意象对等,image equivalence
1)image equivalence意象对等
1.Based on Newmark s theory of invariant elements , Fryes symbol theory and Nida s principle of dynamic equivalence , the thesis illustrates the clashes between paraphrasing translation and image equivalence-- "paraphrasing translation" not only changes the images of the original poem, but also violates other basic translation theories.根据Newmark的"中心元素"理论、Frye的象征学说以及Nida的"动态对等"理论,举例探讨了"解释性翻译"与意象对等的冲突:"解释性翻译"不仅损害了诗歌的意象,而且违背了翻译的诸多基本原则。
2.By analyzing the English translations of The Zither and the shortcomings of hermeneutic standpoint in translating classical Chinese poetry which advocates the plurality of interpretations,this paper puts forward that the method of image equivalence should be applied to the translation of classical Chinese poetry in order to maintain the artistic effect and the aesthetic space of the original poem.以《锦瑟》英译为例,参照阐释学翻译观中译者主体性的发挥造成译作审美空间消减这一观点,提出中国古典诗歌英译应采用意象对等的翻译方法,以求最好的保持原作的艺术效果与审美空间。

1.Protolanguage and Image Equivalence;“原始语言”与诗歌翻译中的“意象对等
2.phallic imagery, symbolism, symbols, etc阴茎的意象、 象徵、 象徵物等.
3.form an idea, impression, opinion, etc形成想法、 印象、 意见等
4.esoteric poetry, imagery, language, etc难懂的诗、 意象、 语言等.
5.The thesis analyzes symbolic meanings of Jim, Marlow, Stein, and Brown etc.本文依次对吉姆、马洛、斯坦、布朗等人物进行了象征意义的分析。
6.The study of specification for abstract datatype (ADT) is important in the development ofobject-oriented software and in program verification.研究抽象数据类型的规范说明对于实现面向对象的软件开发及程序证明等具有重要意义。
7.A Study of Equivalence Shortages in E-C Translation of Common Words with Specific Legal Meanings Based on Dynamic Equivalence Theory基于动态对等理论的含有特殊法律意义的普通词汉译中对等缺失现象的研究
8.On the Significance of Formal Equivalence of Image Juxtaposition in Poem Translation from the Perspective of Language Iconicity--Exemplified by Two Translated Versions of Autumn Thoughts从语言象似性论诗歌意象并置翻译中形式对等的重要性——以《天净沙·秋思》译文为例
9.Returns whether the called object is equal to the given object.返回被调用的对象是否等于给定对象。
10.Views and Significance on Image and Vision;《管锥篇》对“意”、“象”的创见及其意义——以“意余于象”与“象外见意”为例
11.Images of the Prototype of "Waiting" in Border City and Nine Songs;《边城》与《九歌》中的“等待”原型意象比较
12.Inquiring into the Prototypes of Images like "Talisman" in Pilgrimage to the West;《西游记》中“法宝”等若干意象的原型研究
13.the object upon which interest and attention focuses.兴趣和注意集中的对象。
14.The Discussion From"Imagery Doctrine"of Classical Poetics in China to "Imagery Note System"of Modern Doctrine --The thought on imagery aesthetic to Chinese poetry;从“意象说”到“意象符号系统”论——对中国诗歌的意象审美思考
15.the method of distinguish disease feint from symptom.疾病假象的识别途径和疾病假象的辨析方法等等,对于提高临床思维水平和医疗质量,有着重要意义
16.He found time to admire the ease with which she sat down, then lurched toward a chair facing her, overwhelmed with consciousness of the awkward figure he was cutting.等到在她对面的椅子上坐了下来,又意识到自己形象的笨拙,感到狼狈。
17.A tentative study on application of dynamic equivalence in literary translation--Loss and skewing of cultural-loaded image in literary translation;奈达动态对等理论在文学翻译中的运用——试析文学翻译中文化意象的歪曲与失缺
18.How to Imagine Peter and a Golden Hill--Sartre:On Image and its Object如何想象彼得和一座金山——萨特论意象及其对象

intentional object意向对象
1.The analysis of phenomenology indicates that“self”belongs to the sense of intentional object which is created by consciousness;the concept of self -existence is established as the original belief in the sense of intentional object.现象学的分析表明 ,“自我”属于意识所构造的意向对象之意义;自我存在的观念是作为意向对象之意义的原信念而得以确立的;而自我存在的否定,即“我”的死亡观念则是这一原信念的变样。
3)contrasting image意象对比
1.However,the former adopts some contrasting images to denote Isabel s change from a happy girl to a miserable lady after marriage while the latter vividly describes Qiqiao s mental madness with repetitious images.不同的是,前者运用意象对比来描述伊莎贝尔婚前和婚后生活的巨大反差,而后者则凭借意象的反复来展示七巧日趋疯狂的心态。
1.With close study Sartre s theory,the paper analyzed the connotations and relation of the self-consciousness,object-consciousness and reflective-consciousness.文章考察了萨特的相关论述,细致分析了自身意识、对象意识和反思意识的涵义及其之间的关系。
2.It has to be by means of language sign to differentiate people s demands and opposite regularity When human being taking self-motive activities up, hence engenders object-consciousness and self-consciousness.意识的二重性在原始混沌的感性认识中就潜在地影响着观念运动,使用了符号进行反映之后,对象意识和自我意识有了借以区别的形式。
3.But academic circles have very different comprehension to pre-flective cogito: some advocate that it is only self-consciousness, and some think it’s just object-consciousness.但是,学界对于“反思前的我思”的理解却甚为分歧:有些学者主张“反思前的我思”只是自身意识,也有人认为它只是对象意识。
5)object consciousness对象意识
1.Human consciousness is the unity of the object consciousness and the self consciousness.人的意识是对象意识和自我意识的统一。
6)object of consciousness意识对象
