语言本质,nature of language
1)nature of language语言本质
1.The nature of language has been a core problem in linguistics research.语言本质问题是语言学研究中的一个核心问题。
2.This paper suggests that the differences between them are brought about by their views on the nature of language, which we would like to illustrate in relation to semantics, syntax and situation.旨在揭示对语言本质认识的不同是二者产生分歧的根本原因,并从语义、句法、语境等方面加以详细分析,以帮助读者对语言学的发展有一个新的认识。

1.Language Essence of Practical Materialism and Second Language Acquisition Research实践唯物语言本质观与二语习得研究
2.Material Foundation and Spiritual Culture--A discussion on the essence of language;物质基础与精神文化——关于语言本质问题的探讨
3.An Interpretation of Humboldt Concerning the Essence of Language and His Philosophical Thought About Linguistic" Worldview "解读洪堡特关于语言本质和语言“世界观”问题的哲学思想
4.The Extension and Promotion of Research Realm in the Nature of Language:A Review of Wang Xi-jie s Idea of the Nature of Language;语言本质问题研究境界的拓展与提升——王希杰先生的语言本质观述评
5.The essence of language is communication.语言的本质是沟通。
6.On the Power of Language in a View of Language Philosophy,Cultural Studies论语言的力——语言的哲学、文化学与语用学本质
7.The Cultural Nature of Language and the Cultural Functions of Language in Communication;语言的文化本质与语言交流中的文化功能
8.The Essence of Language--The Research of Heidegger s Thought of Language of the Later Stage;语言的本质——海德格尔后期语言思想疏论
9.On the natural difference between the application letter language and literature language;也谈应用文语言与文学语言的本质差异
10.On The Essence of the Artistic Language-An Aesthetic Analysis Between Language and Reality;论语言艺术化的本质——语言与现实审美关系分析
11.Essential Existence of Language and Classic Tradition of Indo-European Language Research语言的本质存在与印欧语言研究的古典传统
12.View of Language Nature to Foreign Language Teaching从语言的本质看外语教学——谈语言学对外语教学的启示
13.On the Iconic Nature of Language-from the Perspective of Memetics;从模因论视角研究语言的象似性本质
14.Thinking Activation: the Essence of Speech Act in Classroom Questions;激活思维:课堂提问的言语行为的本质
15.The True Nature of Word--After Reading Language by Edward Sapir;“词”的本质——读萨丕尔的《语言论》
16.The Lexical Approach--a New Perception on Nature of Language Acquisition;词汇法——认识语言习得本质的新视角
17.A Tentative Study of the Nature of Language Transfer in the Process of Second Language Acquisition;试论二语习得过程中语言迁移现象的本质
18.Essence of Human Language:A Rational Constitution,or a Communicative Activity?--Studies on the Linguistic Fork by Saussure;人类语言的本质:理性制度,还是交际活动——论索绪尔的语言学分岔

the nature of language语言本质
3)nature of language语言的本质
1.Views on the nature of language and foreign language teaching;语言的本质观与外语教学
2.Seen from a deeper level,the use of defamiliarization devices is entailed by the nature of language.从更深的层面来看,运用陌生化手法是语言的本质使然。
4)nature of language acquisition语言习得本质
5)essence of cartographic language地图语言的本质
6)the dynamic nature of language语言的动态本质
1.Only language is put into the developing society,the dynamic nature of language can be revealed.因此,社会影响着语言,只有把语言置于动态的社会之中才能揭示语言的动态本质。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。