泛指,general reference
1)general reference泛指
1.This paper finds that (1) both "it" and "TA" can assume the anaphoric reference function; (2) cataphoric reference is a common practice for "it" in certain sentence patterns, but "TA" is seldom used this way; (3) "it" and "TA" can be both used for general reference, but in terms of referents, those "TA" refers to are more abstract and general compared with those of "it".本文在语料的基础上,对英语中的第三人称单数代词“IT”和汉语的“它”在语篇中的指称功能进行了对比分析,发现:(1)“IT”与“它”都可回指,用法也基本相同;(2)在预指方面,“IT”在一些特定的句型中常用于预指,而“它”很少用于预指;(3)“IT”和“它”都用于泛指,但“它”指称的对象相对来说比较空泛,不如“IT”那么具体。

1.used for inventions in general用以泛指发明的东西
2.A non-manufacturer-specific personal desktop computer.泛指不指定品牌的个人台式计算机。
3.assembled channels(泛指经脉的汇集(于耳目)之处) 宗脉
4.In general statements, the sentence can be made plural在泛指时,此词在句中可用其复数形式
5.The word "jiu" in Chinese actually can refer to any type of alcoholic beverage.汉字"酒"实际上泛指任何一种酒。
6.A member of any of the peoples speaking a Germanic language, especially a German.讲德语的人泛指说日曼语的人,尤指德国人
7.Fine paper: A general term that refers to high quality printing and writing papers.高级纸:广义词。泛指高品质的印刷或书写用纸张。
8.Data processing: A general term for the use of a computer to carry out business applications.数据处理:泛指使用电脑作业务用不着的操作。
9.Gastroenteritis:Acute infectious syndrome of the stomach lining and intestines.肠炎: 泛指发生在胃和小肠黏膜的急性炎症。
10.In a general sense, financial frangibility is risk accumulation in all financial areas.金融脆弱性泛指一切融资领域中的风险积聚。
11.His statement refers to people in general, not to anyone in particular.他的发言是泛指一般情况, 不是针对某一个人的。
12.Talk as an uncountablenoun is a general word indicating the activity of speakingtalk作不可数名词时, 是泛指说话这一活动的词
13.Imperial kiln wares generally refer to the imperial porcelains dedicated to the royal family.官窑器泛指官办窑厂专为皇室烧制的御用瓷器。
14.Apparent, among them the 3rd kind " the labour force that solves a problem " namely generally refer to " white-collar " .显然,其中第三类“解决问题的劳动力”即泛指“白领”。
15.alkali yellowing碱[致]泛黄(指羊毛)
16.To cover with water, especially floodwaters.淹没用水淹盖,特指洪水泛滥
17.(of fame,an event,etc)be much talked of;spread far and wide(指名声、事件等)被广为传颂,广泛传播
18.He encouraged the use of finger-printing in identification.他推动了指纹辨认的广泛使用。

Generic pointer泛型指针
3)generic pronoun泛指代词
1.Chinese reflexive ziji is not a pure reflexive but a compounding word of the reflexive & the generic pronoun.汉语“自己”并不是纯粹的反身代词 ,而是反身代词与泛指代词的复合体 ;同时 ,“自己”的约束问题并不完全是一个句法问题 。
4)general noun泛指词
5)generalizing construction泛指结构
6)yellowness index泛黄指数

泛指1.亦作"泛指"。 2.谓手指轻弹琴弦。 3.谓不专指一事或一人。