1.The analysis on distribution characteristics of the air PM_(10) concentration in Baoji City;宝鸡市大气可吸入颗粒物浓度分布特征分析
2.Water quality assessment of Baoji rivers based on grey correlated analysis and evaluation;宝鸡河流水质灰色关联分析与评价
3.Analyzing of water quality of Weihe River in Baoji;渭河宝鸡段水环境质量分析

1.Baotang Cui (Member) Born in 1956, Baoji , Shaanxi .崔宝堂(团员):1956年生,陕西宝鸡市人,号金竹园主人。
2.Investigation、 Evaluation and Classification of Baoji Tourism Resources宝鸡市旅游资源分类、调查与评价研究
3.Questions on Baoji Travelism Development and Countermeasures宝鸡市旅游业发展问题与对策初探
4.Meteorological Drought Analysis and Prediction in the Irrigation District of Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡灌区气象干旱特性分析及预测
5.Research on Effective Banking Supervision for BaoJi Branch Center of the People s Bank of China;人行宝鸡中心支行有效银行监管研究
6.The Pronouns in the Baoji Dialect--Supplement and Correction to "An Overview of the Pronouns in the Guanzhong Dialects";宝鸡方言代词——《关中方言代词概要》补正
7.The Problems and Countermeasures of Baoji Hi-tech Industry Development;宝鸡高科技产业发展中的问题与对策
8.Problem and Countermeasure on the Development of Baoji′s Equipment Manufacture;宝鸡装备制造业发展中的问题与对策
9.Research on the sustainable development strategy for tourism industry in Baoji;宝鸡旅游可持续发展的若干战略思考
10.Countermeasure Research to Resolve Water Shortage Problem in Baojixa Irrigation Area;宝鸡峡灌区解决缺水问题的对策研究
11.Study on Village Layout in Jintai Region of Baoji City Based on GIS基于GIS的宝鸡市金台区村庄布点研究
12.Researches on Land Use Change and Its Driving Force in Baoji City宝鸡市土地利用变化及其驱动力研究
13.Investigation of Resocialization of Laid-Off Workers in State-Owned Enterprise宝鸡国有企业下岗职工再社会化研究
14.Rainwater Utilization Potential and Supply-Demand Analysis on Northern Slope in Baoji宝鸡北坡雨水资源化潜力与供需分析
15.Hepatitis B Serological Markers of Railway Workers in Baoji宝鸡铁路职工乙肝血清学标志物分析
16.Baoji City Directly Under Control of Disinfection Childcare Quality Monitoring宝鸡市市直管托幼机构消毒质量监测
17.Analysis of Children′s Blood Lead,Blood Cadmium Assay in Baoji City宝鸡市儿童血铅、血镉含量测定的分析
18.Investigation on Nearsightedness Among 5,489 Elementary and Middle School Students in Baoji City宝鸡市5489名中小学学生近视情况调查

Baoji city宝鸡
1.Preliminary study on the change of urban growth and formation mechanisms in the west China:A case study of Baoji City;我国西部城市增长与形成机制变化初步研究:以宝鸡市扩展为例
2.Analysis of atmosphere environmental EKC model in Baoji City;宝鸡市大气环境质量EKC模型的建立与分析
3.Because of the earthquake that struck Wenchuan,caused extensive damage,Baoji City could not escape from this earthquake in Shanxi Province.汶川地震影响范围广泛,陕西省宝鸡市部分地区也遭受严重震害。
3)Baoji City宝鸡市
1.Sustainable development assessment based on ecological footprint method in western China's City——A case study of Baoji City;基于生态足迹法的西部城市可持续发展评价——以宝鸡市为例
2.An analysis of the relationship between air particles and meteorological elements in Baoji City;宝鸡市可吸入颗粒物与气象要素的关系分析
3.Present condition and countermeasures of water pollution in Baoji City;宝鸡市水污染现状及其治理对策
1.Monitoring of Environmental Air Quality and its Data Analysis in Baoji;宝鸡市空气质量监测及数据分析
2.The Population Urbanization Problems in Baoji;宝鸡市人口城市化发展研究
3.Study on the Predominance of Emphasized Industrial Clusters of Baoji;宝鸡市重点产业集群发展优势研究
5)Baojixia Project宝鸡峡
1.Cracks on the piers of the No.Ⅱ dam segment, Baojixia Project;宝鸡峡渠首Ⅱ坝段闸墩裂缝分析与处理
6)Baoji dry-land宝鸡旱塬
1.Simulation of yield and deep soil water effects of winter wheat field under different fertilization levels in Baoji dry-land of the Loess Plateau;不同施肥水平下宝鸡旱塬连作冬小麦产量与深层土壤水分效应的模拟研究

宝鸡宝鸡Baoji BQ01i宝鸡(Baoji)中国陕西省辖市,重要交通枢纽,军事要地。位于渭河平原西端,东距西安165千米。辖渭滨、金台2区和宝鸡、岐山、凤翔、扶风、千阳、眉县、陇县、凤县、太白、麟游10县。面积18 172平方千米,人口340.35万,其中市区面积555平方千米,人口4702万(1993)。战国时秦置陈仓县。唐至德二年(757)改称宝鸡县。元时藐县并人。1 949年析宝鸡县设市。地处秦岭与黄土高原交接地带。南依秦岭,北近黄土高原,西界陇山,东临渭河平原。地势南、西、北三面高,中部低平,东部敞开。周围山地中多关口要隘,宝鸡市西南加千米处秦岭上的大散关,扼南北交通要冲。市区位于中部关中川道,平均海拔590米。渭河自西向东流贯市区,河宽50一200米。有金陵河、清姜河等支流汇人,汛期7一10月。宝鸡峡引渭工程沿市区北缘通过。属暖温带半湿润气候。年平均气温13℃,1月平均气温一0.5℃,7月平均气温25.3℃。年平均降水量680毫米。无霜期210天。宝鸡古为秦岭陈仓道的起点、汉中北出关中之要冲,现为联结中国西北与西南地区的交通枢纽。中国第一条电气化铁路宝鸡一成都线与连云港一兰州和宝鸡一中卫铁路在此交会。有宝鸡一成都、宝鸡一汉中、宝鸡一平凉、宝鸡一西安等干线公路,宝鸡一西安的高速公路。宝鸡是新兴工业城市,工业以轻工、电子、机械、纺织、建材、化工等为主。农业产小麦、玉米、谷子、蔬菜等。宝鸡为关中的西部门户,地位重要。汉王元年(公元前206),刘邦明修栈道,暗渡陈仓,突袭关中,战败秦将章邯,控制关中地区。蜀建兴六年(公元228),诸葛亮借魏吴大战之机,统军数万挥师散关,攻打陈仓,二十余日攻城不下,粮尽还师。1949年7月,中国人民解放军第一野战军在扶凤、眉县、宝鸡、乾县进行了扶郡战役,歼灭国民党军4.4万人,宝鸡解放。(文秀清)