1.On the Words of Win,Rain,Thin in Li Qingzhao s Poems;论李清照词中的酒、、瘦
2.Image of "rain" in Chinese Classical Poetry;“”在中国古典诗词中的意境

1.pour cats and dogs" (倾盆大),"
2.Take the raincoat in case it rains.带着衣,以防下
3.Take your raincoat in case it rains.带上衣,以防下
4.He had no raincoat on when the rain started.开始下时他没穿衣。
5.He took his raincoat with him in case it rain .他带上了衣以防下
6.He brought his raincoat in case it should rain.他带上衣以免下
7.He takes his raincoat with him in case it rains.他带上了衣以防下
8.A storm accompanied by rain.暴风夹着的风暴
9.It's raining like old boots.大倾盆,正下大
10.It 's going to rain. You 'd better take an umbrella .要下了。 你最好带把
11.Rear wiper with intermittent feature and washer jet后间歇刷+刷喷水头
12.To rain very heavily.下倾盆大猛烈地下
13.seasonal rain forest and rain forest region季林和热带林带
14.Last week was very rainy ; rain fell every day.上星期多,每天都下
15.The rain was beating down on his umbrella.水倾注在他的伞上。
16.The umbrella keeps the rains off the user.伞使撑伞人免受淋。
17.Do keep out of the rain if you haven't a coat.没带衣那就避一下.
18.I wear rubber boots when it rains.下时我都穿橡胶鞋。

precipitation type during the Mei-yu period梅雨雨型
3)Meiyu rainstorm梅雨暴雨
1.Meiyu rainstorms occurred in the Changjiang-Huaihe River valley in 2003 are classified into four categories according to the convective stability and precipitation property at the center of rainstorm,and the ralationships of moist potential vorticity with inertial,symmetry,and convective instabilities are analyzed.统计了2003年发生在江淮地区的梅,根据暴中心对流稳定度及降性质将暴分为4种类型。
2.Diagnostic analyses are carried out for the Meiyu rainstorm in the Meiyu period from 0000UTC 20th July to 1200UTC 1st August in 1998 and the MM5V3 meso-scale model is used to simulate the Meiyu rainstorm.对1998年7月20日00时—8月1日12时这段梅过程进行诊断分析,并利用MM5V3中尺度模式作梅的数值试验,结果表明:(1)本次梅分为3大段过程,非线性亚临界对称不稳定可能是3段梅形成的重要机制;(2)扰动风场增长与降水增长关系密切,扰动风场的增长会超前于降水的增长,非线性亚临界对称不稳定的增强可能使降水增强;(3)非线性亚临界对称不稳定主要发生在高层200hPa,中层500hPa也有发生。
4)rainfall (rainstorm)降雨(暴雨)
1.It is a very important content of disaster prevention and reduction to describe and forecast the distribution of urban rainfall (rainstorm).如何准确描述和预测降(暴)的空间分布,已成为城市减灾防灾的重要内容。
5)Heavy rain belts暴雨雨带
6)heavy rain cluster暴雨雨团
