1.Cultural Exploration of the "White" System Words in Chinese and Mongolian;汉蒙语“白”系词语之文化探析
2.The Pragmatic Function of Person Deixis in Mongolian蒙语人称指示语语用功能(英文)
3.A Brief Study on Mongolian Borrowed Words in Tibetan Language浅谈藏语中的蒙语借词现象

1.A Survey on Mongolian Language Used by Mongolian Community in Beijing;北京市典型蒙语社区蒙古族语言使用情况调查
2.A Comaparison Between Mongolian and English Auxiliary Verbs--Concurrently on the Gremmaticalized Degree in the Mongolian Auxiliary;蒙古语助动词与英语助动词的比较——兼谈蒙语助动词的虚化
3.A Mongol or Mongolian.一个蒙古人或蒙古语
4.of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures.属于或关于蒙古地区、蒙古人、蒙古语、蒙古文化的。
5.It is one of the official languages in Inner Mongolia.蒙古语是内蒙古地区的官方语言之一。
6.Neo-enlightenment and Post-enlightenment:Possibility of Dialogue between Two Enlightening Discourse Systems;“新启蒙”与“后启蒙”:两种启蒙话语系统对话的可能
7.A subfamily of the Altaic language family,Mongolian and Kalmyk being the most important members.蒙古语族阿尔泰语族中的一亚语,主要包括蒙古语和卡尔梅克语
8.The tagging of Mongolian phrases is the further study with Mongolian corpus linguistics.蒙古语短语标注是蒙古语语料库语言学研究的进一步深化。
9.Mongolian Learner's English Reading Comprehension-Based on the Comparison of Discourse Patterns in Mongolian, English and Chinese Languages蒙古语、汉语、英语的语篇模式比较与蒙古族的英语阅读
10.He dusted her eyes with beautiful language.他用花言巧语蒙骗了她。
11.I don`t know Mongol at all.我根本不懂蒙古语。
12.Mongolia Term Development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;内蒙古自治区蒙古语名词术语工作的发展历程
13.Any of the various spoken and written dialects and languages of the Mongols living in Mongolia and China.蒙古语蒙古和中国境内的蒙古人的口头和书面语言
14.A Study on Semantic Meaning of Mongolian Verbs Facing Information Processing;面向信息处理的蒙古语动词语义研究
15.The Study of Mongolian N+V Compound Verbs Structure Semantic;蒙古语N+V复合动词结构语义研究
16.Research on Adjective Interpretation Met Language in Mongolian Dictionary;《蒙古语辞典》形容词释义元语言研究
17.A Study on the Relevant Technology of the Construction of Mongolian Language Resource Bases;蒙古语语言资源库建设相关技术研究
18.Comparative Study of English and Mongolian Affixations;英语和蒙古语词缀对比分析(英文)

Mongolian voice蒙语语音
1.A Research on Mongolian Standard Speech Testing System Based on Comparisons of Language Features;基于语音特征比较的蒙古语标准音测试系统研究
2.Research on Mongolian Word POS Auto-Recognition;蒙古语单词词性自动识别研究
3.Designing of Language Model in the Mongolian Speech Recognition Systems;蒙古语语音识别系统语言模型的设计
4)Mongolian and Chinese蒙汉双语
1.The Teaching Software Technique of Mongolian and Chinese and Its Creative Research;蒙汉双语教育教学软件技术及创新研究
5)Mongolian language蒙古语
1.Light Verb Theory and Voice Changes in Mongolian Language;轻动词理论与蒙古语动词语态
2.By comparing Orchon language with modern Mongolian and wrirtten Mongolian we have found the correspondence between long vowels,diphthongs and VC(V)/CV(C) configurartions in Orchon and rthe Mongolian language.通过比较研究鄂伦春语和蒙古语口语以及书面蒙古语的长元音、复合元音和音组,发现鄂伦春语和蒙古语的长元音、复合元音和音组之间存在语音对应关系,这为揭示蒙古语族语言和满洲通古斯语族语言较早时期的音组和复合元音发展演变成长元音的发展演变过程和规律提供了有力的语言例证。
3.This paper applies subcategory theory of Generative Grammar,classifies the verbs of Mongolian language into twelve subcategories and generally describes them.运用生成句法理论的子语类规则对蒙古语动词词项在句中所要求的补足语特征初步分为十二类,并对这些子语类特征做了概括性的描述。
6)abecedarian English启蒙英语
1.This paper introduces the total objectives,branch objectives of language ability and affective attitude of abecedarian English curriculum in Shanghai No.本文介绍了上海第四聋校启蒙英语课程的总目标、语言能力分目标和情感态度分目标。

耳语音耳语音 参见"听觉语音"。