes of Writing;英语写作策略与写作认知过程的相关性研究
6.Research on the Correlations Between English Writing Self-Efficacy and English Writing Strategy;英文写作自我效能感与英文写作策略研究
7.The Influence of Writing Strategies and Productive Vocabulary Size on Writing Quality;写作策略与产出性词汇量对写作质量的影响
8.Developing Students' Writing Strategies in a Computer-assisted Writing Course基于计算机辅助英语写作课程的写作策略调查
9.The Classroom Anxiety: A Study of the College Students' Writing Performances and Strategies Uses大学生英语写作课堂焦虑与写作成绩及写作策略的研究
10.An Empirical Study of Influences of English Writing Motivation and Writing Strategy on Writing Performance英语写作动机和写作策略对写作水平的影响研究
11.A Study on EFL Writing Strategy Training in the Internet-Based Length Approach;“网络写长法”环境下大学英语写作策略培训研究
12.The Counter-discourse Strategy in Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book;《孙行者:他的伪书》中的反话语写作策略
13.Research on EFL Writing Strategy Using SRP-An Empirical Study in DUT;以“刺激回想法”研究英语写作策略
14.Implications of Error Analysis for the Teaching of College English Writing Strategies;从错误分析看大学英语写作策略教学
15.The Teaching Strategy and Writing Skill of English Applicant Composition;英语应用文写作教学策略与写作技巧
16.Analysis on English Writing Barriers and Strategies of Improving Writing Ability英语写作障碍分析与提高写作能力策略研究
17.The Research of Teaching Strategies for Composition Writing in the Early Stage of Primary School;小学作文起步阶段写作教学策略研究
18.The Group Cooperating Mode and Strategy of the Teaching of English Writing;英语写作教学的小组合作模式与策略

writing strategy写作策略
1.The awareness of writing strategy and the training of writing strategy should be emphasized to optimize the writing.英语写作策略的各种实证和理论研究表明在写作活动中不同策略的使用对于写作质量有正面或负面的影响。
2.As a regionally flavored writer, Thomas Hardy,in writing his poetry and fiction, is strongly influenced by the traditional ballads, which not only, as part of a regional culture, become an organic part of the content of his writings, but also, with their features taken as a writing strategy, have forged the uniquely artistic traits of both his poetry and fiction.哈代不仅将民谣作为一种民间文化而成为其一项重要的表现内容,而且,还将其作为一种写作策略,使其深入到了其作品的肌理之中,这成为了他的一种特殊的美学表达形式。
3)writing tactics写作策略
1.It discusses the three kinds of writing tactics in the News letter of Tipitial person.因此 ,本文分析这种错误类型 ,论述上述新闻报道报道先进人物精神驱力的必要性 ,并在实事求是、坚持新闻真实性的原则基础上 ,探讨了行之有效的三种主要写作策略
2.This article points out the need to achieve the breakthrough in writing teaching in new course stan-dards concept and puts forward corresponding writing tactics.本文指出在新课标理念下实现写作教学的突破的必要性,并提出相应的写作策略
3.In language and literature learning tactics,the most important parts are reading tactics and writing tactics.阅读策略可转化为一套或数套操作步骤 ;写作策略要将“写什么”和“怎样写”提到同一水平的高度来研究 ,“专题作文”就是较好的一种方法。
4)learning strategy of writing写作学习策略
5)English writing strategies英语写作策略
1.The classification of English writing strategies is a type of basic scientific research and has practical value as well as realistic significance on the research and teaching of English writing.英语写作策略分类研究是一个基础研究课题,对英语写作研究及写作教学实践具有实际价值和现实意义。
6)English writing Strategy英文写作策略

第三条道路写作1999年“知识分子写作”和“民间写作”之间的矛盾在在平谷县的盘峰诗会上爆发,他们之间的对立使得相当一批数量的诗人转向其他的中立立场,第三条道路写作概念因此提了出来。1999年12月莫非、树才和谯达摩等在提出了第三条道路写作的诗歌概念之后,出版了《九人诗选》。他们认为,诗歌创作需要一种新的理论来指导个人的写作实践,建立起自由的多元的创作活动,推动中国现代诗歌的发展。2002年《第三条道路》诗报创刊,标志着第三条道路写作进入一个新的阶段。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库中国诗歌史[编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。