交际性原则,communicative principle
1)communicative principle交际性原则
1.The author holds the view that the communicative-principle-directed English reading teaching can effectively improve students reading level and language communicative competence,so English reading teaching should sufficiently reflect and utilize the communicative principle.本文作者认为,以交际性原则主导英语阅读教学能有效提高学生的阅读水平和语言交际能力,英语阅读教学应充分体现、运用交际性原则
2.Communicative principle is a basic principle of language teaching,and the practice of communicative principle in teaching is the fundamental assurance of achieving the language teaching objective.交际性原则是一项根本的语言教学原则,运用交际性原则组织教学是实现语言教学目的根本保证。

1.The Utilization of Communicative Principle in College English Reading Teaching;交际性原则在大学英语阅读教学中的运用
2.A Review of the Methods of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language--A Concurrent Discussion of the Communicative Principles of Second Language Teaching;对外汉语教学法述评——兼谈第二语言教学的交际性原则
3.The Importance of the Principle of "Appropriateness" in Speech Acts;浅析“恰当原则”在言语交际中的重要性
4.On the base and property of adaptability principle in speech communication;浅论言语交际适应原则的依据与特性
5.The Relationship between Personality and Communicative Competence from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle从合作原则看性格与交际能力的关系
6.Conversational Principles and Communicational Stratigies in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的会话原则和交际策略
7.A Study of the Asymmetry of Politeness Principle in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中礼貌原则的非对称性研究
8.A Survey about the Adaptability of the Politeness Principle in Internet Communication;礼貌原则在网络言语交际中的适应性调查
9.On the Necessities of Grammar Teaching with Communicative Principles;浅谈运用交际原则进行语法教学的必要性
10.Studies on the Un-swear Communicative Functions and Principles of Chinese Swear Words;汉语詈骂语的非詈骂交际功能和交际原则研究
11.On the Application and Divergence of the Communication Norms of Language in the Network Communication;网络语言交际对语言交际原则的运用和偏离
12.The creation of the mutual coordinating communication principal in cross cultural exchange;跨文化交际中双向协和交际原则的构建
13.On the Principle of Appropriateness of Speech Acts in Verbal Communication and English Language Teaching;论言语交际中言语行为的得体性原则与英语教学
14.Reflection of Numerical Iconicity in Politeness Strategies in the Process of Language Communication;数量象似性原则在言语交际过程中的礼貌策略中的体现
15.An Empirical Research on the Application of Politeness Principle in the Cultivation of Intercultural Communicative Competence礼貌原则在跨文化交际能力培养中应用的实证性研究
16.A Contrast on the Differences of Politeness Principle in Chinese-English Cross-Cultural Communication英汉跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的差异
17.Comparison Between Politeness Principles in English&Chinese and Cross-Cultural Communicative Language Teaching and Learning;英汉礼貌原则对比与跨文化交际教学
18.Theoretical Ponderations on Economical Principles in Language Communication;关于言语交际中经济原则的理论思考

communicative principles交际原则
1.The Application of Communicative Principles of Language in Text-based Computer-mediated Communication;基于文本的网络交际对语言交际原则的运用研究
2.The impacts of cognitive principles and communicative principles on metonymy should not be ignored when metonymy is defined from the angle of conceptual contiguity.从概念邻近性角度对转喻定义不应忽视认知原则和交际原则的影响,概念邻近性转喻观仍有待研究。
3)speech communication principle言语交际原则
1.On the basis of preceding research on speech communication principles,this paper holds that these principles should be simple,stable,relative objective,practical and operative.文章在分析了前人关于言语交际原则的基础上,认为作为言语交际理论的原则应是简单、稳固、相对客观的,而且是实用、可操作的。
4)Principles of international communication国际交往原则
5)interpersonal communication principle人际交往原则
1.Follow interpersonal communication principle,improve teaching efficiency;遵循人际交往原则提高讲授效果
6)communicative principle of relevance关联的交际原则
