1.The latest version of the WAM model Cycle 4 (WAMC4) is employed to hindcast the waves generated by Typhoon 9914 (Dan) which has resulted in a most disastrous event along the Fujian coast in the past 40 years.利用 WAM 第三代海浪模式的第四版本 (WAMC4) 对 40 a 来造成福建沿海灾害最严重的 9914 号台风海浪过程进行了后报试验,并与近岸常规观测和卫星高度计有效波高资料进行了比较。

1.Is this your final offer or is the offer negotiable?这是你们最后报盘还是可商议报盘?
2.6.4 The Final Entry Forms must be prepared and certified in triplicate:(四)最后报名表一式三份:
3.Final retribution or revenge.报应最后的报复或复仇
4.The forecast calls for snow flurries later tonight.天气预报报道今天后半夜将有阵雪。
5.After you with the paper, please.请您看完报纸后给我。
6.His paper would then engross his thoughts.然后,他就会埋头看报了。
7.account of after-acquired property事后取得的财产报告
8.Three days later the weatherman announced,三天后,天气预报员宣布:
9.make sure you sign the Declaration on the back...记住在报单的背后签名。
10.Later on, I was assigned to help the university tabloid in cut drawing.后为学报画过插图。
11.Please return the paper to me when you have finished with it.报纸看完之后请还给我。
12.There must be reward in daring to face the music.承担后果一定有回报。
13.bourgeois reformist newspapers and periodicalsafter the Reform Movement of1898戊戌政变后改良派报刊
14.Is that your final offer ?这是你最后的报价吗?
15.postcontrol information searching language后规范化情报检索语言
16.These accounts show no consistency.这些报道前后不一。
17.Retroperitoneal Castleman's disease:report of 3 cases腹膜后Castleman病(附3例报告)
18."upon completion of the project, submit a report on inspecting and accepting the completed environmental protection facilities."竣工后,必须报送环境保护设施竣工验收报告。

wing wave forecast风浪后报
3)posteriori estimate后延预报
4)hindcasting test后报检验
5)Backloading Compensation报酬后置
6)Sequential story后续报道

后报【后报】 (术语)言于此世造善恶之业于二生以后得其果报也。