课堂氛围,classroom atmosphere
1)classroom atmosphere课堂氛围
1.Grasping students′ characteristics and creating a student-centered classroom atmosphere;把握学生特点,创造以学生为中心的课堂氛围
2.To build a favorable classroom atmosphere helps to smooth the communication between teachers and students,motivate students’ interest and strengthen their thinking,so as to achieve better teaching results.课堂氛围,通常也被称为课堂心理气氛。
3.Teachers should manage to improve their ability control the classroom teaching and create the good classroom atmosphere so as to strengthen the teaching effect of mixed class and realize the final goal of this course.思想政治理论课教师既然无法改变合班上课的趋势,就应顺势而动,想方设法提高自己驾驭课堂教学的能力,营造良好的课堂氛围,努力增强合班上课的教学效果,以期实现思想政治理论课课堂教学的终极目标。

1.Five Key Factors of Creating Innovative Classroom Teaching Atmosphere;形成创新教学课堂氛围的“五大因素”
2.The Relation between Favorable Atmosphere at class and Heuristic Teaching;良好的课堂氛围与启发式教学的关系
3.On the Relationship between Motivation and Classroom Climate;浅谈英语教学中学习动机与课堂氛围的关系
4.Concentration on the Practicality of Japanese as L2 and Exploration of the Activeness in L2 Class;注重二外日语的实用性,求索课堂氛围的生动性
5.Grasping students′ characteristics and creating a student-centered classroom atmosphere;把握学生特点,创造以学生为中心的课堂氛围
7.An Approach to Creating Favourable Conditions for Classroom Atmosphere;激发情趣 同形同构——谈创造良好语文课堂氛围的方法
8.Primary English is to create a lively atmosphere in the English classroom for students interested in learning motivation.小学英语的生命也就在于创造轻松活泼的英语课堂氛围,让学生产生兴趣,激发学习动机。
9.How to Make an Active,Self-confident Teaching and Learning Atmosphere in the Classroom;积极自信的课堂教学氛围的营造策略
10.How to Create the Atmosphere of the Harmonious Teaching in the Teaching of English;英语课堂上如何创造和谐的教学氛围
11.A Research and Analysis on the English Classroom Environment in Senior High Schools高中英语课堂教学氛围的调查与分析
12.Set up the Cultural Atmosphere of Mathematics Teaching According to“Mathematics Culture”;基于“数学文化”的数学课堂教学文化氛围的构建
13.The Application of Euphemism in Establishing Harmonious Teaching Atmosphere in College委婉语在构建高校和谐课堂教学氛围中的作用
14.The Guarantee of Classroom Teaching: Consider Students Psychology and Creat Proper Classroom Atmosphere;研究学生心理及创设教学氛围是课堂教学的保证
15.The Establishment of Psychological Atmosphere for Classroom Teaching under New Curriculum in Senior Middle School;高中新课程课堂教学心理气氛的创设
16.Democratic Classroom Atmosphere-An Ideal State of Classroom Teaching;民主的课堂气氛,一种理想的课堂教学状态
17.Psychological Atmosphere for Class Teaching and the Enfluencing Factors upon its Establishment Abstract课堂教学心理气氛及其影响创设因素
18.The Classroom Teaching Atmosphere and Optimization for Enterprise Vocational Training;企业职业培训课堂教学气氛及其优化

class atmosphere课堂氛围
1.Investigations have proved that students positive perception of the class atmosphere may accordingly manifest it in the improvement of their curricular performance and in the promotion of their attitudes toward the course study.本文探讨了适当的表扬和鼓励、宽容、微笑等有声的无声的语言柔性策略在创造和谐课堂氛围中的运用。
2.In college English teaching, group work can create a relaxed and positive class atmosphere, which can help students to say and speak English.在大学英语教学中,小组活动可以创造轻松、积极的课堂氛围,让学生敢于去说、去表达。
3)harmonious teaching atmosphere高校和谐课堂氛围
4)class atmosphere课堂气氛
1.On The Class Atmosphere in The Teaching of English listening.Under the new course;谈新课标下英语听力教学中的课堂气氛
2.On the Class Atmosphere in the Teaching of English Listening;谈大学英语听力教学中的课堂气氛
3.This paper strengthen the importance of inspiring student s interest,expounds how to optimize class atmosphere and improve teaching quality.提出了激发学生的学习兴趣的重要性,并对如何创设良好的课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂教学的质量进行了论述。
5)classroom atmosphere课堂气氛
1.Probe into importance of classroom atmosphere in the P.E. teaching;中学体育教学课堂气氛重要性的探讨
2.Methods expressing and establishing good mathematics classroom atmosphere;良好数学课堂气氛的表现及创设方法
3.Brief discussion on the art of regulating and controlling classroom atmosphere;课堂气氛的调控艺术小议
6)classroom climate课堂气氛
1.The teacher s nonverbal behavior and classroom climate;教师非言语行为对课堂气氛的影响
2.Pleasant and harmonious classroom climate can improve students learning efficiency by enhancing their interest and stimulating their participation awareness and potential of learning.愉快、融洽的课堂气氛可以激发学习者的学习兴趣和参与意识、释放学习潜能,从而提高学习效能。
3.Many theoretical and empirical studies have indicated that the positive interdependence between teacher and students and among students themselves can activate classroom climate, increase teaching efficiency and improve individual performance and academic achievements.国外大量理论性和实证性研究都表明:合作学习过程中教师和学生之间以及学生之间的相互依赖和帮助能够活跃课堂气氛,并且提高教师的教学效率和学生的学习成绩。
