经验纯理功能,experiential metafunction
1)experiential metafunction经验纯理功能
1.Experiential Metafunction Analysis on English Translation of Chinese Classic Poem River Snow;《江雪》英译文的经验纯理功能分析
2.This paper is an attempt to study the poem A Bride by Wang Jian and its translated versions from the perspective of the experiential metafunction in M.运用Halliday的系统功能语言学,对《新嫁娘词》一诗的原文及其五种英译文进行经验纯理功能研究,检验各位译者在表达意义时通过遣词造句是否将原诗中所蕴含的语义得以准确的体现,从而归纳出各种译文的得失,进一步检验以系统功能语法为理论框架进行语篇分析的可行性和必要性。

1.Experiential Metafunction Analysis on English Translation of Chinese Classic Poem River Snow;《江雪》英译文的经验纯理功能分析
2.Comparative Study of Deng Guanquelou and Its Translations from the Perspective of Experimental Metafunction;《登鹳雀楼》及其英译文的经验纯理功能对比分析
3.The Psychological Research into the Aesthetic Sensation that Derived from the Practical Experience;生活经验转化为审美经验的心理功能分析
4.On the Interpretation of Metafunctions for Translation: Translation of Untranslated Foreign Codes;翻译的纯理功能诠释:不译语码的功能翻译
5.The Changes of Atrial Electrophysiology and Autonomic Nerve Function with Sinus Node Dysfunction;窦房结功能不良时心房电生理及自主神经功能变化的实验研究
6.Metafunctional Analysis of Printed English Beauty Advertisements;对书面英文美容广告的纯理功能分析
7.The Metafunction s Analysis of "Just do it";英语广告语“Just do it”的纯理功能分析
8.Alpha-linolenic acid physiological functions and its enrichment purification technologiesα-亚麻酸的生理功能及其富集纯化
9.Lexis of Experiential-Interpersonal Bi-functionality and the Etymological Reason of Evolution;“经验—人际”二元功能词及其词源学演变理据
10.On Protecting Constitutional Rights with Criminal Law--Principle,Function and Experience试论宪法权利的刑法保障——原理、功能和经验
11.Objective: To sum op the participant experience of platelet function proficiency test (PT) from the College of American Pathologists (CAP).目的:总结参加美国病理学家协会血小板功能能力比对试验的经验。
12.Functions of Experiential-Interpersonal Bi-Functional Lexis in Text;“经验—人际”二元功能词在语篇中的功能
13.The European and American Management Consulting Associations: Functions, Operating Mechanism, Experience and Revelation;欧美管理咨询业协会:功能、运行机制、成功经验及其启示
14.Theme/Rheme Theory in the Theory of Actual Division and Its Three Metafunctions;实义切分理论中主位述位理论及主位纯理功能
15.The pure office of poetry is ever to idealize.诗的纯正功能向来都是理想化地描绘事物。
16.A Multivariate Perspective on CMH Hypothesis;“语境——纯理功能耦合假说”的多维关系研究
17.On Features of English Abstracts from the Perspective of Three Meta-functions;从三大纯理功能角度看英文摘要的特点
18.On features of English of law from the perspective of three metafunctions;从三大纯理功能角度看法律英语的特点

1.It explores the relationship between the register of the speech and the metafunctions.首先在词汇-语法层探讨了语域及纯理功能之间的关系;其次考察了语篇的言语功能及其人际意义;最后讨论了语法隐喻的重要资源"名物化"的使用。
2.Haliday s metafunctions connect the theory of functions with various meanings.Halliday提出纯理功能(metafunction)的概念,将功能理论与语言意义相结合。
3.Based on Prague School s functionalism,Halliday proposed the theory of metafunctions,in which he redefined Theme and Rheme, differentiated Thematic structure from Information structure,Theme-Rheme from Topic-Comment and applied markedness to Theme-Rheme theory.韩礼德根据布拉格学派Mathesius的"二功能说"、Bühler的"三功能说"和Jakobson的"六功能说"提出了三大纯理功能,并且对主位重新进行了定义,区分了主位结构和信息结构、主位—述位和主题—述题,将标记性应用到主位理论。
1.Secondly,it analyses its metafunctions on the systemic-functional linguistic basis and throws light on its communicative functions in the media.首先,该文视汉语语境下异形语码(异码)的借用为语言接触现象,并将其划分为成熟型和期待型两大类;其次,在系统功能语言学框架下对两大类异码进行了纯理功能分析,探讨了它在媒体的交际功能;最后,运用三大纯理功能诠释异码的功能翻译,强调了纯理功能对异码意义/功能生成的重要作用以及异码交际策略的实用价值。
2.It mainly focuses on the techniques of transferring the metafunctions between English and Chinese.主要探讨了纯理功能的传译,并从功能语言学和纯理功能的角度剖析了翻译界一直争论不休的话题----直译和意译,认为直译和意译的灵活使用是纯理功能的动态传译的最佳手段。
3.The aim of the study is to find out the similarities and differences between the two versions of abstracts on the three metafunctions.旨在发现具有同一主题的中英文摘要在三大纯理功能上所表现出的异同。
1.The law of the structure can be found in these noun-phrase titles and its main purpose is to realize the meta-functions.英语小说的标题具有名词词组化倾向,作家偏爱选择名词词组作为小说的标题,在结构上具有规律性,其目的是实现语言纯理功能。
5)Experiential metafunction经验功能
1.This paper analyses the research article introductions from the perspective of experiential metafunction by building a corpus of 30 research article introductions.基于系统功能语法有关经验功能的理论,借助语料库语言学的研究方法,研究英语学术论文引言部分实现经验功能的途径,通过对实际语篇的量化分析,归纳、总结和描述学术论文引言部分的语域特征,为学术论文作者、学术写作教学提供有价值的参考和应用依据。
2.Taking the experiential metafunction,one the three metafunctions,as the theoretical framework,this paper analyzes the titles of online news on China\'s and US\' media concerning the issue of the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong,intending to contrast their linguistic choice and the factors in the choice.以系统功能语言学三大纯理功能中的经验功能为理论基础,选取中美主要新闻网站关于"香港回归十周年"这一重大事件英文新闻报道为研究对象,旨在对比分析两类新闻标题中的语言选择并探讨其因素,从而进一步证明系统功能语言学"选择就是意义"的观点,并验证将经验功能理论应用于网络新闻语篇分析的适用性和可操作性。
6)experimental metafunction经验功能
1.A brief analysis of experimental metafunction to three translated texts of Xijiangyue written by XIN Qi-ji;辛弃疾《西江月》词三种英译文的经验功能分析
