中国古籍,Chinese ancient books
1)Chinese ancient books中国古籍
1.Status in quo of collection of Chinese ancient books in Korea;韩国收藏中国古籍的现况
2.Chinese ancient books are the crystallization of traditional Chinese thought and culture.中国古籍是中国传统思想和文化的结晶。

1.A Summary of the International Academic Seminar on the Digitalization of the Chinese Ancient Books;中国古籍数字化国际学术研讨会综述
2.The Site will be regularly updated by RCCAT.中国古籍研究中心将会定期更新网站。
3.A Reciew on the Research of Texeual Bibliography of the 20st century;20世纪中国古籍版本学史研究综述
4.The Western Expeditions' pillage of the Chinese Ancient Books and Literatures in Modern China近代各国“探险队”对中国古籍文献的攫掠
5.On Mismatches in the Translation of Ancient Chinese Official Titles;中国古籍中官职名称英译的错位体现与对策
6.Recover the Old Chinese Map Drawn 4200 Years Ago Based on Chinese Ancient Book Shan Hai Jing根据中国古籍《山海经》复原绘制的中国4200年前的古地图
7.Shen Ming-yi s Reading Notes of Zhu Chen is not a book-Mistake of The Catalog of Chinese Ancient reliable text;沈铭彝“竹岑札记”非书考——《中国古籍善本书目》一误
8.Carrying forward the Traditional Culture, Making Books Compiling Booming;弘扬传统文化,繁荣图书编撰——评《中国古籍编撰史》
9.Publishment of Chinese Monggol Language Ancient Books Comprehensive Table of Contents and Exploitation of Monggol Language Ancient Book and Documents;《中国蒙古文古籍总目》的出版与蒙古文古籍文献的开发利用
10.A Collection of Ancient Books and Records of Mongolian Brilliant Culture --Some Notes on Catalogue of Ancient Mongolian Books and Documents of China;蒙古民族优秀文化典籍总汇——记《中国蒙古文古籍总目》
11.The Approaches of Translating the Modal Particles in Chinese Classic Works into English;中国古代典籍英译中对语气词的处理
12.Textual Research and the Studies of Chinese Ancient Scripts on Fine Arts;考据学与中国美术古籍研究——对当前美术古籍研究的一点思考
13.Characteristics and Inspirations on Chinese Classic Ancient Books Database--On standards and norms on ancient books full-text database《中国基本古籍库》的特色与启示——兼谈古籍全文数据库的标准与规范
14.Study of Ancient Chinese Medical Book Cited by Euibangyoochui;《医方类聚》所引中国古代医籍研究
15.The Discussion of China Ancient Books Design Shape Development;中国古代书籍装帧形态发展成因探究
16.A Brief Introduction to the Relationship between Chinese Ancient Book Design and Technology;浅论中国古代书籍设计与技术的关系
17.Reflect on "Another Ethnic Group";我国古史籍中“别种”“别部”考辨
18.Articles,Books and volumes and the Changes of the Chinese Ancient Book System;篇、卷、册和中国古代书籍制度的变迁

ancient Chinese medical book中国古医籍
3)chinese ancient book中国古代书籍
4)zhongguo wushu guji中国武术古籍
5)Ancient scriptures泰国古籍
6)Chinese ancient books中文古籍
1.The construction of database of Chinese ancient books and reference service;中文古籍数据库建设与参考咨询服务
