1.Based on the high resolution output of the numerical simulation of the 1992 Hurricane Andrew with a mesoscale model MM5 of PSU-NCAR, the paper represents the mesoscale characters of the Hurricane Andrew and the differences in thermodynamic and dynamic structures among the eye, eyewall and spiral rainbands.根据PSU-NCAR中尺度模式(MM5)对1992年Andrew飓风数值试验的高分辨率输出资料,分析了Andrew飓风的中尺度特征,研究飓风中的眼区、眼壁区及螺旋性雨带区不同的热力学和动力学结构。

1.Observations of Concentric Eyewall Typhoon in the Northwest Pacific Ocean by Multi-sensor西北太平洋同心双眼壁台风多传感器卫星观测
2.Hedges have eyes and walls have ears.篱笆有眼,墙壁长耳
3.The orbital periosteum is elevated from medial wall of the orbir.眼眶骨膜从眼眶内侧壁剥离。
4.Orbital emphysema is a common presentation of orbital fractures, and it is generally a benign, self-limited condition.眼框气肿是眼框骨折常见的症状之一,特别是眼框内壁或眼底骨折。
5.Surgical Treatment for Enophthalmos after Orbital Blowout Fractures眼眶壁爆裂性骨折合并眼球破裂内陷的矫治
6.The rock face before him, covered with green moss, seemed to sweep past swiftly.眼前粘满青苔的岩壁飞快地移动着。
7.The window was an embrasure in an enormously thick wall.窗户是个炮眼,墙壁异乎寻常的厚。
8.Artistic Attainments of Aptanetravana in the Dunhuang Mogao Caves莫高窟“得眼林”壁画的艺术成就
9.Analysis of Horizontal Open Hole Stability in Tainan Gas Field台南气田水平井裸眼井壁稳定性分析
10.Study on Axial Length、Refractive State and the Morphological Changes of Myopic Model in Cats;幼猫近视眼模型眼轴、屈光度及眼球壁形态变化的实验研究
11.IOP on sclera measured by Tono-Pen is reliable;结论:使用Tono-Pen眼压计测量眼压时,巩膜壁眼压值可为真实眼压值提供可靠参考;
12.Clinical Observation of the Pathological Changes of Axial Length,Corneal Curvature and Posterior Segment Wall of Eyeball in Eyes with High Myopia高度近视眼球轴长、角膜曲率及后段眼球壁改变的临床观察
13.Combined surgery of orbital wall fracture repair and vitrectomy forthe complex ocular trauma:case report眼眶壁骨折修复联合玻璃体切割手术治疗复杂眼外伤1例
14.Penetration of topically applied ievofloxacin into rabbit lens with thin-wall filtering bleb after filtering surgery薄壁滤过泡对左氧氟沙星滴眼液进入兔眼晶状体的影响
15.Screwing up his eyes, he shaded his brows with his hand and looked at the floodplain on the opposite bank.他眯起眼睛,用手搭着凉篷,眺望着那戈壁的彼岸。
16.The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure.那一发凝固汽油弹滚落到了嵌壁枪眼的前方。
17.He was not quite satisfied with the frescoes he saw in the caves, because they were in the dark and hard to see.他对洞窟壁画有点不满,暗乎乎的,看着有点眼花。
18.The fissures and lines in the rock face before him flashed past so fast it hurt his eyes.闪过的石壁上的纹理裂缝晃得他睁不开眼睛。

orbital floor眼眶底壁
1.Purpose:To evaluate the ability of HRCT in the diagnosis of orbital floor fractures.目的 :探讨高分辨力CT(HRCT)诊断眼眶底壁骨折的临床价值。
3)Wall of eyeball眼球壁
1.Eyepit Fracture Diagnosed by CT Folium Scanning and High-distinguished Reconstruction;CT薄层扫描高分辨重建对眼眶壁骨折的诊断
5)Concentric eyewalls双眼壁
6)mesh bulkhead网眼屏壁
