1.Collections and Historical Importance of Manchu Genealogy in Chinese Northeast Area;东北地区满族族谱的收集整理及其史料价值
2.On Fung-shui Writing in Qixingyao Genealogy,Fung-shui Practice and Social Integration——Case Study of Pu Clan七姓瑶族谱中的风水书写、风水实践与社会整合——以蒲氏族谱为中心(上)

1.Clan Genealogy and Enlightenment by Education--A Study on the Ma Clan Genealogy of Xuetangkan;族谱与教化:穴塘坎马氏族谱1658~2000解读
2.Many a family tree needs trimming.不少族谱得要修剪修剪。
3.The Regained Pedigree of Hainan Huizu--A Study of Pedigree of Tongtun Clan;失而复得的海南回族族谱——《通屯宗谱全书》探研
4.Family Culture and Society Being Harmonious;家族文化与社会和谐——研读族谱有感
5.A genealogy is a table showing the lines of one's ancestry; a family tree, in short.家族的族谱是一个人列祖的总表,简言之,就是家谱。
6.Discussion of the Effect of Genealogy Collection on the Compilation of the "Catalogue Abstract of Hainan Provincial Genealogy";浅谈搜集族谱工作对编纂《海南族谱总目提要》的影响
7.Discrimination on WANG Xi-zhi s Belost Works--As Well as the Role of Chinese Genealogies in the Field of Literature and History;族谱中所见王羲之佚文辨伪——兼及族谱在当代文史研究中的作用
8.Between Fabrication and Truth --a Eiscussion with the Anthor of “Fujian Genealogy” on Family Trees and ldentification of Racial Origin;虚构与真实之间——就家谱和族群认同问题与《福建族谱》作者商榷
9.Collections and Historical Importance of Manchu Genealogy in Chinese Northeast Area;东北地区满族族谱的收集整理及其史料价值
10.Shanghang Hakka Genealogy Museum in Western Fujian to Go on an Exhibition Tour in Taiwan闽西上杭客家族谱馆将赴台湾巡展
11.Those lords and ladies scattered around in the collateral branches of the family tree.那些老爷太太分散地列在族谱上。
12.Tracing Back to Ancestors: A Comparative Analysis on Family Tree of Jiang Clan in Fujian and Taiwan;追寻祖先:闽台《江氏族谱》的比较分析
13.Rediscussion on Preface of Lin′s Genealogical Tree in Xihe County signed by Lin Zexu;再论署名林则徐的《西河郡林氏族谱序》
14.About Clan in Hebei since the Late Qing Dynasty based on Genealogy;晚清民国以来的河北宗族述略——以河北宗族族谱为中心
15.by an unbroken line of descent.通过完整的家族系谱。
16.Languages are the pedigrees of nations.语言是民族的家谱。
17.Changes of the Nationalist Ideas:Perspective of Genealogical and Anti-Genealogical Views;民族主义观念的嬗变:系谱论与反系谱论的视角
18.Many libraries specialize in genealogy.许多图书馆专门收藏氏族家谱。

Genealogical tree族谱
1.In recompiling a genealogical tree,one needs to regard genealogy as the basis and culture as the spirit and break free from the form and content of traditional genealogical trees.新修族谱,要建立、贯彻“世系为本,文化是魂”的理念,大胆打破传统谱牒的内容格局和格式;要坚持以现代的、科学的历史观为指导思想,重建家谱的价值观,以符合弘扬中华文化的时代需求。
2.About 160 years later,this preface of genealogical tree was passed into Lin′s family in Shipaiqian,Longmen,Longyan of Fujian province,which coincided with the revered 36th Lang,styling himself Shenglian,who built a career in Chen.署名林则徐所作的《西河郡林氏族谱序》叙述了林姓由来、人才济济的光荣家族史,重点阐明“我开基祖三十六郎公”的来龙去脉,全文符合史实。
1.The Wangs pedigree offered Wang extraction,marriage,imperial examinations and other information roundly,it filled a gap of Wang information.《王氏家传世系族谱》全面提供了王鹿瞻的家世、婚姻、科举及其相关信息,填补了其人及其家族资料的空白。
2.Pedigree:the Immaterial Language for Generations;族谱之所以被视"无形的祖宗言",是因为其背后隐含有众多的历史文化信息,不仅可以印证客家民系大迁徙的历史路线,更揭示出这个民系的精神承传。
4)Spectral family谱族
5)genealogy collection搜集族谱
1.For the important effect of genealogy compilation on the monograph of the "Catalogue Abstract of Hainan Provincial Genealogy",this paper has outline the current significance of genealogy,and put forward concrete measures in unfolding genealogy collection by combining the genealogy collection work in the Hainan Province.针对族谱对编纂《海南族谱总目提要》一书的影响,简述族谱在当代的现实意义,结合海南族谱的收藏情况,提出了开展搜集族谱的一些具体措施。
6)a brief guide to the genealogy of clans族谱便览
