阅读课,reading course
1)reading course阅读课
1.An Analysis on the Reading Course Teaching Method in Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language对外汉语阅读课教学方法初探
2.This paper presents three interpretations as to the theoretical progression of the concept authenticity , on the basis of which focus is to be laid on the interpretation of it as far as the reading course is concerned.‘authenticity’这一概念在理论上经历了三个发展阶段 ,在此基础上 ,本文着重讨论它与阅读的关系 ,同时提出了一些个人的理解及建议 ,继而得出‘authenticity’并非衡量阅读课的唯一标准的结论。
3.It discusses the application of the formative evaluation system in English reading course for English majors and its impact on such teaching elements as instructional objectives,the roles of teachers and students,teaching contents and teaching methods and means,with a detailed description of the course background,the experimental subjects,the textbooks and the specific implementation plans.依据形成性评价理论并借鉴MCTC的教学经验,设计了包括终结性评价和形成性评价在内的英语专业阅读课程的评价体系,并就课程背景、实验对象、课堂教材及具体实施方案进行了阐述,认为该体系的应用对该课程教学在教学目标、教师和学生的角色、教学方法和手段等方面都有影响。

1.Designing Questions in Reading Class to Improve Reading Teaching;巧设阅读课堂提问 提高阅读教学质量
2.Training Students' Critical Reading Ability in English Reading Class在英语阅读课堂开展批判性阅读训练
3.PowerPoint2002 and the Teaching of English Reading;PowerPoint2002与英语阅读课教学
4.Integration of in-class and out-of-class Reading Instructions for English Majors英语专业阅读课教学与课外阅读的整合
5.On the Cultivation of the Students Reading Ability in the Class Teaching of English Reading;论英语阅读课堂教学中学生阅读能力的培养
6.English Reading Teaching High Vocational Institute From tie Uiew of Reading Questionaire;从阅读策略问卷调查看高职英语阅读课教学
7.On an Extension of English Reading Teaching Practice for English Majors- Online Reading;论英语专业阅读课教学的外延——网上阅读
8.Analystic Probe into Proaches for Cultivating English-majored Students Skills in Time limited Reading Comprehension;英语专业阅读课限时阅读能力培养途径探析
9.A Study on Three-step Teaching Approaches --“Guidance Reading and Practice”-in Senior Middle Schools Reading Lessons;谈高中英语阅读课“导读练”三步教学法
10.On the Role of Reading Aloud in Senior English Reading Class浅论朗读在高中英语阅读课中的作用
11.Making Use of Text Resources of the Reading Course for the Improvement of Writing开发利用阅读课文本资源,以读促写
12.A Discourse Approach to Senior High-School Classroom Reading Teaching;高中英语阅读课课堂教学模式的构建
13.He picked up the book and started to read.他捡起课本开始阅读。
14.he enjoys reading books.学习的功课,包括阅读。
15.Extracurricular Reading Model for Required Reading,Selective Reading and Specialized Reading;必读、选读、定题读三合一泛读课外阅读学习模式
16.This course features a full bibliography in the readings section.本课程在阅读资料部分有详尽的阅读书单。
17.I recommend the following reading priorities: cases, required reading and then lecture notes.我建议下列的阅读顺序:个案、须阅读资料、课教材。
18.The Important Role of Guided Extra-curricular Reading in Enhancing Students English Reading in College Entrance Examination;指导性课外阅读对提高高考阅读成绩的作用

reading class阅读课
1.So in the English classroom in China, reading class has received most attention and investment of time and effort both from the students and the teacher.阅读课在高中英语教学中既是重点,也是难点。
3)reading lesson阅读课
1.The reading lessons in the intensive German training course are different from the German reading lessons for the university students who major either in German or not.德语强化教学阅读课既有别于外语专业的阅读课,也有别于大学外语的阅读课
2.Discusses, both in theory and in practice, the necessity of teaching translation in the course of reading lessons.从理论和实践两方面阐述了大学英语阅读课中进行翻译教学的必要性 ,并提出了结合阅读材料 ,以英汉两种语言的对比为基础 ,侧重分析英汉语言不同之处及将翻译教学贯穿到阅读教学的各个环节中 ,侧重实践的具体做
4)Outside reading课外阅读
1.Outside reading played a very important role in Chinese language teaching to hearing-impairedstudents.课外阅读是语文教学中一个十分重要的环节。
2.Through analyzing on the outside reading of higher vocational college students,and connecting with the quality characteristics of higher vocational college students,this paper puts forward some opinions on how the higher vocational college library to help the students develop the outside reading.通过对高职生课外阅读的分析,结合高职生的素质特点,提出了高等职业院校图书馆如何帮助学生开展课外阅读的一些看法。
3.In January to February of 2003, we carried out the investigation of outside reading for pupils through question-and-answer, such as their interesting, motives, period quantity, content, regulation, ways and the guide of parents and teachers.2003年1—2月,我们采取问卷调查的方式,就我省初中生和小学生的课外阅读情况,如兴趣、动机、时量、内容、习惯、方式以及教师、家长对学生课外阅读的指导状况等方面进行了调查。
5)extra-curricular reading课外阅读
1.Strategy study in extra-curricular reading to strengthen the humanistic spirits of higher vocational students在高职学生课外阅读中加强人文精神培养的策略研究
2.By using the ways of sample questionnaires survey and random interviews,this article surveys and analyzes the status of extra-curricular reading in Jian Xiong Vocational Technology College from seven aspects,in order to draw some inspiration and guide the extra-curricular reading of higher vocational college students well.通过采用抽样问卷调查及随机访谈等方式,从七个方面调查分析了健雄职业技术学院学生的课外阅读状况,力求从中得到一些启示,更好地指导高职学生的课外阅读。
6)reading material阅读课文

刀具阅读知识刀具是机械制造中用于切削加工的工具,又称切削工具。广义的切削工具既包括刀具,还包括磨具。 绝大多数的刀具是机用的,但也有手用的。由于机械制造中使用的刀具基本上都用于切削金属材料,所以“刀具”一词一般就理解为金属切削刀具。切削木材用的刀具则称为木工刀具。 刀具的发展在人类进步的历史上占有重要的地位。中国早在公元前28~前20世纪,就已出现黄铜锥和紫铜的锥、钻、刀等铜质刀具。战国后期(公元前三世纪),由于掌握了渗碳技术,制成了铜质刀具。 当时的钻头和锯,与现代的扁钻和锯已有些相似之处。 然而,刀具的快速发展是在18世纪后期,伴随蒸汽机等机器的发展而来的。1783年,法国的勒内首先制出铣刀。1792年,英国的莫兹利制出丝锥和板牙。有关麻花钻的发明最早的文献记载是在1822年,但直到1864年才作为商品生产。 那时的刀具是用整体高碳工具钢制造的,许用的切削速度约为5米/分。1868年,英国的穆舍特制成含钨的合金工具钢。1898年,美国的泰勒和.怀特发明高速钢。1923年,德国的施勒特尔发明硬质合金。 在采用合金工具钢时,刀具的切削速度提高到约8米/分,采用高速钢时,又提高两倍以上,到采用硬质合金时,又比用高速钢提高两倍以上,切削加工出的工件表面质量和尺寸精度也大大提高。 由于高速钢和硬质合金的价格比较昂贵,刀具出现焊接和机械夹固式结构。1949~1950年间,美国开始在车刀上采用可转位刀片,不久即应用在铣刀和其他刀具上。1938年,德国德古萨公司取得关于陶瓷刀具的专利。1972年,美国通用电气公司生产了聚晶人造金刚石和聚晶立方氮化硼刀片。这些非金属刀具材料可使刀具以更高的速度切削。 1969年,瑞典山特维克钢厂取得用化学气相沉积法,生产碳化钛涂层硬质合金刀片的专利。1972年,美国的邦沙和拉古兰发展了物理气相沉积法,在硬质合金或高速钢刀具表面涂覆碳化钛或氮化钛硬质层。表面涂层方法把基体材料的高强度和韧性,与表层的高硬度和耐磨性结合起来,从而使这种复合材料具有更好的切削性能。 刀具按工件加工表面的形式可分为五类。加工各种外表面的刀具,包括车刀、刨刀、铣刀、外表面拉刀和锉刀等;孔加工刀具,包括钻头、扩孔钻、镗刀、铰刀和内表面拉刀等;螺纹加工工具,包括丝锥、板牙、自动开合螺纹切头、螺纹车刀和螺纹铣刀等;齿轮加工刀具,包括滚刀、插齿刀、剃齿刀、锥齿轮加工刀具等;切断刀具,包括镶齿圆锯片、带锯、弓锯、切断车刀和锯片铣刀等等。此外,还有组合刀具。