情景反讽,Situational Irony
1)Situational Irony情景反讽
1.Comparison between Situational Irony and Verbal Irony;情景反讽与语辞反讽之比较
2.However,people pay little attention to the cognitive aspect of situational irony which is an important type of irony.反讽一直是跨学科研究的课题之一,而情景反讽作为反讽的一个重要类型,人们对它的认知研究却较少。
3.This article introduces three kinds of irony-situational irony,dramatic irony and verbal irony-and their distinct features.介绍了反讽的三种形式 :情景反讽 ,戏剧反讽和言语反讽以及他们的基本特征。

1.On Situadonal Irony in Mark Twain s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn;《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》中的情景反讽
2.Free Direct Discourse and Situational Irony in Emma《爱玛》中的自由间接引语和情景反讽分析
3.The Experience Background of Luxun s(鲁迅) Satire Idea and His Self-debase Rhetoric;鲁迅讽刺观念的体验背景及其自贬式反讽修辞
4.Literary Pragmatic Study on Irony in "Sense and Sensibility";《理智与情感》中反讽的文学语用学探究
5.On the Ironical Features in Love s Comedy;论易卜生的《爱情的喜剧》中的反讽特征
6.Colorful scene sarcasm-On Ya Xian s poem Rats in the Boat;多彩的情境反讽——读痖弦的诗《船中之鼠》
7.Ironies in the Scenery Description in Hardy s the Return of the Native and Tess of the D Urbervilles;哈代《还乡》和《德伯家的苔丝》景物描写中的反讽
8.a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations.以明显的讽刺和离奇的情景为特点的喜剧。
9.Ironical Emotionalism in Late 20th Century s Novels in China;论中国20世纪末小说创作的反讽情绪化
10.Intercontext,Simultaneity and Satire-the Artistic Employment of Narrative Multiform in Love Is a Fallacy;互文·并置·反讽——《爱情是谬误》的复调叙事艺术
11.An Irony to Fraternity: On Zhang Ai-Ling′s Fiction;博爱"思想的反讽——张爱玲小说创作情态论
12.A Literary-Pragmatic Analysis of Irony in Sense and Sensibility文学语用学视角下《理智与情感》中反讽的研究
13.An Ironic Love Story--Death,Love and Social Reality in The Great Gatsby一个反讽的爱情故事——《了不起的盖茨比》中的死亡、爱情与社会现实
14.The Crocodile's Tender Feeling on Bloody Land and Unconventional Humour:Homesickness and Unrestrained Parody of MO Yan's Prose鳄鱼的“血地”温情与狂放幽默——莫言散文的故乡情结与恣肆反讽
15.The importunate memory was kept before her by its ironic contrast to her present situation.萦绕在心头的这个回忆对当前的情景来说,是个具有讽刺性的对照。
16.Towards the Situational Irony in Emma in Perspective of Schema Theory on Reading;从图示理论角度浅析小说《爱玛》中的情境反讽(英文)
17.It is an irony that the official opening of the Esplanade-Theatres On The Bay and the giving of the bonsai plants to the Shanghai Botanical Gardens were reported in the press on the same day滨海艺术中心的开幕,与盆景走宝事件在同一天见报,极具反讽意味,也更加引人反思。
18.On Irony and Absurdity of ZHANG Tian-yi’s Novels;反讽与悖论——张天翼小说讽刺艺术论

The situational irony情境反讽
1.On the situational irony and the image irony in contemporary Chinese fictions;论当代小说的情境反讽与意象反讽
3)situational irony情境反讽
1.Towards the Situational Irony in Emma in Perspective of Schema Theory on Reading;从图示理论角度浅析小说《爱玛》中的情境反讽(英文)
2.This paper analyses the characterization of Liu Bang in the ironic view: how the author employs skillfully verbal irony, situational irony and dramatic irony to depict an image of Liu Bang against the one in official history.睢景臣一反以往作品观照历史人物的视角,改用俯视角度来看刘邦,巧妙利用言语反讽、情境反讽和戏剧反讽为读者塑造了一个悖离正史文本形象的刘邦。
3.The verbal irony, situational irony and structural irony,all this have constituted the various irony context of contemporary Chinese novel,and have impelled the exceeding change of its narrative art.当代小说所普遍存在的言语反讽、情境反讽与结构性反讽等方式 ,构筑了多重反讽视境 ,从而促成了当代小说叙事艺术的超越性位
4)scenarios reflected情景反映
1.Irony:the Narrative Strategy of Jude the Obscure;反讽:《无名的裘德》的叙事策略
2.Analysis on the Similarities and Differences in Irony between the Famous Novels "Hundred Years Loneliness" and "Bailu Plain";《百年孤独》与《白鹿原》反讽修辞异同探析
6)D. in the meeting-roomⅡ. 情景反应
