《英国病人》,The English Patient
1)The English Patient《英国病人》
1.The English Patient, as Ondaatje s most acknowledged fictional work to date, is characterized by intertwined themes.作为翁达杰迄今最有影响力的小说,《英国病人》的主要特点之一乃是错综复杂的主题呈示。
2.The English Patient by Canadian writer, Michel Ondaatje, is considered as a model of postcolonial literature.加拿大作家翁达杰的作品《英国病人》是后殖民文学的代表作。
3.The English Patient is the masterpiece of the Canadian innovative writer, Michael Ondaatje and it is the first Canadian book to win Britain s prestigious Booker Prize in 1992.《英国病人》是加拿大著名作家迈克尔·翁达杰的代表作,发表于1992年并获英国小说最高奖布克奖。

2.But The English Patient was going to be a leap.但拍摄《英国病人》却是一次飞跃;
3.An Apologue Narrating History and Human--An explanation of the film "English Patient";一部叙述历史与人的寓言——解读影片《英国病人》
4.A Stylistic Analysis of the Chinese Translation of the English Patient;从功能对等角度对《英国病人》中译本的风格分析
5.English Patient, The英伦情人/英国病人/英国伤员/别问我是谁/战场私情
6.This database contains information on patients in the United Kingdom.这个数据库包含英国所有病人的资料。
7.According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease.据最近调查显示, 许多英国人患心脏病.
8.a private patient,ie(in Britain)not on the National Health Service自费病人(英国不享受国民保健署资助者)
9.People from England are called Englishmen.从英国来的人称英国人。
10.Britons are living longer than ever- but we're spending more time ill.英国人的寿命比以往更长,但生病的时间也更多。
11.private patientph.1. 【英】(国民保健不负责费用的)自费病人
12.The lovesick St. British excel themselves each Valentine's Day.每年圣瓦伦丁节,患相思病的英国人都表现出色。
13.The vegetables were overcooked – an all too common fault in British kitchens.蔬菜烧过头-这是英国人在厨房非常普通的毛病。
14.Evolution in Evaluating the Ability of Criminal Liability of the Mentally Disabled in UK and USA;英美两国对精神病人刑事责任能力评判的演变
15.It is reported that eight people in Britain may have died of a Brain illness from the mad-cow disease据报道,在英国已有8人可能是死于感染了源于疯牛病的大脑疾病
16.(British) a room where a doctor or dentist can be consulted.(英国)医生或牙科医生可以给病人诊断病情的地方。
17.To date, the Jarvik 2000 has been implanted in fewer than a dozen people in the United States and England.到目前为止,加维科2000号已在美国和英国被植人不足12个病人体内。
18.the British, French, Russian, etc people英国人、 法国人、 俄国人.

English Patient英国病人
3)English merchants英国商人
1.English Merchants Social Image and Social Appraisement in Early Modern England;近代早期英国商人的社会形象和社会评价
2.The English merchants in China had acted the important role in the Mackay Treaty negotiations in 1902.在1902年中英商约谈判过程中,英国商人扮演了重要角色,对1902年中英商约的谈判和签订有重要影响,通过这个条约,英国商人获得了他们极想获得的一系列特权和利益。
4)British Chinese英国华人
5)English poets英国诗人
1.From the middle of the 19th century to the first decade of the 20th century, the great English romantic poet John Keats exerted great influences on numerous English poets in three aspects: rich sensuous descriptions, idealization of the Middle Ages, and contrary remarks on art and ideology.自 19世纪中叶至 2 0世纪初 ,英国伟大浪漫派诗人约翰·济慈从三个方面极大地影响了众多的英国诗人 :丰富的感官描写 ,对中世纪的理想化 ,有关艺术和思想的悖论。

英国病人宪章英国病人宪章  英国病人宪章英国政府为了保障人民健康、促进卫生事业发展制定的一项法律。其目的在于规范医疗机构行为,保障消费者权力,并规定政府作为人民代表向医疗机构购买医疗卫生服务。