狼图腾,wolf totem
1)wolf totem狼图腾
1."Civilized Shape" view of "wolf Totem" "Wolf Totem" Interpretation of from the cultural angle of view;《狼图腾》的“文明形态”观——从文化视角解读《狼图腾
2.An Interpretation of Wolf Totem Cultural Identity from perspective of Anthropology《狼图腾》中文化认同的人类学阐释
3.Wolf Totem is an excellent ecological literary works by Jiang Rong.《狼图腾》是一本以草原狼为主要塑造对象的优秀的生态文学作品,小说以狼为主体叙事,以北京知青陈阵在内蒙古大草原时对草原狼的所见所闻为线索,通过一系列的狼故事详细地刻画了草原狼的特征,描摹了逼真的草原原生态,通过小说中老人毕立格之口解说了人与狼共同演绎着“草原大命”,也向人们揭示了原滋原味的额仑草原渐渐消失的过程,引发了人们的思考。

1."Civilized Shape" view of "wolf Totem" "Wolf Totem" Interpretation of from the cultural angle of view;《狼图腾》的“文明形态”观——从文化视角解读《狼图腾
2.On the Discrimination and Reflection about China Ancestors Totem;狼图腾,还是熊图腾——关于中华祖先图腾的辨析与反思
3.Wolf Totem: Image Reconstruction and Philosophical Reflection;狼性形象的重构与哲思——关于《狼图腾》的一种阐释
4.Thinking the Nature of Wolves in the View of Ecological Theory--From The Totem of Wolves;生态理论视野下的狼性思考——从《狼图腾》说开去
5.Ecological Literature and Elements of Ecological Literature in Wolf Totem;生态文学与《狼图腾》的生态文学元素
6.A Talk on The Wolf Totem;是珍珠,还是豌豆?——评《狼图腾
7.Principles of Survival from The Call of Wild & The Totem of Wolf;从《野性的呼唤》和《狼图腾》看生存法则
8."Wolf Totem":From Silence to Drainage and "Another Uniqueness";《狼图腾》:从沉默到宣泄以及“别一种另类”
9.A Comparative Study of the Call of the Wild and Wolf Totem《野性的呼唤》与《狼图腾》之比较研究
10.An Interpretation of Wolf Totem Cultural Identity from perspective of Anthropology《狼图腾》中文化认同的人类学阐释
11.The Beauty and Sadness of Primitive Prairie --The Shake and Shock of "Wolf Totem";原始草原的美丽与哀愁——《狼图腾》的图腾震撼与冲击
12.Wolf Totem:Ecological Value Showed in the Conflict between History and Culture;《狼图腾》——在历史和文化冲突中彰显的生态价值
13.The Role of Horses in Chinese History;略论马在中国历史上的作用——兼评姜戎《狼图腾
14.A Study on Howard Goldblatt's Translation of Lang Tuteng from the Perspective of Rewriting Theory改写理论视角下葛浩文《狼图腾》的翻译研究
15.Another Kind of "Greatness":the Narrative Mode and Narrative Strategies in The Wolf Totem另一种“宏大”:《狼图腾》的叙事模式和叙事策略
16.Rethinking Wolf Totem: reinterpretation from three perspectives冷静过后重思《狼图腾》——基于三个层面的再阐释
17."Papa" and "Son": Addressing the Issue in Translating Assumed Kinship Terms in Wolf Totem从“父与子”谈《狼图腾》中的拟亲属称谓及其英译
18.Comment on the Ecological Thought of A Sand County Almanac and Wolf Totem;众生平等 万物一体——论《沙郡岁月》与《狼图腾》的生态思想

Wolf Totem《狼图腾》
1.Comment on the Ecological Thought of A Sand County Almanac and Wolf Totem;众生平等 万物一体——论《沙郡岁月》与《狼图腾》的生态思想
2.On spirit of strongman in Wolf Totem;论《狼图腾》中的强者精神
3.Wolf Totem in Visual Field of Ecological Criticism;生态批评视野里的《狼图腾
3)The Wolf Totem《狼图腾》
1.A Talk on The Wolf Totem;是珍珠,还是豌豆?——评《狼图腾
2.The Contrary Thoughts in "The Wolf Totem" and the Faith Imperfection;《狼图腾》的思想悖论与信仰缺失
3.Another Kind of "Greatness":the Narrative Mode and Narrative Strategies in The Wolf Totem另一种“宏大”:《狼图腾》的叙事模式和叙事策略
4)The Totem of the wolf《狼图腾》
1.The totem of the wolf was published by the Yangtze River literary arts publishing house in 2004 .《狼图腾》是长江文艺出版社于2004年出版的一部风靡全国的超级畅销书,它在市场上的成功如此长久和顺畅,非一般畅销书所能企及。
5)Four Questions on Wolf Totem《狼图腾》四问
1.Dragon and Phoenix Totems in Chinese Traditional Interior Decoration;中国传统建筑室内装饰中的龙凤图腾
2.The Phoenix-Like Model of Chu and the Manifestation of the Chu Totem;楚“凤”造型与“楚”文化图腾表现

狼毒—狼毒大戟【通用名称】狼毒—狼毒大戟 【其他名称】
【药物名称】狼毒—狼毒大戟 【英文名】Fischer Euphorbia Root 【别名】猫眼草。 【来源】为大戟科植物狼毒大戟Euphorbia fischeriana Steud. 的根。 【植物形态】多年生草本,高达40cm,有白色乳汁。叶互生,叶片矩圆形至矩圆状披针形,长3~8cm,宽1~3cm,全缘,叶状苞片5,轮生。总状花序多歧聚伞状,通常5伞梗,每伞梗又生出3小伞梗或再抽第3回小伞梗;杯状总苞裂片内面近无毛,外面有柔毛,边缘有睫毛,腺体肾形。蒴果密生短柔毛或无毛。花期5~6月,果期6~7月。生于干草原、向阳山坡。主产东北、华北。 【采集】春、秋季挖根,洗净,切片晒干。 【化学成分】含二萜醇类化合物,包括岩大戟内酯(jolkinolide)A、B,狼毒大戟甲、乙素(fischeriana A,B)等,并含大戟醇(euphol)、皂甙、强心甙、甾醇、酚类及鞣质。 【性味】性平,味辛;有毒。 【功用主治】散播结,杀虫。外用于淋巴结结核,皮癣;灭蛆。