顺应性理论,adaptation theory
1)adaptation theory顺应性理论
1.Based on Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory,this paper analyses and interprets English and Chinese data and concludes that the shifting of vocatives is actually the outcome of the inter-adaptation of linguistic elements for language users’ physical world,social world and mental world.本文以Verschueren的语言顺应性理论(AdaptationTheory)为基本框架,分析、解读英汉跨语言的语料,继而指出称呼语转换是与语言使用者的物理世界、社交世界、心理世界等相互顺应之结果。
2.Employing descriptive and qualitative methods, the present thesis probes into the pragmatic vagueness in news reporting based on the theoretical framework developed from Verschueren s (2000) Adaptation Theory.本文在收集权威新闻网站(美国CNN网站和英国泰晤士报网站)英语新闻报道的基础上,主要运用定性和描述分析的方法,借助Verschueren的顺应性理论,对新闻报道中的模糊语言进行语用分析和研究,旨在寻求以下两个问题的答案:(1)英语新闻报道中模糊语言在词汇层面的主要实现形式是什么?(2)新闻记者为何在新闻报道中使用模糊语言?有哪些语用功能?通过细致的语料分析,本文发现新闻报道中模糊语言在词汇层面上有两大类实现形式,即模糊限制语和模糊词语。
3.By employing descriptive and qualitative methods, the present thesis probes into the pragmatic vagueness in news reporting based on the theoretical framework developed by Verschueren’s (2000) Adaptation Theory.本文在收集权威新闻网站英语新闻报道的基础上,主要运用定性和描述分析的方法,借助Verschueren的顺应性理论,对新闻报道中的模糊语言进行语用分析和研究,旨在寻求以下两个问题的答案: (1)英语新闻报道中模糊语言在词汇层面、句法层面和跨文本层面是如何实现的? (2)新闻记者在新闻报道中使用模糊语言的原因有那些?有哪些语用功能?根据Verschueren所提出的语言的三大特点以及语言顺应的四个角度,本文对模糊语进行了的定性分析。

2.Verschueren s Theory of Adaptation──A Cognitive Perspective of Metapragmatic Indicators;Verschueren顺应性理论与元语用指示语的认知分析
3.EFL Teachers' Chinese-English Codeswitching and the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation外语教师的英汉语码转换与顺应性理论
4.An Analysis of the Intertextuality in the Inaugural Addresses of American Presidents Based on the Theory of Adaptation;试析美国总统就职演说辞中的语篇互文性——以顺应性理论为基础
5.On the Adaptation of Zunyi Tourist Translation from Adaptation Theory;从顺应理论看旅游景点翻译的变通性
6.An Analysis of the English Version of Rickshaw Boy from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory从顺应理论看《骆驼祥子》英译的顺应过程
7.A Study of Left Dislocation in Light of Adaptation Theory;顺应论理论框架下的左移位结构研究
8.Using "Techniques" and Following "Laws": on Standpoints for Applying Theory of Instruction;用“术”与顺“势”:论教学理论的应用观
9.On the relation between police organizations;论公安机关组织管理中应理顺的关系
10.The theory of linguistic adaptation and its enlightenments on English teaching语言顺应理论及其对英语教学的启示
11.Communicative Strategies of Wang Xifeng: From the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory;从顺应理论看王熙凤的言语交际策略
12.A Pragmatic Adaptation Perspective on Translation-A Case Study of Fortress Besieged;从《围城》案例分析看语用顺应翻译理论
13.Theory of Adaptation and Translation Teaching for English Majors;顺应理论对英语专业翻译教学的启示
14.College English Writing Teaching Based on the Linguistic Adaptation Theory基于顺应理论视角下的英语写作教学
15.Presupposition in Courtroom Questioning: An Adaptation-Relevance Model法庭提问中预设的顺应—关联理论分析
16.Implications from Relevance-Adjustability Theoretic Approach for the Teaching of Interpretation for Political Affairs关联顺应理论对政务口译教学的启示
17.Studies of Lin Shu's Kuai Rou Yu Sheng Shu from Adaptation Theory从顺应理论看林纾译作《块肉余生述》
18.Linguistic Politeness Strategies Used by the Interrogator in Police Interrogation--an Adaptation-Based Case Study;“面子理论”与“顺应论”在警察业务中的应用研究

theory of adaptation顺应性理论
1.Verschueren s Theory of Adaptation──A Cognitive Perspective of Metapragmatic Indicators;Verschueren顺应性理论与元语用指示语的认知分析
2.The theory of adaptation is now being widely used in translation,especially that of commercials.顺应性理论是语用学中的一个概念,随着学科发展的多元化,语用学中的理论越来越多地被应用到翻译领域中,尤其是商务广告的翻译中。
3.This paper discusses the translation of trade mark from a new perspective, that is, the theory of adaptation.文章从一个全新的视角即语用学的顺应性理论探讨商标翻译,认为在商标的翻译过程中,译者应突出商品性能,顺应商标的表义功能;注意选词用字,顺应不同政治制度;注意控制字数,顺应不同审美习惯;注意文化差异,顺应不同消费者需求;促成积极联想,顺应消费者心理,等等,从而为顺应性理论应用到其他翻译领域作了有益的尝试。
3)adaptation theory顺应理论
1.Interpreting Styles from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory;从顺应理论看口译语体的本质
2.The Application of Adaptation Theory in English - Chinese Translation;顺应理论在英汉翻译中的应用
3.A Study on Hedging in Diplomatic Language from a Perspective of Adaptation Theory;外交语言中模糊限制策略的顺应理论研究
4)theory of adaptation顺应理论
1.This paper analyze the causes of pragmatic failure from the theory of adaptation,importance of Pragmatic competence, and then puts forward some approaches to the development and enhancement of students pragmatic competence in the situation of second languag classroom teaching.Verschueren的顺应理论揭示了语言使用的本质特征,为二语习得的研究带来了新的思路。
2.Then it analyzes the linguistic phenomenon of euphemism as a pragmatic strategy by employing the theory of adaptation proposed by Verschueren(1999) and points out the adaptation properties of euphemism in language use.文章回顾和总结了以往委婉语的研究,总结了委婉语语用策略的类型与功能,并试图采用Verschueren提出的顺应理论框架对委婉语作为语用策略的现象进行分析和探讨,指出委婉语语言的使用具有顺应性,即顺应语言使用者的心理世界、社交世界和物理世界。
3.However,by approaching the issue from the perspectives of relevance theory by Sperber and Wilson and theory of adaptation by Verschueren,factors of the indeterminacy of translation can be better examined in translators cognitive process while reading the source text and in the process of their choosing target language while translating the text.结合Sperber和Wilson提出的关联理论以及Verschueren提出的顺应理论,翻译的过程就是一个关联-顺应的过程。
5)Linguistic Adaptation Theory顺应理论
1.Application of the Linguistic Adaptation Theory in Advertising Language;顺应理论在广告语中的应用
2.The conceptual framework is constructed on the basis of Jef Verschueren’s (1999) Linguistic Adaptation Theory.基于维索尔伦(1999)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory),本文构建了研究冗余信息的理论框架,从变异性,顺应性和功能三方面研究冗余信息的动态特征。
3.Under the instruction of Verschueren s Linguistic Adaptation Theory, this dissertation explores the pragmatic vagueness in advertising from the angle of language production.本文以Verschueren的最新语用学理论 --- 顺应理论为框架,从广告商制作广告的角度出发来探讨广告的语用模糊问题。
6)linguistic adaptation theory语言顺应理论
1.Language Structural Adaptation in Ad E-C Translation:From the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory广告英汉翻译中的语言结构顺应——从语言顺应理论的角度研究
2.Based on Verschueren s linguistic adaptation theory and meta-pragmatic awareness theory,this paper discusses the relation between discourse c.本文在V erschueren提出的语言顺应理论和元语用意识理论的基础上,探讨了语篇连贯与语言使用者的元语用意识之间的关系,以及不同的语篇连贯的语言标示的元语用功能,试图用元语用理论来解释许多表面不衔接但意义上很连贯的语篇,以表明语用学和语篇分析之间存在互补性。
3.The conceptual framework is constructed on the basis of Jef Verschuern s (1999) Linguistic Adaptation Theory.论文的理论框架主要以Jef Verschueren(1999)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)为依据,旨在证明Jef Verschueren的语言顺应理论是否对心理咨询过程中咨询师的语言具有很强的解释力,即心理咨询过程中咨询师的语言是否与来访者的社交世界和心理世界相顺应。

顺应性顺应性compliance  在静态情况下,外来压力克服弹性阻力所引起的肺容量变化称为顺应性,其公式为:顺应性(C)=〓〓容量变化(ΔV)〓〓压力变化(ΔP)〓〓L/cmH2O它反映的是弹性阻力、压力和肺扩张三者之间的关系。从公式上看:顺应性是弹性阻力的倒数。因弹性阻力主要来自肺和胸廓,故顺应性又可分为肺顺应性和胸廓顺应性。