1.Geological Features and Ore-Forming Rule of the Shabaoshi Gold Depositin Mohe,Heilongjian;黑龙江省漠河县砂宝斯金矿地质特征及成矿规律浅析
2.Early Paleozoic adakitie rocks in Mohe area at the northern end of the Da Hinggan Mountains and their geological significance;大兴安岭北端漠河地区早古生代埃达克质岩特征及地质意义
3.Characteristics and Evolution of Thrust Nappe Structure in the Mohe Area,Daxing anling;大兴安岭北部漠河逆冲推覆构造的特征及演化

1.Minimum sampling area for desert riparian forest community in lower reaches of Tarim River塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林群落最小取样面积
3.Study on the Features of Gravi-Magnetic Field and the Sedimentary Structure in Mohe Basin;漠河盆地重磁场特征与沉积构造研究
4.Propagation and Protection of Clonal Plant Populus Euphratica Oliv. in Desert Riparian Forest (Tu Gai);荒漠河岸林克隆植物胡杨繁殖与保护
5.Experimental study on rejuvenation and regeneration of residual Populus euphratica forest in desert valley荒漠河谷胡杨残林复壮更新试验研究
6.An Observational Program of the Outer Corona for the Total Solar Eclipseon March9.1997 in Mohe1997年3月9日漠河日全食外冕观测方案
7.From wastes of sand one smoke plume rises sheer, Past the long river the round sun sinks low.“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”
8.Running across deserts, it has been known as the "river of life".由于塔里木河流经沙漠,故被称为“生命之河”。
9.They walked along the barren banks of the river, chatting.她和他顺着荒漠的河岸走着,谈着话。
10.The river was the only natural routeway across the desert waste.那河流是越过荒漠唯一的天然通路。
11.This canal, which lies in a desert area in northeastern Egypt,这条位于埃及东北部沙漠地区的运河,
12.I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys.我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。
13.Researches on Introduction and Cultivation Techniques of Pinus Sylvestris Var .Mongolica in the Desert Area of the Hexi Corridor;河西荒漠区樟子松引种栽培技术研究
14.The Desertification and Its Causes in the History of Hebei Province;河北省历史时期的荒漠化与成因研究
15.Primary Exploration on Desertification and Ecological Security Problems in the Source Region of YellowRiver;荒漠化与黄河源区生态安全问题分析
16.Review On Zhang Zhiyuan s Yangqin Work Yan Ge Xing;引商送羽 大漠长河 张志远《燕歌行》解读
17.Physiological characteristics for drought resistant Chilopsis linearis,an introduction tree to dry-hot valley干热河谷引种沙漠葳的抗旱生理特征
18.Study on the Variation Mechanism of Landscape Pattern of Desertification Land and the Assessment of Desertification Degree in Hexi Corridor;河西走廊荒漠化土地景观格局变化机理及荒漠化程度评价研究

Mohe Basin漠河盆地
1.Study on the Features of Magnetic Field and the Sedimentary Structure in Mohe Basin;漠河盆地重力场特征与沉积构造研究
2.Provenance Analysis of Middle Jurassic Sediments and Its Geological Significance in Mohe Basin;漠河盆地中侏罗世沉积源区分析及地质意义
3.Tectonic Characteristics and Basin Evolution of the Mohe Basin, Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江漠河盆地构造特征与成盆演化
3)desert in Huanghe headstream河源沙漠
1.Although the desert in Huanghe headstream hasn't become matrix at present, Huanghe headstream may be become a desertification belt.运用遥感信息对黄河河源沙漠的形成时间、空间分布状况进行了研究。
4)Mohe County漠河县
1.Peasants' Perception on Climate Change——A Case Study on Mohe County in Heilongjiang Province乡村人群气候变化感知的初步分析——以黑龙江省漠河县为例
6)Mohe Gold Mine漠河金矿
1.System Construction and Enterprise Development——Mohe Gold Mine(1888-1897) as the Center of Review;制度建设与企业发展——以漠河金矿(1888-1897)为中心的考察

漠河漠河  Mohe漠河(Mohe) 中国黑龙江省最北部边境要镇。因境内有漠河而得名。位于大兴安岭北麓,黑龙江上游南岸,隔江与俄罗斯依格纳施诺相望。面积2 380平方千米,人口2 100人。明属木河卫,清初设卡伦。1884年随着老沟金矿的开发利用,漠河逐渐成为对外往来的门户。1 889年设金矿公司。1914年置设冶局。1917年升为县。1947年并入呼玛县。1981年由呼玛县析设漠河县,县人民政府驻西林吉镇。漠河为该县属镇。 地处大兴安岭:iE部原始森林区,北濒黑龙江,南为群山环抱。境内林木茂密,层峦叠嶂,溪流交汇。地势东低西高,平均海拔1 000米左右。主要河流有黑龙江、额木尔河和漠河。属寒温带大陆性季风气候,1月平均气温一30.6℃,7月平均气温18.4℃,极端最低温度一52.3℃,是全国气温最低的地区之一。有“中国的北极”之称,是中国能看到:『匕极光的地方。夏季短暂,每年6月出现自夜奇景,黑夜短暂即逝,曙光与晚霞相连,晚10点多钟,百米以内的景物仍清晰可辨,有“不夜城”之称。冬季漫长而严寒,结冰期240天左右。冰封期各种车辆均可在黑龙江上通行。 清朝末年以盛产黄金而问名于世。1900年以后,由于沙俄的入侵,日本的掠夺与破坏,使金矿关闭,漠河日趋萧条。中华人民共和国成立后,为开发大兴安岭森林资源,于60年代初期修筑了嫩江~西林吉铁路和嫩江一漠河公路,使这里迅速成为中国主要的木材和黄金生产基地。漠河地处黑龙江畔,为黑龙江水运的终点。1945年8月,苏联出兵东北对日作战时,曾有少数苏军进至漠河袭击日军。 (窦长军)