1.Study on the Broadcast Cultivation Technique in Rape Ⅵ.Demonstration of the broadcast cultivation technique on a large acreage;油菜撒播轻型栽培技术研究 Ⅵ.油菜撒播轻型栽培技术的大面积示范
2.The different broadcasting time before and after rain were tested in rice and upland fields to investigate the effect on seedling rate of Youyan 10.通过在旱作地和稻田不同茬口模拟雨前、雨后不同土壤环境采取不同的农艺措施撒播油菜,结果表明:稻田茬口撒播油菜出苗率比旱作地撒播的出苗率高7。

1.scattering board(撒播机的)撒播
2."Broadcasting (seed, fertilizer)"撒播(种子,肥料)
3.scatter [sow] broadcast用撒播法(播)种(种子)
4.The seeds were sown broadcast.种子用撒播法下种。
5.The grain was sown broadcast.这种谷物是撒播的。
6.Dosage:5 g/ m2, irectly broadcast sowing or broadcast sowing with soil, irrigate enough water after sowing to enhance effectiveness.使用量:5克/方米,直接撒播或拌土撒播,撒后浇足够的水以提高放效。
7.The certain placement of seed at the 12-20 mm level necessitates drilling rather than broadcasting.将种子深度定为12-20毫米,采用直播比撒播优越。
8.Research on Planting Method of Ridge Broadcast Sowing, Drilling of Youyan 7 Which is Effective;油研七号起垅撒播、条播种植效果的研究
9.They planted grass seed on the desolate hills.他们在那些荒凉的山丘上撒播草籽。
10.There is interest in solid drilling or broadcasting soybeans either by field equipment or by airplane.对大豆使用农田机械条播或用飞机撒播是有兴趣的事。
11.Effects of broadcast sowing and precision drilling of super rice seed on seedling quality and effectiveness of mechanized transplanting超级稻精量条播与撒播育秧对秧苗素质及机插效果的影响
12.This new machine distributes seed evenly and quickly over the fields.这台新机器能够在农田里均匀快速地撒播种子。
13.To spread(grain)on a couch to germinate, as in malting.播撒谷物使发芽在麦芽床上播撒(谷物)以使之发芽,例如酿酒时
14.Her ashes were scatteredad at Lake Tickerage on October 8th.十月八日,她的骨灰播撒在提克雷湖上。
15.sown by casting over a wide area especially by hand.特别是用手在一大块地区播撒。
16.A shallow trench or furrow in which seeds are planted.条播沟撒种的浅沟或犁沟
17.drill:a shallow trench or furrow in which seeds are planted.条播沟:撒种的浅沟或犁沟.
18.distributing mechanism, for fertilizer distributors, seeding, planting or transplanting machines施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器

1.Study on the Broadcast Cultivation Technique in Rape Ⅵ.Demonstration of the broadcast cultivation technique on a large acreage;油菜撒播轻型栽培技术研究 Ⅵ.油菜撒播轻型栽培技术的大面积示范
2.The different broadcasting time before and after rain were tested in rice and upland fields to investigate the effect on seedling rate of Youyan 10.通过在旱作地和稻田不同茬口模拟雨前、雨后不同土壤环境采取不同的农艺措施撒播油菜,结果表明:稻田茬口撒播油菜出苗率比旱作地撒播的出苗率高7。
3)seed broadcasting种子撒播
4)Both direct seeding by scatterer两撒直播
5)Rotary tillage and broadcast sowing旋耕撒播
6)broadcast sowing technique播撒技术
