阅读测试,reading test
1)reading test阅读测试
1.On the theories and advantages and disadvantages of designing MC items for reading test;选择题在英语阅读测试中的设计原理与利弊
2.Reading is an important way for people to obtain knowledge,understand the world and communicate with each other while reading test is a method to measure the testees’ reading ability.阅读是人类获取知识、了解世界、进行沟通交流的一个重要途径,而阅读测试是检测考生阅读能力的手段。
3.This paper,based on pertinent reading test theories,discusses the content of current CET reading test reform and its theoretical principles,pointing out that the new CET reading test demonstrates more authenticity and validity compared with the old one,but it still needs further perfection.以有关阅读测试方面的理论知识为基础,讨论了目前CET阅读测试的改革内容和理论依据,认为新的CET阅读试题比原试题更能体现测试的真实性,提高了测试效度,但是今后还需进一步改进和完善。

1.The Enlightenment to Improve College English Reading Teaching from the Forms of the Reading Examination of IELTS;雅思阅读测试题型对英语阅读教学的启示
3.The framework of reading assessment and the design conceptions in PISA--On the reading assessment in China;PISA中阅读测试的测评框架与设计思路——兼谈对我国阅读测试的启示
4.The Advanced Chinese Proficiency Test and Its Reading Test Research;高等汉语水平考试及其阅读测试研究
5.Study on the Reading Test of Modern Argumengative Article of the High School Entrance Examination;中考语文议论性现代文阅读测试研究
7.Validity,Introspection and Reading Comprehension Test;从效度、内省法看我国英语阅读测试
8.Discrete Reading Test Design: An Alternative of Testing Fast Reading Proficiency;分项阅读设计作为快速阅读测试手段的可行性研究
9.The Effects of Content Schemata, English Proficiency and Language of Presentation of Test Items on EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension内容图式、英语水平及阅读测试项目所用语言对阅读理解的影响
10.The Washback Effect of New CET Band-4 Reading Upon College English Teaching and Learning新大学英语四级阅读测试对大学英语阅读教学的反拨作用
11.Scientific Nature of Reform of CET Reading Test and Its Future Development;试论CET阅读测试改革的科学性及发展方向
12.A Preliminary Study of the Validity of the Cet-4 Fast Reading Test大学英语四级考试快速阅读测试效度初探
13.On Characteristics of Reading Comprehension Test in CET Band 4 and the English Reading Teaching浅析大学英语四级阅读测试特点及教学对策
14.A Comparative Study on the Reading Comprehension Subtests of the New CET4, the Old CET4 and IELTS;新四级阅读理解测试与旧四级、雅思阅读理解测试的对比研究
15.The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone.测试的阅读和写作部分也被重新修改。
16.Effects of Different Response Formats on Reading Comprehension Test Performance;不同题型对阅读理解测试分数的影响
17.An Empirical Study of the Validity of Objective and Subjective Reading Tests;主客观阅读理解测试题效度实证研究
18.Enlightenment of Subentry Test Reading Strategies for FLT;分项测试阅读策略对外语教学的启示

reading assessment阅读测试
1.The framework of reading assessment and the design conceptions in PISA——On the reading assessment in China;PISA中阅读测试的测评框架与设计思路——兼谈对我国阅读测试的启示
2.Having examined the role, format and usefulness of test specifications in test development and evaluation, this paper sets out to investigate the significance of test specifications in the process of reading assessment.在此基础上,本文结合阅读测试,进一步阐述了考试规范在考试设计中的作用,及其对提高考试效度的意义。
3.This paper reports the results of a comparative study of question types in the reading tests of IELTS and NMET after a critical analysis of the state of the art in reading assessment research.本文在综述英语阅读测试研究现状的基础上对雅思和高考英语阅读测试题型做了对比研究。
3)reading tests阅读测试
1.This Paper explains the definition of reading,analyses different opinions about reading ability and studies the two important problems of reading tests.从阅读的性质着手,分析当前外语界对阅读能力的不同看法,探讨了阅读测试中选材和出题这两个关键问题。
2.The problem of how to develop reading tests under the theory of Communicative Language Testing is discussed in detail with reading tests of CET 4 (from 1995 to 2001) .本文以 1 995至 2 0 0 1的大学英语四级测试 (CET - 4)的阅读测试为个案 ,具体探讨了如何用交际测试理论指导阅读测试的基本原则 ,并就阅读测试中存在的问题提出了进一步完善的建议。
3.These two tests have a great influence in our country, however, there is little research on the comparison of the reading tests in TEM8 and IELTS.然而对于专八和雅思中的阅读测试进行对比研究却很少。
4)reading comprehension test阅读测试
1.The paper mainly discusses theories relating to reading and design principles and formats of reading comprehension test.阅读测试是语言测试的一个重要部分。
1.Learning Strategies in Business English Reading--An Analysis of BEC Reading Test;商务英语阅读学习策略——BEC阅读测试浅析
6)reading for test测试性阅读

测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定check of the acceptability of test results and determination of the final test result  C凡(3)二3.3d,时,取此3个结果的平均值作为最终侧试结果;否则取它们的中位数作为最终测试结果。。,为重复性标准差(即在重复性条件下所得侧试结果的标准差)。 在口田T 11792一1989中还对重复性和再现性条件下所得侧试结果可接受性的检查方法和最终测试结果的确定做了详细讨论和规定。(马毅林)ceshi 11叩uo kejieshCxjxing d6 iiancha he zuizhong ceshi】i闪旧de que心ing测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定(checkof山eac,ptability of test,ults助ddsterminationofthefi耐testresult)在商品检验中进行一次测试的情形不多见,当得到一个测试结果时,所得结果不可能直接与给定的重复性标准差作可接受性的检查。对测试结果的准确性有任何疑问时都应再进行一次测试。所以,对两个测试结果进行可接受性的检查是一般的情况。 可接受性的检查,实际上是一种统计检验。任何两个测试结果只要能通过可接受性的统计检验即可认为是一致的,均可接受。比如,在重复性条件下,所得结果之差的绝对值(下称绝对差)不超过相应的重复性限r(见重复性和再现性)的值,则认为两个结果是一致的,均可接受;如果两个侧试结果的绝对差超过r,则认为它们是不一致的,必须增加测试。 按国家标准《测试方法的精密度在重复性或再现性条件下所得测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定》(GBIT 1 1792一1989),在重复性条件下,如果两个测试结果的绝对差不超过r的值,可取两个侧试结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较低,须再做两次测试。当4个结果的极差(即其中的最大值与最小值之差)不超过相应的临界极差c,瓜(4)二3.6a,时,取4个结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较高时,只须再作一次测试。当3个结果的极差不超过相应的临界极差