1.Characteristics of canopy interception and throughfall of Picea schrenkiana var.tianschanica(Rupr.)Chen et Fu不同郁闭度天山云杉林林冠截留量及穿透雨量特征研究

1.Characteristics of canopy interception and throughfall of Picea schrenkiana var.tianschanica(Rupr.)Chen et Fu不同郁闭度天山云杉林林冠截留量及穿透雨量特征研究
2.The spatial distribution characteristics of throughfall under Abies faxoniana forest in the Wolong Nature Reserve岷江冷杉针叶林下穿透雨空间分布特征
3.A sufficiently energetic particle can penetrate the entire stack of parallel plates.能量充足的粒子能够穿透全部平行板。
4.warmed the leftovers clear through;got soaked through in the rain;a letter that was shot through with the writer's personality.把剩饭彻底热一下;让雨淋透了;这封信贯穿着作者的人格
5.He was without a greatcoat and soaked to the skin. He was hatless and his black hair was plastered to his little skull.他没有穿大衣,浑身都被雨淋透了,帽子也没戴,一头黑发在小脑壳上。
6.Canopy Interception of a Chinese Pine (Pinus Tabulaeformis) Plantation and Its Throughfall Spatial Heterogeneity;油松人工林生态系统冠层截留特征及其穿透雨空间异质性研究
7.The Preliminary Study on Through-fall & Litter-fall of Subtropical Forest under Acidic Deposition Condition, South China;酸沉降下中国南方亚热带森林穿透雨和凋落物的初步研究
8.Physical and chemical properties of throughfall in main forest types of secondary forest ecosystem in montane regions of eastern Liaoning Province,China辽东山区次生林生态系统主要林型穿透雨的理化性质
9.Probability Current DensityIs a Constant vector in the Penetration of a Rectangular Potential Barrier;概率流密度矢量是方形势垒穿透中之守恒量
10.clothe, as if for protection from the elements.为了阻止大自然的力量(风、雷、雨等)而穿上衣服。
11.Determination on the North Boundary of Summer Monsoon in East Asian with Soaking Rainfall用过程透雨量确定的东亚夏季风北边缘特征
12.He had no raincoat on when the rain started.开始下雨时他没穿雨衣。
13.I wear rubber boots when it rains.下雨时我都穿橡胶雨鞋。
14.When it rains I wear rubber boots.下雨天我穿橡胶雨靴。
15.Put on a raincoat, Lucy.穿件雨衣吧,露西。
16.The rain soaked through the tear in the umbrella.雨水透过雨伞的裂缝。
17.Heavy fog rolls in and quickly envelops the vessel in a veil of impenetrable blackness.浓雾大量涌入,迅速将船罩进无法穿透的黑暗中。
18.an instrument that measures the hardness of materials by penetrating them with a diamond-pointed stylus.通过菱形触针穿透物体以测量物质硬度的仪器。

throughfall in forest area林内穿透雨量
1.Variation characteristics of throughfall in citrus orchard;柑桔园林下穿透雨的分布特征
2.A Study of the Characteristics of Throughfall and Stemflow in Two Kinds of Economic Forests;两种经济林中的穿透雨与茎流特征研究
3.Spatial variability of throughfall in forest canopy layer of Chinese Pine(Pinus tabulaeformis) plantation in Northern China;华北油松人工林冠层穿透雨空间变异性研究
1.The spatial heterogeneity of throughfall under the Larix principis-rupprechtii single tree s canopy;单株华北落叶松树冠穿透降雨的空间异质性
2.The partitioning of gross rainfall into throughfall,stemflow and water intercepted is the first step as rainfall falling in forest ecosystems and is of hydrological and ecological significance.森林林冠对大气降水的再分配是水分输入森林的第一个环节,其过程涉及到森林生态、森林水文、森林气象及水土保持等诸多方面 热带地区森林林冠水文研究有其自身的特点,也存在着很多问题 对热带地区林冠降水截留、穿透降雨和树干径流的研究进展和现状进行简要概括,总结其中得到认可的规律性认识和依然存在的争议,以期对热带地区森林林冠水文生态效应有个较为正确和全面的认识 需要在热带地区林冠降水再分配研究中加以关注的方面包括:(1)附生植物、大型藤本植物、板根、不定根等热带雨林特有现象在水量和降水化学元素输入与分配中的作用;(2)对热带雨林以外的其他森林类型的林冠截留降水过程的研究;(3)对林冠降水再分配各过程的更为精确的数学表述,或改进现有的机理模型使其能够更为准确的反映各森林类型的降水再分配过程;(4)对热带美洲、热带亚洲和热带非洲森林林冠降水再分配的全景式了解和认
3.) of 2004 and 2005,the throughfall,stemflow and canopy interception of a natural forest stand of Pinus armandii in Liupan Mountains Nature Reserve of northwestern China were observed.利用2004和2005年生长季(6~9月份)六盘山自然保护区的香水河小流域内华山松天然林的穿透降雨、树干径流和冠层截留量观测资料,通过对华山松林降雨再分配特征和穿透降雨空间变异及其影响因素的综合分析,所得结果表明华山松天然林的穿透降雨量、树干径流量和冠层截留量,分别占大气降雨量的84。
5)Forest precipitation林内穿透雨
6)rainfall under woods透过雨量
1.Most of precipitation falls into forest by the rainfall under woods.6 9mm,透过雨量 5 88。

面雨量面雨量areal rainfal  m ianyuliang面雨量(ar己al rainfall)一定面积上的某时段内的平均雨量。计算面雨量的方法很多,最通用的是算术平均法或加权算术平均法,还有网格法和等雨量线图法等。算术平均法最简便,但精度不高。网格法和等雨量线图法精度较高。面雨量在水文气象学中的实用价值很大,在水文分析预报工作中,诸如分析降水天气区划,研究某一地区降水气候规律,旱涝变化特征以及暴雨洪水预报等都需要使用面雨量资料。精确的面雨量,必须有分布合理的点雨量或先进的探测技术。例如建立雨量自动化观测网,数字化天气雷达网,雷达计算机联网,自动化气象通讯网等,这些先进设备和技术的采用对面雨量精度的提高,将起到重要作用。(陈海龙)