1.Up to now,great progresses in the construction of eco-environment have been made,especially afforestation in the"Three Norths"of North,Northeast and Northwest China.我国以植树造林为核心的生态环境建设取得了很大成绩,到1997年全国已累计造林4627万hm2,其中“三北地区”3024万hm2。
2.Being a pioneer and founder of the cause of new China s environmental protection, Zhou En lai advocated water irrigation and conservancy, soil conservation and afforestation for the sake of environmental protection, ecological balance and people s well-being.周恩来是新中国环境保护事业的开拓者和奠基人 ,他主张发展水利、保持水土 ,植树造林、平衡生态 ,保护环境、造福人民 ,其环境保护思想内涵丰富深刻。

1.Planting and making forests is to raise the earth's vegetation plant cover rate.植树造林﹐提高土地的植被覆盖率。
2.The state organizes and encourages afforestation and the protection of forests.国家组织和鼓励植树造林,保护林木。
3.Tree planting and forest protection shall be the duties performed by every and each citizen.植树造林、保护森林,是公民应尽的义务
4.Plant trees everywhere and make our country green in the interest of future generations.植树造林,绿化祖国,造福后代。
5.We should reinforce our efforts in tree planting, and forestation making to prevent and cure sandstorms.我们要加大植树造林的力度, 防治沙害。
6.They immediately threw themselves into the afforestation movement.他们立即投人植树造林运动。
7.Forestry has advanced with exceptional speed.植树造林以罕见的速度得到了发展。
8.Russia and Scandinavia are gaining trees.俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚正在植树造林
9.Article 11 Tree planting and forest protection shall be the duties performed by every and each citizen.第十一条 植树造林、保护森林,是公民应尽的义务。
10.- Protecting natural forest resources, carrying out afforestation and improving the ecological environment.——保护天然林资源,开展植树造林,改善生态环境。
11.1) To impose a quota on forest cutting and encourage forest planting in order to expand the area of forest coverage;(一)对森林实行限额采伐,鼓励植树造林、封山育林,扩大森林覆盖面积;
12.To impose a quota on forest cutting and encourage forest planting in order to expand the area of forest coverage;对森林实行限额采伐,鼓励植树造林、封山育林,扩大森林覆盖面积;
13.The people's government at various levels shall organize all the citizens to plant trees as an obligatory duty and conduct afforestation activities.各级人民政府应当组织全民义务植树,开展植树造林活动。
14.Work has simultaneously proceeded on tree planting, the safeguarding of forests and the prevention of forest fires. Hillsides have been closed off for forest conservation and the destructive lumbering of forests banned.与此同时,全区坚持开展植树造林,护林防火,封山育林,制止乱砍滥伐。
15.China forest forest zone,forestry,tree planting,to plant tress will buy helis!森林界,林业界,植树造林界将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!
16.Experts argue thatChina must introduce a massive a forestation program .专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。
17.But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem.但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。
18.the best strategy to prosper Shaanxi being to afforest land and diversify economy;植树造林和发展多种经济是兴陕的方略 ;

1.By covering earth for reclamation, forestation and treatment of "three waste", Yangquan Bauxite Mine of Shandong Aluminium Co.山东铝业公司阳泉矿造地还田、植树造林、治理"三废",有效防治了地质灾害,减少了环境污染,创建成为花园式矿山。
2.During the period of the new deal in the late Qing dynasty,the forestation of Zhili province were thought highly by the officials and common people.清末新政时期,直隶的植树造林受到上上下下的普遍重视,各级官吏和相关农务农政机构(如各级农务局、农会、农林试验场)大力倡导,社会各界广泛参与,植树造林活动搞得有声有色,取得了较大的成绩。
3)overseas afforestation海外植树造林
4)tree planting and forestation in mountainous area山区植树造林
5)bank planting河岸植树造林
6)afforestation programming model植树造林规划模型
