第三种文化,the third culture
1)the third culture第三种文化
1.The reconciliation of Chinese traditional culture and contemporary creative culture will give rise to new prospects pertaining to the Third Culture.第三种文化是科学文化与人文文化融会而形成的新文化,其深层涉及中国文化和西方文化互动。
2.From the perspective of The Third Culture, it discusses the trend and philosophy in performance evaluation transfering into satisfaction evaluation, and points out that the transfer of e-goverment evaluation angle reflects The Third Culture of John Brockman.文章分析了国内外评估机构对电子政务进行绩效评估的角度和指标,从第三种文化的视角探讨了电子政务绩效评估转向公众满意度测评的趋势和理念,指出对电子政务评价角度的转变其实正体现了约翰·布罗克曼所说的第三种文化的浮现。

1.Design:The Third Culture Connecting Science and Arts;设计:沟通科学与人文的第三种文化
2.A Third Outlook on Civilization in the Second Polemics on East-West Civilizations;第二次东西文化论战中的“第三种文明”观
3.Aesthetic Culture: The“Third Culture”of Higher Education in China;审美文化:高等教育的“第三文化”
4.The Third Choice in a Dilemma--On Chen Yinque s Attitude Towards the New Culture Movemant;两难困境中的第三种选择——论陈寅恪对新文化运动的态度
5.From "Fellow Travelers" to "Third Persons"--The Left-wing Culture's Influence on Modernist Groups in the 1930s从“同路人”到“第三种人”——论1930年代左翼文化对现代派群体的影响
6.Foundation for the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean地中海三种文化基金会
7.Some of them can even take up a third language.其中有的还修读第三种语文。
8.The third service is called FTP (file transfer protocol).第三种服务叫做FTP(文件传输协议)。
9.Andean adakites: three ways to make them安第斯埃达克岩 :三种成因模式(英文)
10.Estrangement between sport and civilization from the perspective of the third historical view;从第三种历史观看体育与文明的隔阂
11.The Philosophy of Literature--The Third Perspective Comprehension of A Dream of Red Mansions;文学的哲学——《红楼梦》的第三种读法(之一)
12.Humanistic Morality:The Possibility of a Third Morality第三种道德——人文性道德何以可能?
13.Network System of Three Productions and Three Cultures;“三种生产”与“三种文化”的网络系统
14.Is There a Third Living Style?--Natural Protection and Cultural Surviving of Four Living Styles in China;可以找到第三种生活方式吗?——关于中国四种生计类型的自然保护与文化生存
15.An exhibit of American popular culture is also on the third floor.美国流行文化展览也设在第三层。
16.A third aspect of American culture is the emphasis placed on equality.美国文化的第三个特点是强调平等。
17.The third, or main wave,第三种波,即主波,
18."I want to do the three."我想选择第三种。

third culture building第三种文化构建
3)the third culture第三文化
1.The pidgin language,a mixed language,is a special form of intercultural communication and thus can reveal the forming process of the third culture.洋泾浜语言是一种混合语言形态,把它作为跨文化传播的特殊形式,可以管窥第三文化雏形的形成过程。
4)three kinds of culture三种文化
5)a third outlook on civilization第三种文明观
6)culture of a third country第三国文化

八种功德──闻经八种功德【八种功德──闻经八种功德】  ﹝出大庄严经﹞  [一、端正好色],端正好色者,谓人以正信之心,严洁其身,听闻佛经。以是功德,报得色身端正,而无丑恶之相也。  [二、力势强盛],力势强盛者,谓人以精进勇猛之力,听闻佛经。以是功德,报得福力威势,降伏一切,而不怯弱也。  [三、心悟通达],心悟通达者,谓人听闻佛经,解知义趣深远,理与心会,无不通达。以是功德,故能彻悟一切法相,了无挂碍也。  [四、得妙辩才],得妙辩才者,谓人听闻佛经,深达一切法相。以是功德,得妙辩才,能以一句之义,演说无穷也。  [五、获诸禅定],获诸禅定者,谓人听闻佛经,思惟甚深妙义。以是功德,即能摄心敛念,妄想不生,寂然入定也。  [六、智慧明了],智慧明了者,谓人听闻佛经,广解其义。以是功德,开发本有智慧,照彻无碍也。  [七、出家殊胜],出家殊胜者,谓人听闻佛经,厌恶尘俗。以是功德,即出家学道。复能以所闻之法,传化于人,为世导师也。  [八、眷属强盛],得法之人,称为眷属。谓人听闻佛经,复能依经为人演说。以是功德,生他法身,即成眷属,展转流布,日强日盛也。