1."Blue Box" and "New Blue Box":Potential Effect and Negotiation Position;“蓝箱”与“新蓝箱”:潜在影响与谈判立场
2.By examining and studying the main-stream discourses in contemporary cultural criticism,this essay intends to interrogate its position.通过梳理当下西方文化批判之主流话语,质疑其立场,文化批判者既须面对作为其批判对象的外在客体,更须清理在很多时候往往与其批判对象有着某种共谋关系的内在自我。
3.The article is aimed to probe into the position and strategies which we should take for the protection and sustainable use of genetic resources in relevant international negotiations.旨在探讨为了保护和持续利用遗传资源,我国在有关的国际谈判中对有关问题应采取的立场和对策。

1.The Interests of State and Nation Vs.the Value of Morality;国家、民族立场与道德立场的对立统一
2.shift one's groundph.1. 改变立场
3.a tricky problem [situation]微妙的问题[立场]
4.turn one's coat (=change one's coat)"变节, 改变立场"
5.Talent Stand and Common Tastes--On Pan Xiao -ping s Prose Style;精英立场与世俗立场——潘小平散文论
6.radical position激进的立场,激进的态度
7.advertising man温和(政策, 立场)的可取处
8.He changes sides in arguments!他在辩论中立场多变!
9.He is iron-willed and stands firm.他意志坚强,立场坚定。
10.I.Sticking to the Position of Strict Drug Control一、坚持严厉禁毒的立场
11.a clarification of his position对于他的立场之说明
12.The union has been forced to modify its position.工会被迫稍稍改变立场.
13.If I were in you shoes.如果我站在你的立场
14.an all - or - nothing negotiating position.绝不妥协的谈判立场
15.English Sentence365 12如果我站在你的立场上。
16.change one's position or opinion.改变自己的立场或意见。
17.On that policy she took her stand, and would not budge.她坚持这个立场,毫不动
18.To change sides, as in a controversy.改变立场,例如在争论中

1.The Standpoint and Value Analysis of Individual Prevention Theory;个别预防论的立场及其价值分析
2.The Long River,Shen Congwen s representative masterpiece in 1940 s,demonstrates the transition of the writer s standpoint as an intellectual,and this transition also implies the profound influence of such factors as times and experiences upon the personal thinking.沈从文的《长河》是其在20世纪40年代的代表作,它显示了作家知识分子立场的转型,而这一转型同时寓示了时代、经历等因素对个人思想的深刻影响。
1.Marxist stand, viewpoint and method are in themselves a coherent and integral whole which enrich themselves with times.马克思主义立场、观点、方法从总体上看有贯穿性、一脉相承、与时俱进、整体性等特点。
2.The Marxist stand, viewpoint and method are, as always, the fundamental categories and principal propositions for the applied research of Marxist theory.马克思主义立场、观点、方法始终是马克思主义理论体系应用研究的基本范畴或基本命题,是理论学习的重要切入点。
3.Today, universities stand of social criticism is diversifying and the critical sense is weakening.历史上,大学社会批判曾经历了道德主义、理性主义和人本主义三大立场的顺序发展。
1.Adhering to moral cognitive creed,opposing moral non-cognitive creed and skepticism,sticking to universalism and going against relativism are the brilliant standpoints of Habermas discourse ethics.坚持道德认知主义,反对道德非认知主义、怀疑主义,坚持普遍主义,反对相对主义是哈贝马斯商谈伦理理论的鲜明立场
2.If the Sales talks is on the basis of wishes, it will cost much, and it will be a kind of threat if you base on insisting and giving up the standpoints in your talks.以意愿为基础的谈判代价是高昂的,坚持立场的取舍是对谈判的威胁。
6)Official positions官方立场
