高语境文化,high-context culture
1)high-context culture高语境文化
1.This thesis analyses the difference of language between the high-context culture and low-context culture from the aspects of sentence structure,semantics and pragmatics and discusses the influence of high-context culture and low-context culture on Chinese-English translation under the frame of functional translation theories.从文化高低语境性方面的差异入手,从句法结构、语义、语用三个方面分析了高语境文化与低语境文化的差异在语言方面的反映,并结合功能翻译理论阐述了文化的高低语境性差异对汉译英造成的影响。
2.Through the analyses,the conclusion that the Chi- nese high-context culture has its origin in Confucianism is drawn.以爱德华·霍尔在跨文化交际研究中提出的"高语境文化"概念为研究对象,分析其在中国产生的儒家文化渊源。
3.Based on a brief survey on high-context culture and low-context culture-the two comparatively-new concepts inintercultural communication,the paper explores their cultural origins.文章对跨文化交际学科中的一对新概念:高语境文化与低语境文化进行了简单的介绍,探讨研究了这两种截然不同的交际的文化渊源,指出中国传统文化中的儒道佛三家文化,尤其是"道"乃是高语境文化的源头;古希腊的"逻各斯"及苏格拉底、柏拉图与亚里斯多德的逻辑理性与辩论术则是低语境文化的发源之处,并预言未来的趋势一定是高语境文化与低语境文化走向彼此融合。

1.Communication Differences in High Context Culture and Low Context Culture高语境文化与低语境文化中的交际差异比较
2.The Exploration of Chinese High-context Culture in Confucianism;中国高语境文化的儒家思想根源探究
3.Study on Family Business Knowledge Succession under High Context Culture高语境文化下家族企业知识传承研究
4.A Study on Orientation of the Senior High School Chinese Textbook in Multicultural Point of View;多元文化语境下高中语文课本选文取向研究
5.The Impact of English Globalization on Cultural Teaching and Learning in Senior High School English;英语全球化语境中的高中英语文化教学
6.The College Education of Art and Design in the Context of Folklore Culture民俗文化语境下的高校艺术设计教育
7.Characteristics of High Context Advertisements and Strategies of Their Cross-cultural Communication高语境广告特点及其跨文化传播策略
8.Improvement on Cross-cultural Communicative Competence in Dynamic Context谈动态语境下跨文化交际能力的提高
9.Discussion on English Writing Teaching Based on Communication Across Cultures in Higher Vocational Education;跨文化传播语境下高职英语写作教学的探讨
10.Functions of Cultural Context in Text Teaching of Advanced English文化语境在高级英语篇教学中的功能性作用
11.The High School Chinese Teaching to Torm Self-consciousness of Culture under the Condition of the Globalization;全球化语境下高中语文教学与中学生文化自我意识的培养
12.Characteristics of the High-context Chinese Culture: Its Change in Contemporary China;汉语文化的“高环境”特征及其在当代中国的变化
14.Survey and Solution on the Current Situation of High Vocational Colleges English Cultural Environment;高职院校英语文化环境现状调查及对策分析
15.A New Train of Thought in Ideological and Political Education in the Context of Cyber Culture;网络文化语境下高校思想政治教育的新思路
16.On Quality Education in Films and TV Programs at Colleges in Our Country in the Context of Visual Culture;论视觉文化语境中我国高校的影视素质教育
17.The Historical Cause and Characteristics of HC and LC of China and America中美高、低语境文化的历史成因及其特征
18.Analysis On the Differences between Chinese and American Verbal Communication Patterns from the Perspective of High-context and Low-context Culture从高低语境文化交际理论看中美交际模式差异

high context culture高语境文化
1.By comparing,we summarized a conceptual framework for study on family firm’s knowledge transmission in high context culture,that is,through the combined effect of context of culture,knowledge conversion and internal systems,it is to achieve successful transmission of knowledge and develop the family businesses.知识传承是在一定语境下进行的,中国和日本同属高语境文化,两国家族企业的知识传承具有一定相似性,但也有差异性。
2.Study on Family Business Knowledge Succession under High Context Culture中、日同属高语境文化国家,其家族企业的知识传承既相似,又不同。
3)high-context & low-context culture高语境与低语境文化
4)High/low context culture高/低语境文化
5)culture context文化语境
1.Any law comes into effect in a definite culture context.任何法律都是在一定的文化语境中生成并发挥作用。
2.The creation of art,in commercial culture context,has now been familiarized with the production of common commodities.在商业文化语境中艺术生产已归化为商品生产,读者、作者、编者的文学心态发生了根本变化。
3.The paper states that,without profound understanding of the feature of King Gesar s context,without fully knowing the culture context of King Gesar and creative thinking,without analyzing Tibetans psyc.包含真、利、善、美、圣意蕴的《格萨尔》,其文化语境具有鲜明的民族特点,体现了藏民族精神和民族文化特性。
6)cultural context文化语境
1.The cultural context and the translation of culture-specific items;文化语境与文化专有项的翻译
2.The Function of "Perlocutionary Act" in the Cultural Context Translation;“成事性言语行为”与文化语境翻译
3.The Poetry Writing and Acceptances of Jin He s Poems in Cultural Context of Tai Ping Tian Guo;太平天国文化语境中的金和诗歌创作与接受
