体裁法,genre approach
1)genre approach体裁法
1.The process-genre approach organically integrates the strong points of the process approach and the genre approach.过程-体裁法有机地整合了过程法和体裁法的优点,与传统写作教学法相比,具有显著的优势,非常适合于商务英语写作教学。
2)the style and writing method体裁手法
3)genre-based teaching approaches体裁教学法
1.The genre-based teaching approaches is based on genre and genre analysis theories.体裁教学法是在体裁与体裁分析理论基础上发展起来的一种教学方法,它为英语阅读教学提供了一种全新的方法。
2.The genre-based teaching approaches are built on the theory of both genre and genre analysis.就体裁概念、体裁分析进行理论探讨 ,并对建立在体裁和体裁分析理论基础上的体裁教学法进行研究。

1.Using the Process Genre Model for the Teaching of Reading and Writing in College English;过程体裁教学法与大学英语读写教学
2.Genre-based Teaching Approaches and Teachig of Reading;“体裁教学法”与大学英语阅读教学
3.A new trend of teaching college English reading: the Genre-based Approach;大学英语阅读教学新思路:体裁教学法
4.Genre Approach and the Teaching of New Practical English Reading;体裁教学法与新编实用英语阅读教学
5.Using Genre-Based Teaching Approach and Schema Theory to Improve English Majors Reading Abilities Effectively;体裁教学法、语篇图式结构与阅读教学
6.The Application of Genre-based Teaching Approach to Teaching Listening Course;体裁教学法在英语听力教学中的应用
7.The Application of Genre-based Approach to the Teaching of Business English;体裁教学法在商务英语教学中的应用
8.The Teaching of English Writing Based on Genre Analysis;体裁教学法在英语写作教学中的应用
9.Applying Genre-based Approach in Teaching College English Writing;体裁教学法在大学英语写作教学中的应用研究
10.Genre-based Teaching Approach and Its Application in College-English Reading Instruction;体裁教学法及其在大学英语阅读教学中的应用
11.Employing Genre-based Teaching Approaches to Improve Teaching of Reading;运用体裁教学法,促进大学英语阅读教学
12.The Application of Genre-based Teaching Approach to Teach Listening Course in Universities;体裁教学法在大学英语听力教学中的应用
13.Study on Application of Genre-based Teaching Approach in College English Reading Instruction体裁教学法在大学英语阅读教学中的应用
14.The Application of the Process Genre Approach to the Teaching of English Writing过程体裁教学法在大学英语写作教学中的运用
15.Process-genre Approach and Its Application in the Teaching of English Writing;过程体裁教学法及其在英语写作教学中的应用
16.A Study on the Application of the Genre Approach to the Reading Teaching of English at High Schools;体裁教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用
17.Applying Genre-based Approach in Teaching Business English Writing;体裁教学法在商务英语写作教学中的应用
18.Research on some problems emerged in the application of the Process Genre Approach in our nation s English writing teaching;过程体裁教学法与高校英语写作教学问题研究

the style and writing method体裁手法
3)genre-based teaching approaches体裁教学法
1.The genre-based teaching approaches is based on genre and genre analysis theories.体裁教学法是在体裁与体裁分析理论基础上发展起来的一种教学方法,它为英语阅读教学提供了一种全新的方法。
2.The genre-based teaching approaches are built on the theory of both genre and genre analysis.就体裁概念、体裁分析进行理论探讨 ,并对建立在体裁和体裁分析理论基础上的体裁教学法进行研究。
4)genre-based teaching approach体裁教学法
1.The genre-based teaching approach is built on the theory of genre and genre analysis.体裁教学法是建立在体裁和体裁分析理论基础上的新的教学方法,对其分析,可以发现:将体裁教学法运用于我国大学英语听力教学中有极大的可行性和实用价值。
2.By adopting the framework of genre-based teaching approach in college English classes at medical universities,and making use of genre analysis theory,listening & speaking and writing teaching proves effective.针对目前大学英语教学中采用立体同步教材、听、说、读、写、译面面俱到、部分资源明显闲置的现状,在医科大学公共英语课程上借用体裁教学法的框架,运用体裁和体裁分析理论,在听说教学和写作教学上进行了有益的尝试。
3.Recent years have seen increased emphasis on the notion of genre in genre-based teaching approach.近年来体裁教学法越来越多强调"语篇体裁"而忽视了"语篇类型"。
5)genre approach体裁教学法
1.Teaching writing: a process genre approach;英语写作教学:过程体裁教学法
2.This paper introduces and comments on the main teaching approaches in China, including: the product approach, the process approach, the genre approach, the task-based approach, the length Approach.本文综合评介了目前国内的比较流行的几种写作教学法的理论依据和各自的优缺点,主要包括:成果教学法、过程教学法、体裁教学法、任务型教学法、写长法。
3.For the sake of realistic problems in college students writing and the weak condition of English writing teaching,this paper analyzes the different teaching approaches,from product approach to genre approach,to process approach and to task-based approach,and finds their advantages and disadvantages.针对现在大学生写作的现实困境、英语写作教学的薄弱,文章从大学英语写作教学法的分析出发,对比分析了成果教学法、体裁教学法、过程教学法和任务型教学法的利弊,提出一种可操作的综合教学方法,以期能扬长避短,切实提高学生写作水平和语言交际能力。
6)genre analysis体裁分析法
1.This paper makes a study of the schemata structure and the linguistic representation mode of the ab-stract in English in graduation theses of English majors with genre analysis theory.本文通过运用体裁分析法,对本科生毕业论文英文摘要的图式结构和语言体现两个方面进行研究。
2.This paper introduces genre-based teaching approach which becomes popular in the USA and Australia in the past few years,evaluates the theory of genre and genre analysis,illus-trates its trend and features and finally discusses the application of genre-based approach in the teaching of business English.文章介绍了近年来在美国、澳大利亚等国盛行的“体裁教学法”,评价了体裁和体裁分析理论,阐述了体裁分析的发展与特色,探讨了体裁分析法在商务语篇教学中的作用。

广播新闻体裁  运用音响和口语传播新闻的形式。广播新闻的体裁有:    ①口播新闻。由播音员播送的新闻。比文字新闻更简洁明了    ②录音报道。采用现场音响报道新闻事件。比文字报道更真切、具体、生动,有立体感和感染力。录音报道可以分为录音新闻、录音通讯、录音访问、广播特写等。录音新闻用简洁的语言和现场音响反映新闻事件,多用于报道重要的政治活动、社会活动和事件性新闻。录音通讯采用描述性语言和现场音响形象地反映实际情况。同录音新闻相比,它篇幅长,时间、空间跨度大。录音访问采用第一人称反映现场见闻或与被访问者相互交谈。广播特写又称录音特写,采用现场音响和记者的白描,报道新闻事件的特定场面或故事片断。    ③现场报道。记者在新闻事件的现场,直接向听众报道新闻。可以先录音后剪辑广播,也可以在新闻事件发生的同时直接广播。    ④广播讲话。由某个人物通过广播直接向听众发表讲话。讲话者通常是具有权威性或代表性的人物。    ⑤实况转播。又称实况广播。以广播现场实况为主,广播员只做必要的背景说明或描述。通常用于重要的集会和体育、文艺活动。    ⑥录音剪辑。将实况录音压缩、剪辑后播出的报道。    ⑦配乐广播。配以音乐和音响效果的报道。音乐和音响起烘托、渲染的作用,主体是报道新闻事件。