模糊美学,Fuzzy Aesthetics
1)Fuzzy Aesthetics模糊美学
1.On the English Translation of Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry: From the Fuzzy Aesthetics Perspective;从模糊美学的角度论古诗意境的英译
2.This paper discusses Chinese poetry s translation into English on the theory of fuzzy aesthetics.在模糊美学理论的基础上探讨中国古诗翻译问题。
3.With the development of fuzzy aesthetics, the concept of fuzzybeauty is adopted and becomes the main object of fuzzy aestheticsresearch without anyone being certain of its main characteristics.随着模糊美学的发展,模糊概念引入美学领域,模糊美成为模糊美学研究的主要对象,不确定性是模糊美的主要特点。

1.On the English Translation of Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry: From the Fuzzy Aesthetics Perspective;从模糊美学的角度论古诗意境的英译
2.An Analysis of Features and Formation Mechanism of Misty Aesthetics of Tourism Landscape;旅游景观模糊美学特征与成因机制分析
3.On the Recreation of the Beauty of the Chinese Language in the C-E Translation of Hong Lou Meng: A Fuzzy Aesthetics Perspective;从模糊美学视角看汉语语言美感在《红楼梦》翻译中的再现
4.The Meaning and Strategy That Middle School Students Experience Language s Vague Beauty;中学生感知语言模糊美的意义及策略
5.Aesthetic Effects and Communicative Functions of Hedges;模糊限制语的美学效应及其交际功能
6.On the Aesthetic Functions and Cultural Characteristics of Fuzzy Speech;模糊言语的美学功能和民族文化特点
7.The Edge of Core and Obscuration:Aesthetic Image and Literal Reception;核心与模糊边缘:审美意象与文学接受
8.On the Pragmatic Functions of Fuzzy Language in the Aspect of Wirkungsasthetik;从接受美学观看模糊语言在文学中的语用功能
9.On Fuzzy Language in Literary Works and Its Aesthetic Representation in Translation;文学作品中的模糊语言及其翻译的审美再现
10.Reproduction of Ambiguous Language in the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;从《红楼梦》翻译看模糊语美学意蕴的艺术再现
11.Tentative Analysis of the Aesthetic Values of Fuzzy Numerals from the GestaltaestheticPerspective;试析英汉数字语义模糊性的美学特质——格式塔—美学视角
12.On the Aesthetic Values of Fuzziness in Advertising Language: A Gestalt-Reception-Aesthetics Approach格式塔—接受美学视角下广告模糊语之美学价值研究
13.My Understanding of Fuzziness and Aesthetic Perception of English Euphemism;英语委婉语的模糊性及模糊美之我见
14.Poet s Intoxication and the Creation of Fuzzy Beauty --On the features of Fuzzy beauty simultaneously;诗人醉酒与模糊美的创造——兼论模糊美的特征
15.Fuzzy Semantics and Fuzzy Equivalence in Translation Study;模糊语义学与译学视野中的模糊对等
16.The Distinctness and Vagueness of the Literary Language and Beautiful Perceptual Life Slices in Literary Works;从文学语言的清晰与模糊谈文学作品中的具象美
17.Fuzzy Thinking; The New Science of Fuzzy Logic模糊思维:模逻辑新科学
18.On Vague Language in Chinese Literary Works and Its Causes汉文学作品中的模糊语言及其模糊性

Structural Fuzziness Aesthetics结构性模糊美学
3)fuzzy beauty模糊美
1.Figures of comparison are frequently use in Chinese classical verse to highlight imageries and convey aesthetic information, especially fuzzy beauty.比喻在中国古典诗歌中十分常见,是诗人突出意象,传达诗歌美感信息,特别是模糊美的重要手段。
2.The fuzziness of poetry language, which contains the fuzzy beauty, composed the aesthetic poetics of the poetic art.诗歌语言的模糊性蕴含了诗歌艺术的模糊美,构成了诗歌艺术的审美诗性。
3.Due to the fuzzy beauty in the reading textbook,the process of reading is full of fuzzy nature,therefore,it is bound to exist in elementary and middle schools reading teaching.由于阅读文本具有模糊美,阅读过程充满模糊性,所以中小学阅读教学中必然存在模糊性,尊重它的存在并适当运用模糊性教学艺术,既有利于还原语文教学的审美功能,有利于完善语文教学效率的评价体系,也有利于培养学生的独特感受力,发展学生的创造思维力。
4)vague beauty模糊美
1.Qin Guan is at the top among the ci writers in Song Dynasty,and his works can best embody the vague beauty of Song ci.秦观是宋代词中人的佼佼者,其词最能体现宋词的模糊美。
2.Speaker and hearer make use of some speech-generating styles,such as homophones,vague words,rational variance in meaning and grammar and creating context and artistic mood to build a vague beauty effect.模糊性伴随着审美表达和审美接受过程,表达审美信息的艺术语言是一种具有模糊美的载体。
3.With the development of Vague Aesthetics, the concept of vague beauty is adopted arid becomes the main object of Vague Aesthetics research with uncertainty as its main character.随着模糊美学的发展,模糊概念引入了美学领域,模糊美成为模糊美学研究的主要对象。
5)appreciation of dim beauty模糊审美
6)The theory of fuzzy fine arts模糊美术

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。