案例教学模式,case teaching model
1)case teaching model案例教学模式
1.This article describes the implementing methods and teaching strategies of the case teaching model used by the teaching procedure design of experimental graphic design course on the purpose of reinforcing the practising teaching and complementing basic knowledge of other subjects related to this course.通过对平面设计实验课的教学设计,以强化实践教学为目的,阐述了案例教学模式的实施方法及教学策略,补充了与该课程相关的其他学科的基础知识。
2.The theories on "intuition","facing facts directly",inter-subjectivity" and "life world" in phenomenology provide the deep philosophical foundation for case teaching model.案例教学模式具有强调案例、重视批判、推崇讨论和以学生为本等特征,它充分体现了现象学的基本思想。
3.Traditional case teaching model is widely used in some special teaching field because of its advantages,but it also has some disadvantages which can be overcome by using information technology in case teaching.传统的案例教学模式由于其特殊的优点而被广为采用,但是案例教学也有特定的适用范围和局限性。

1.Reconstruction of Vocational Education s Modern Law Case Teaching Model;高职法学教育现代案例教学模式重构
2.Model Discussion of Case Study on Economics Teaching;经济学原理课程案例教学模式的探讨
3.Instancing in Finance Teaching on the Basis of Case Teaching Module;从案例教学模式谈财经专业课教学中的举例
4.Research of Case Teaching Methods for Human Resources Management Course;人力资源管理课程案例教学模式研究
5.Electronic Business Case Teaching Model and Ability Developing;论电子商务案例教学模式与能力培养
6.Training application oriented English personnel with the model of case study;以案例教学模式培养实用型英语人才
7.On Case Teaching in Public Pedagogics in Higher Colleges;论高师公共教育学案例教学模式的应用
8.The Discussion for The Teaching Module of Execution Example for Mareting;市场营销学课程实施案例教学模式的探讨
9.An Exploration of Case Study Mode in Teaching Introduction of Law in Police College;公安本科院校《法学概论》案例教学模式探索
10.The Case Method of Flash under CBECBE模式下的FLASH案例教学
11.Briefly on the Teaching Pattern of"Social Practice+Case Teaching+Case Study";“社会实践+案例教学+案例研究”教育模式简论
12.exploration on practice mode of case-study teaching from Pedagogy;《教育学》案例教学的实践模式初探
13.“Case Teaching-Participation”An Effective Model for Mathematic Subject Methodology;“案例—参与”数学学科教学法的有效模式
14.Exploration on the Model of “Case Teaching” in the Training of Primary and Secondary School Principals;中小学校长培训“案例教学”模式探析
15.The Model of the Case Teaching of Statistics;《统计学》课程案例教学法及其实现模式
16.On Pattern Innovation of Resources of Marketing Teaching Cases;论市场营销教学案例来源的模式创新
17."AIDA" model and research on teaching of marketing by case analysis;“AIDA”模式与市场营销案例教学研究
18.Case Teaching and Constructing Webquest Model in World Geography;《世界地理》案例教学及webquest模式

case teaching mode案例教学模式
1.The modern case teaching mode should focus on correcting the traditional value target,perfecting the teaching functions and making it more scientifically operative.传统的案例教学模式在价值目标、教学功能以及具体操作中存在诸多的不足。
2.The main purpose of the artical is to build up a kind of geography case teaching mode in the senior high school to match high school students recognitive regulation and ability level, to apply the basic prin.本文是依托笔者在参与福建省教科所《惠安一中教师可持续发展》课题研究,全面解读高中地理课程理念的基础上,从理论与实践两方面对高中地理案例教学模式作了较为系统的研究后完成的。
3.Author introduce case teaching mode into business English speciality can achieve the goal.案例教学模式在商务英语专业教学中运用能有效帮助商务英语专业毕业生提高分析和解决商务问题的能力。
3)the mode of the case teaching approach案例教学法模式
4)case teaching案例式教学
5)cases teaching案例式教学
1.At last,we show the important effect to improve the abilities in problem analyzing,program designing and integrative practice by the integrated utilization of manifold measures of cases teaching,modularizatio.探讨了案例式教学、模块化教学以及以数学建模为内容的项目培育等多种手段的综合利用对提高学生分析问题能力、程序设计能力以及综合实践能力的重要作用。
6)Discussion on the Mode of Case Teaching案例教学模式探究
