非英语专业新生,non-English major freshmen
1)non-English major freshmen非英语专业新生
1.A survey and analysis on non-English major freshmen s college English learning conditions;非英语专业新生英语学习情况的调查与分析
2.In order to make clear the non-English major freshmen s English learning basis,the author carried out a survey of the students current learning situations.调查高职院校非英语专业新生入学英语基础情况,对改进英语教学过程,提高英语教学质量大有裨益。

1.Study on the English Learning Strategies of Non-English Major Freshmen;非英语专业新生英语学习策略的研究
2.A Survey of the Autonomous Learning Situation of Non-English Major Freshmen;非英语专业新生自主性学习调查研究
3.A Tentative Study on English Learning Strategies of Non-English Major Freshmen in College;大学非英语专业新生英语学习策略研究
4.Sentence Quality in English Writing of Non-English Major Freshmen: A Survey;非英语专业新生英语写作质量调查研究
5.Investigation and Analysis of Self-access English Learning Ability of Non-English Major Freshmen;非英语专业新生英语自主学习能力调查
6.A survey and analysis on non-English major freshmen s college English learning conditions;非英语专业新生英语学习情况的调查与分析
7.Investigation and Analysis of the L2 Proficiency of College Non-English Major Freshmen;大学非英语专业新生英语入学水平测试与分析
8.Investigation of Learning s Autonomy of the Freshmen as non - English Majors;非英语专业新生英语自主学习现状分析与思考
9.A Study on Non-English Major Freshmen's English Learning Beliefs about Learner Autonomy非英语专业新生英语自主学习信念的研究
10.A Study of English Learning Anxiety Oriented to Non-English Major Freshmen非英语专业新生英语学习焦虑的调查与研究
11.Discussion on English Learning Strategies by Non-English Majored Freshmen非英语专业新生大学英语学习策略初探
12.Analysis and Instruction of Phonetic Learning in College English Teaching;非英语专业新生语音情况分析及应对策略
13.English Levels Investigation and Learning Needs Analysis of Non-English Major New Students in Higher Vocational and Technical College;高职高专非英语专业新生入学英语水平调查及学习需求分析
14.An Investigation on Vocabulary Size of Non-English Major College Freshmen and Its Implications on Vocabulary Teaching非英语专业大学新生词汇量调查分析
15.On Ways to Arouse Non-English-Major Freshmen s interest in English Learning;非英语专业大学新生英语学习兴趣激发的途径
16.The Reflection of Non-English-Major Postgraducate English Teaching Under New Circumstances;新形势下非英语专业研究生英语教学的思考
17.Discussion on Several Problems of English Learning of non-English Major Freshmen;非英语专业大一新生英语学习中几个问题初探
18.A Survey of the Situation of Non-English Major Freshmen's Extra-curricular English Listening非英语专业本科新生课外英语听力情况调查

first-year students of science majors非英语专业理科新生
1.Through questionnaires and interviews, the author studies the situation of how the first-year students of science majors learn English, discusses the problems that they encounter during the course of learning, and finds out the needs of learners and demands on English teachers in the current situation.笔者采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,研究非英语专业理科新生的英语学习状况,探讨学生在英语学习中出现的问题,了解当前学生对英语学习、英语教师的一些要求,进而针对上述状况及问题,对大学英语教学提出一些建议。
3)Non-English major freshmen非英语专业本科新生
1.The purpose of this study is to know the general situation of non-English major freshmen’s extra-curricular listening study to find out problems that hinder the improvement of students’listening comprehension and solve them.本研究旨在通过对非英语专业本科新生的课外听力自主学习情况的调查来了解他们在课外听力学习的几个重要因素中的表现以期找出存在问题。
4)non-English-major freshmen非英语专业大学新生
1.However, systematic empirical studies on VLS(vocabulary learning strategies) in China, especially those taking non-English-major freshmen as subjects, are few.可是在中国,系统的词汇学习策略实证研究,尤其是针对非英语专业大学新生的,却很少。
5)first-year English majors英语专业新生
1.This paper analyzes the learner autonomy on the part of some first-year English majors.采用问卷调查的形式,对英语专业新生的自主学习能力进行了调查,以了解学生学习英语的主要动机、学习自信心、对自主学习的态度和学习策略的运用,分析有利和有碍于自主学习的因素。
6)non-English majors非英语专业学生
1.An empirical study of spoken English courses of non-English majors;非英语专业学生口语课的教学调查与研究
2.Extra-curriculum Reading of English Materials: An Effective Way to Improve Non-English Majors English Level in Colleges in Minority Nationality Districts;强化课外英文阅读 提高民族地区高校非英语专业学生英语水平
3.The Exploration of English Listening and Speaking Testing Mode of Non-English Majors——with the Popularization of PETS;非英语专业学生英语听说考察模式探索——基于PETS考试的推广
