创造性翻译,creative translation
1)creative translation创造性翻译
1.It concludes that to sweep away these obstacles,the translator should stick closely to the intention of advertisement and adopt the "creative translation" strategy.文章通过对广告语言的功能分析和广告翻译中主体的确立,指出广告翻译中的障碍主要来自于英汉语言的结构和文化差异,译者要扫除广告翻译中的语言结构和文化障碍,必须紧紧贴近广告翻译的意图,以译入语读者为主体,采取“创造性翻译”策略。
2.The author holds that the major influence and contribution of American translation workshops lie in their studies of translation process while Pounds in his ideas and practice of creative translation.作者认为,翻译研讨班的贡献和影响在于对翻译过程的研究,而庞德的贡献和影响在于他的创造性翻译的思想和实践。
3.In his creative translation practice of classical Chinese poems,Pound has a clear cultural consciousness and aesthetic purpose.庞德对中国古典诗歌的创造性翻译有其自觉的文化意识和美学目的,他的翻译实践充分体现了译者的主体性和创造性。

1.Constraints on Translatability in Literary Translation--A Contrastive Study of Re-creative Translation in Shuihu Zhuan;文学作品的可译限度——论《水浒传》的再创造性翻译
2.Analysis of Translator s "Creative Treason" in Literary Translation;文学翻译中译者“创造性叛逆”分析
3.On Translators "Creative Treason" in Literary Translation;论文学翻译中译者的“创造性叛逆”
4.On the Creativity of Translators in Law Translation;论法律翻译中译者的创造性(英文)
5.The Innovative Incorporation of Newmark s Communicative Translation into Legal Translation;纽马克的交际翻译在法律翻译中的创造性运用
6.Functional Translation Theory and Creative Treason in Translation;功能派翻译理论与翻译中的创造性叛逆
7.On the creative treason in poetry translation-From the perspective of the translation subject;从翻译主体角度谈诗歌翻译中的创造性叛逆
8.During the translation the translator fully exerts his thinking so as to achieve a creative translation.译者在翻译过程中充分调动翻译思维,从而得出具有创造性的译作。
9.On the Creative Treason in Feminist Literary Translation;女性主义在文学翻译中的创造性叛逆
10.Creative Treason and the Establishment of Translational Subjectivity;“创造性叛逆”和翻译主体性的确立
11."creation or treason"--on creative treason in literary translation;是创造还是叛逆?——论文学翻译的创造性叛逆
12.The Creative Treason of Literary Translation-From the Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性看文学翻译的创造性叛逆
13.Creative Treason in Lite Translation and Translators Subjectivity;文学翻译中的创造性叛逆与译者的主体性意识
14.A Study on Creativity in Literary Translation from the Perspective of Rewriting Theory;从改写理论解读文学翻译中的创造性
15.Creative Treason in Advertising Translation: From the Perspective of Skopostheorie;从目的论看广告翻译中的创造性叛逆
16.On the Creative Treason of Translation in the Study of Comparative Literature;论比较文学研究中翻译的创造性叛逆
17.Discussing the Relationship between Creative Treason and Fidelity in Literary Iranslation;浅谈翻译中创造性叛逆与“忠实”的关系
18.The Loss of Cutural Images and Creative Treason in Translation;翻译中文化意象的失落及创造性叛逆

translation creativity翻译创造性
3)creativity of translation翻译的创造性
4)On Creativity in Translation论翻译的创造性
5)Creativity in Literary Translation文学翻译的创造性
6)Re-creativity of Translation论翻译的再创造性

创造敏感性创造敏感性creation sensitivity  创造敏感性(ereation sensitivity)创造者对创造信息接受与反应的灵敏程度。它直接影响创造性活动的成效与水平。创造敏感性强的人主要表现出下列的特点:(l)善于发现,及时抓住创造活动中的重要课题,迅速地进入创造前沿。(2)迅速接受创造信息,保证创造成果的先进性。(3)能灵活地根据新变化的情况,果断地采取新的措施,保证创造活动的顺利完成。 (粗娜撰灸万森审)