1.Based on the discharge theories of long air gap,a leader propagation model on lightning shielding failure is presented in this paper.为评估、计算输电线路雷电屏蔽性能即绕击性能,基于长空气间隙放电理论建立了特高压直流输电线路雷电屏蔽的先导发展模型,并用该模型计算了拟建立的云广±800 kV直流特高压输电线路雷电屏蔽性能。
2.Considering the randomness of leader propagation,a lightning stroke simulation model on lightning shielding performance of transmission line was presented,in which the simulation charge method was applied.为准确评价线路的绕击耐雷性能,考虑先导发展随机性,运用模拟电荷法,建立了输电线路雷屏蔽性能的雷击仿真模型。
3.This paper investigate the development, the breakdown process, and the discharge path selection of the lightning leader while there exsit corona iorns in the space.为探明当空气中含有电晕产生的离子时(离子背景),对雷电先导的发展、击穿过程和路径的选择有何影响,分别采用两种不同的实验方法研究了正、负离子流对先导放电进展路径影响的特点及规律,两种方法得出的一致结果表明,有离子背景的雷电先导放电路径具有选择负离子背景而回避正离子背景的特点和规律并运用电子崩发展和电场作用两方面原理,分析了离子背景的影响机制。

1.12,300 Porteous piloted missiles,,,12300枚先导控制导弹。
2.Be a preparation for or an introduction to作为的准备或先导,导致
3.They were in the van of civilization.他们是文明的先导者。
4.Drunkenness is the leading card to all evils.酗酒为一切罪恶之先导
5.The motorcade waspreceded by motorcycles.摩托车为车队作先导
6.Pilot-operated reducing valvesGB/T12246-1989先导式减压阀
7.pilot gas-injection project先导性注气试验方案
8.pilot neurosurgical rehabilitation programme神经外科康复先导计划
9.They are in the vanguard of technological advance.他们是技术发展的先导
10.Steering Group on Pilot Project on Integration of Children with Special Needs in Ordinary Schools融合教育先导计划督导小组
11.Suddenly the leaders broke into a gallop.突然先导马开始飞跑起来。
12.But error is often the precursor of what is correct.但是错误常常是正确的先导
13.Clinical Nurse Specialist Pilot Scheme [Hospital Authority]临?专科护士先导计划〔医院管理局〕
14."There's the whiffle-tree broken, sir," said the postilion;“先生,”那向导说,“横木断了。
15.congenital atrioventricular conductional block先天性房室传导阻滞
16.advanced medium-range air-to-air missile先进中程空对东导弹
17.leaders of a movement or fashion(运动或时尚的)先驱,先锋,领导者
18.First comes the question of Party leadership, which is the central factor for everything else.首先是党的领导问题,党是领导一切的核心。

1.Among the join forces of social development, philosophy work like a cock diligent in heralding the dawn to act as the guide and impetus of ideological liberation, innovation of thinking mode, the comprehensive development of a person, the development of spiritual civilization, theoretical creativity of Marxism and social modification.在社会发展的“合力”中 ,哲学既好似勤于报晓的“雄鸡”,是思想解放、思维方式变革、人的全面发展、精神文明进步、马克思主义理论创新、社会变革的先导和动力 ,又像是善于反思的“猫头鹰”,揭示社会发展的规律 ,把握时代主题的转换 ,指明历史前进的方向。
1.In the past 30 years,every innovation of theory and practice would start from mind emancipating,which is the forerunner of reform and opening.30年来,改革开放的每一个重大的实践活动和理论创新,都是由思想解放开始的,思想解放是改革开放实践的先导
4)pilot guide先导导管
5)pilot valves先导阀组
1.The control concepts and configuration characteristic are detailed,as well the experiment principle and process of the pilot valves are introduced.阐述了电液先导控制阀组的控制原理和结构特点,介绍了先导阀组的试验原理和步骤。
6)pilot test先导试验
1.Results and dynamic characteristics of pilot test of surfactant/polymer binary combination flooding in western No. 7 district in Gudong Oilfield;孤东油田七区西南二元复合驱油先导试验效果及动态特点
2.Composite sand control pilot test in Shu 3 area;曙三区综合防砂先导试验研究
3.Optimization of succeeding water flooding plan after steam drive pilot test in Block Qi40;齐40块蒸汽驱先导试验后续水驱方式优选

先导  气体放电通道发展的一种形式,多发生在较尖的放电间隙中。在不均匀电场中,例如棒形正电极对平板形负电极,放电将从正电极棒开始,首先出现线状的流注(见流注理论),向负极发展。如果极间距离(极距)不长,流注伸长到负电极后,就引起间隙击穿。当极间距离较长时,流注不能直接达到负电极,不会只由流注而引起间隙击穿。此时,将出现多个流注汇集在一起,加强原来放电通道的电离,形成了较粗的、电导率较高的通道,这就是先导。在先导的端部,有流注继续发展。在一定极距范围内,流注和先导都可能引起击穿,具有随机性。由流注引起的击穿电压比先导引起的高。因此,在此极距范围,击穿电压有分散性。当间隙距离增大时,先导放电发展更为明显。先导放电贯通全部极间距离后,继而出现主放电,最终使间隙击穿(见雷闪放电)。