1.Examining Hu Shi s thought of library science from one page of his diary;从胡适的一篇日记看他的图书馆学思想
2.This article introduces Tuixiangzhai diary,points out the value of the dirary to the research of politics,the folk custom and merchants of Shanxi,and the value of the dirary to study the recent society history of China.文章通过对《退想斋日记》内容的介绍,旨在指出其在研究山西政治、民俗和晋商方面的史料价值,进一步指出日记对近代社会史研究的重要价值。

1.To keep a personal or financial journal.记私人日记日记
2.To record in a journal.把……记入日志(或日记帐)
3.One who keeps a journal.记日志者记日志、日记的人
4.She keeps her diary up to date她将日记记到最近。
5.Do you remember writing in your diary:还记得你在日记中写道:
6.Now he began to write in his diary.这时他开始记日记
7.A diary is an intimate book.日记是私人的记事本。
8.Thinking over the Truthfulness of Azuma Shiro′s Diary from the Angle of Nakashima′s Diary and Rabe′s Diary;从中岛日记、拉贝日记看东史郎日记的真实性
9.Goodnight Dear Diary.晚安,亲爱的日记
10.Participant diary/logs现场工人日记/日志
11.She has a diary that she keeps under lock and key.女儿爱写日记,而且日记还加了锁。
12.The simplest type of journal is called a general journal.最简单的日记账为普通日记账。
13.The special journals include cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, sales journal, and purchase journal.特种日记账主要包括现金收入日记账、现金支出日记账、销货日记账和购货日记账。
14.An account or a record of a journey.游记,旅行日记对旅行的陈述或记录
15.Ritualization of Daily Practices:A Study on Diary Keeping Among the Educated Youth;日常仪式化行为的形成:从雷锋日记到知青日记
16.Influence of Chinese Ancient Literature on Japanese Diary Literature;中国古代文学对日本日记日记文学的影响
17.Credit sales are recorded in a sales journal, and cash receipts in a cash receipts journal.赊账销售被记录在销售日记账,现金收讫被记录在现金日记账中。
18.I haven't written in my diary for a week.我一周没写日记了。

1.As a result,Study of Writers\' Diaries in the Period of May 4~(th) is written.在当前的现代作家日记研究中,学术界或只是把日记作为论文论证材料的一种补充,或只对一位文学家的日记进行研究,而并没有从五四文学家日记去综合考察五四的相关情况,由此便有了本篇论文《五四文学家日记研究》。
2.In his newly published diaries and letters,we can find his knowledge and impression of his Leningrad visit including his reading of the Dunhuang Documents there,which is the most detailed records about the documents before their being publicized and thus has considerable historical value.郑振铎在出访时期,经常给家人和朋友、同事写信,并写有日记
3.Zhong Lihe diaries left us a valuable asset,when he was refugee boat ride from Beijing return to home in 1946,the majority of these heavy manuscript paper was taken back to Taiwan.钟理和日记为我们留下了宝贵的财富,当他在1946年从北京坐难民船返乡的时候,这些沉重的稿纸大部分被带回台湾。
4)bug diary记错日记
