隐性功能,recessive function
1)recessive function隐性功能
1.but its recessive function,especially its function in the construction of a harmonized school campus has not yet got sufficient understanding.高校图书馆的传统功能早已得到社会的承认,但其隐性功能,尤其是在创建和谐校园中的功能,并未得到充分认识。
2.Strengthening the teaching of PE can fully display its recessive function and improve students qualities in an all-round way.加强体育教学,充分发挥体育教学的隐性功能,也是全面提高学生素质的重要途径。

1.On Recessive Functions of university Library in a Harmonious Society;论和谐社会中高校图书馆的隐性功能
2.On the Recessive Function of Public Security in Harmonious Society论和谐社会视野下治安学的隐性功能
3.Displaying the Recessive Function of PE in Quality Education;发挥体育教学在素质教育中的隐性功能
4.An Adaptation Perspective on a Metaphorical Utterance and Its Social Functions;隐喻性话语的顺应性研究及隐喻的社会功能
5.The Cognitive Functions of Metaphor and Similarities in Cross-Cultural Metaphors;隐喻的认知功能与跨文化隐喻的相似性
6.The clinic characteristics and analysis of spina bifida occulta隐性脊柱裂排尿功能异常的临床特征
7.A Functional Approach to Poetic Metaphor and Its Cognitive Motivation;诗歌隐喻的功能性解读及其认知理据
8.On the implicit negation and NPI licensing of dou(都);论“都”的隐性否定和极项允准功能
9.The special educational functions of implicit ideological and political education论隐性思想政治教育的特殊教育功能
10.Making Implicit Knowledge explicit: Orientation of Journal Librarians in the Times of Information;隐性知识显性化——信息时代期刊馆员的功能定位
11.Implicit and Explicit Evaluation: A Perspective of Textual Metafunction隐性评价与显性评价:语篇功能的评价研究
12.Objectivity in BBC Economic News-From the Perspective of Functional Grammatical Metaphor;从功能语法隐喻角度探讨BBC经济新闻的客观性
13.The Persuasive Power of the Metaphorical Mechanism in Religious Discourses;隐喻机制在宗教语篇中的劝谏性构建功能
14.The Persuasive Power of the Metaphorical Mechanism in American Presidential Inaugural Speeches;美国总统就职演讲辞中隐喻机制的劝谏性功能
15.Study on the Implicit Moral Education Function of Mobile Phone Short Messages as Culture Carrier in Colleges and Universities;试论高校拇指文化载体的隐性德育功能开发
16.On the building of metaphorical words and its linguistic functions;试谈隐喻性词汇的构成及其语言学功能
17.How to Exert the Teaching Function of the Latent Curriculum;体育教学如何发挥隐性课程的教育功能
18.On the Recessive Rducational Functions of College Librarians Quality;论高校图书馆工作人员素质的隐性教育功能

Implicit Function隐性功能
1.An Analysis of Implicit Functions of College Reference Rooms;试析高校院系资料室的隐性功能
2.It brings to light the implicit function of the mass media and is also the ideological origin of the agenda setting theory.这一理论在新闻传播史上极具理论价值,揭示了大众传播媒介的隐性功能,又是议程设置理论的思想渊源,同时对于我国开展好舆论引导工作也颇有现实指导意义。
3.On this basis, this paper discusses the implicit function of college community.文章阐述了高校学生社团的类型、特点和所具有的功能(包括基本功能和隐性功能),并对学生社团的功能建构提出了建设性的意见。
3)Concealed antegrade conduction隐匿性前传功能
4)Latent Function of Design设计的隐性功能
5)crytic function隐蔽功能
6)overt function隐功能

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]