状语从句,adverbial clause
1)adverbial clause状语从句
1.Translation of adverbial clauses introduced by "when;When引导的状语从句的汉译
2.This paper gives a general introduction of adverbial clauses of conce ssion,and put forward a few special kinds of adverbial clauses of concession,a nalyzing its structure,function and usage so that it can be of some guidance to English learners in their study.本文首先对英语中的让步状语从句进行了概括,继而提出几种特殊形式的让步状语从句,并从其结构、功能、使用等几方面加以分析和阐述,以期为英语学习者在学习掌握中提供必要的引导。
3.If clause is usually treated as adverbial clause of condition in most of grammar and textbooks.文章讨论了主从连词 if引出的各种状语从句 ,一般语法书和教科书介绍 if状语从句时 ,通常只说明它是用来表示条件的条件状语从句 ,探讨了 if状语从句的深层含义 ,分析归纳出它在实际使用中表示假设、条件、时间、让步以及原因的五种功能 ,列举了该词的一些变异形式及用法 ,同时探讨了 if状语从句的不同汉译方

1.A Comparative Study between Adverbial Clauses in German, English and Modifier-Head Structure Sentences in Chinese德语状语从句、英语状语从句与汉语偏正复句的对比研究
2.The Comparison between Anti -goal clause and Degree -adverbial clause;反目的从句与程度、度量状语从句的对比
3.Finish the following sentence with an adverbial clause of time or concession.请用时间和让步状语从句完成下列句子。
4.How do you think of the second adverbial clause?你怎么理解第二个状语从句?
5.A Study on the Translation of Adverbial Clauses in International Business Contracts;国际商务条约中状语从句的翻译研究
6.A Tentative Study on Chinese Learners Acquisition in the Causal Adverbial Clause Introduced by Because ;中国学习者BECAUSE原因状语从句习得初探
7.On the Adverbial Clause of Time Introduced by"пока не" and"Until";покане与until引导的时间状语从句
8.An Inquiry into the Concessive Adverbial Clause Conducted by "although" , " though" & "as;although、though和as引导的让步状语从句探讨
9.Item Order Characteristics of Proposition Representations of English Causational Clauses含原因状语从句的英语复合句命题表征项目顺序特点
10.A Corpus-Based Study on Chinese EFL Learners Ordering Distribution of Causal Adverbial Clauses;基于语料库对中国英语学习者原因状语从句语序分布的研究
11.A Corpus-based Study on Chinese EFL Learners Ordering Distribution of Temporal Adverbial Clauses;基于语料库对中国英语学习者时间状语从句语序分布的研究
12.A Study of Inversion in Adverbial Clauses Introduced by AS以AS为引导词的状语从句之倒装现象探究
13.We'll be lucky to get there before dark.让步状语,由短语和从句表示,常置于句末和句首。
14.Analysis of Semantc Functions of the Arributive Clauses with Adverbiality in English;浅析英语状语性定语从句的语义功能
15.In order to get into a good school, I must study even harder.条件状语。多由短语和从句表示,常置于句末和句首。
16.Some English sentences are structurally attributive clauses but logically adverbial ones.在英语中,有些从句从语法结构上看是定语从句,但跟主句在逻辑上却有状语的关系。
17.The question is how we can get the loan.(引导表语从句同时作从句的方式状语)题是我们如何才能弄到贷款。
18.We didn't know why she didn't come.(引导宾语从句同时作从句的原因状语)们不知道她为什么没来。

adverbial clauses状语从句
1.I mplicit negation can be realized by means of rhetorical questions,subjunctive clauses,adverbial clauses,some collocations of words,and vocabulary,etc.在英语中,可以通过反问句、虚拟从句、状语从句、词语搭配以及词汇等方法达到含蓄否定的目的。
2.Different languages tend to arrange the order of adverbial clauses in different ways.不同的语言倾向于使用不同语序来组织状语从句
3)ordering distribution of adverbial clauses状语从句语序
1.Lots of studies have been focused on the ordering distribution of adverbial clauses in English, and the possible factors determining the position of the adverbial clauses.迄今国外已经有很多关于英语状语从句语序分布特点的研究,以及影响其语序分布的可能因素的研究。
4)adverbial clause of adjective形容词状语从句
5)the Because-clausebecause原因状语从句
6)Adverbial Causes of Concession让步状语从句
