1.Study on the Quality Evaluation of Nanxiong Sun-cured Tobacco;南雄优质晒黄烟品质评价研究
2.The Characteristics of Traditional Agricultural Production of Nanxiong;试述南雄传统农业生产的特色
3.65 samples of Nanxiong sun-cured yellow tobacco were evaluated to their quality.对南雄晒黄烟65个样品进行了质量评价。

2.The Research of the Word "雄"in "雄王"and "雒"in "雒王";“雄王”、“雒王”之“雄”、“雒”考辨——从南越“雄鸡”木简谈起
3.On the Mock-Heroic Style in Absalom, Absalom!;戏谑英雄萨德本:南方英雄主义的祭杀
4.A male lanner, smaller than the female, used in falconry.南非雄隼一种雄性南非隼,比雌隼小,用于狩猎中
5.It's at the southern end of the island, near Kaohsiung.它位于台湾的最南端,靠近高雄。
6.We drove as far south as Kaohsiung.我们往南开车一直到高雄。
7.The Nanjing Yangtse River Brigdge is very grand and magnificent.南京长江大桥非常雄伟壮丽。
8.Ronald Reagan: An American Hero(Prologue, by Nancy Reagan)《罗纳德·里根--一位美国英雄》序 南希·里根
9.Kaohsiung is situated about three hundred kilometers south of Taipei.(高雄位于台北南方大约三百公里处。)
10.Relationship between Acne and Genes Associated with Androgen in Han in Yunnan Province;云南汉族痤疮与雄激素相关基因研究
11.The Design of Communication Engineering of 220kV Zhen Xiong Power Station;云南省220kV镇雄站通信工程设计
12.A Study on Causes of "Tiger Dance" in Shuangbai County云南楚雄双柏“老虎笙”舞蹈成因分析
13.Preliminary Study on the Social Behavior of the Alpha Male of South China Sika Deer华南梅花鹿主雄的社会行为初步研究
14.Tainan is situated in the southwest part of Taiwan not far from Kaohsiung.台南位于台湾的西南方,在离高雄不远处。
15.Application of Not-removing Stamen Hybridization Technique in Soybean in Hainan Base不去雄蕊杂交技术在海南南繁基地应用的研究
16.The famous general of the Song Dynasty in Chinese history,Yue Fei,a hero of the nation and people with distinctive personality,was actually not stupidly loyal to the throne.历史上南宋名将岳飞是民族英雄、人民英雄,个性鲜明,并不愚忠。
17.A Great and Failed Hero--ZhangJian and Nantong's early modernization伟大的失败的英雄——张謇与南通区域早期现代化
18.The analysis of "Bronze Dagger-axe" during Dongzhou Period in Chuxiong云南楚雄出土春秋时期青铜戈的理化分析

Nanxiong fault南雄断裂
1.A large mylonite zone is distributed on the footwall of Nanxiong fault,which is parallelto the fault.南雄断裂带下盘发育规模较大,平行于断裂走向的糜棱岩带,上盘为一中新生代盆地,随着地层时代的变新,沉积中心向断层一侧迁移。
3)Nanxiong city南雄市
1.The paper introduces the overall plan of bamboo garden in Nanxiong city.文章介绍了南雄市竹博园总体规划。
2.Nanxiong City has very long history and advantages in transportation and tourism.南雄市是珠江流域与长江流域分水岭和联系通道,是古海上丝绸之路和陆上丝绸之路的交汇点,与珠江三角洲有着密切的人文联系,具有交通要道、旅游资源等优势,以农业生产为基础,工业不发达。
4)Nanxiong Mountain Area南雄山区
1.Agriculture and Environment of Nanxiong Mountain Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期粤北南雄山区的农业与环境
5)Nanxiong Basin南雄盆地
1.New Advances in the Study of Cretaceous and Paleogene Boundary on the Wutaigang Section of the Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong Province;南雄盆地武台岗白垩系与古近系界线剖面研究进展
2.Conchostracans, insects, Priops, and foraminiferans were found in the Nanxiong Group of the west of the Nanxiong Basin.简要介绍近年来南雄盆地地层研究的主要进展。
3.herein described was collected from Shixing County, Nanxiong Basin of Guangdong Province, southern China, by the Beijing Natural History Museum in 1995.是由北京自然博物馆于1995年采自中国广东省南雄盆地的始兴县。
6)Nanxiong Group南雄群
1.The taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Talicypridea-Cypridea-Nanxiongium ostracod fauna from the Nanxiong Group in the Nanxiong Basin is of great importance for the subdivision and correlation of the Upper Cretaceous non-marine strata in China.南雄群及其介形类化石在我国晚白垩世非海相地层划分对比中占重要地位,主田和杨梅坑剖面主田组和浈水组中有270个样品含介形类化石,计有23属(2亚属)99种(12新种)。

南条文雄(NanjoBunyu1849~1927)【南条文雄(NanjoBunyu1849~1927)】  Nantiaowenxong  日本佛教净土真宗大谷派佛教学者。原为真宗僧侣溪英顺之子。幼名格丸。美浓(今岐阜县)人。23岁时为越前僧侣南条真兴养子,改姓南条。曾就学于高仓学寮,研习英语和汉学。精通汉语,善汉诗,常作汉诗代替日记。1876年,大谷派本愿寺派送他去英国留学,从牛津大学马克斯·缪勒学梵语经典。1884年回国,任东京大谷教校教授,翌年任东京帝国大学讲师,教授梵语,为日本大学教梵语之始。1887年访印,巡礼佛教圣迹,归途特至中国天台山高明寺,抄写该寺所传贝叶经。翌年获文学博士学位。1914年任大谷大学校长。曾协助杨文会搜求中国已佚失的佛经。主要著述有《英译大明三藏圣教目录》(通称《南条目录》),与马克斯·缪勒合作英译梵语《大无量寿经》、《金刚般若经》、《阿弥陀经》等。还有《英译十二种纲要》、梵汉对照《新译法华经》、《佛说无量寿经梵文和译》、《佛说阿弥陀经梵文和译》、《硕果诗草》、《怀旧录》,与凯伦合作校订《梵语法华经》。