1.No.171 Coal Seam Coal Quality Characteristic Analysis and Assessment in Mayixi Second Minefield, Panxian盘县马依西二井田17~(-1)号煤层煤质特征分析与评价

1.Comparative Study of Development Condition of Old and New County in GuiZhou Pan County贵州盘县新老县城发展条件的比较研究
2.Approach of Regional Karst Rocky Desertification Assessment as Exemplified by Panxian County区域石漠化评价方法研究-以盘县为例
3.Current Situation of Potato Production and Its Countermeasures for Development of PotatoIndustry in Pan County;盘县马铃薯的生产现状及产业发展对策
4.The Study on the Training, Selection and Assignment in Pan County's Ethnic Minority Leaders贵州盘县少数民族干部培养选拔使用问题研究
5.Analyses on the Geochemical Abnormality of Dadi Gold Mine in Longying,Panxin盘县陇英大地金矿土壤地球化学异常浅析
6.Distributions of Mercury in Original and Weathered Coal Mine Spoils in Panxian,Guizhou Province贵州盘县煤矸石及其风化土壤中汞的分布特征
7.Study on the Propagation System of Virus-Free and Industry Development of Potato;贵州省盘县马铃薯脱毒种薯繁育体系及产业发展的研究
8.Stability Analysis and Treatment Evaluation of Geology for Mountain Project of Songhe River Super Major Bridge on Bank of Pan County松河特大桥盘县岸山体工程地质稳定分析与治理评价
9.The coal characteristics analysis of main coal seam of Mayidongyi mine field in Pan county Guizhou Province贵州盘县马依东一井田主要可采煤层煤质特征分析
10.No.171 Coal Seam Coal Quality Characteristic Analysis and Assessment in Mayixi Second Minefield, Panxian盘县马依西二井田17~(-1)号煤层煤质特征分析与评价
11.In Pan county, Guizhou province, two sides of main roads are laid with retaining walls of which reinforced concrete walls with tie rods being supporting structure.贵州省盘县某城镇主干道两侧均设挡土墙,选用拉杆式钢筋混凝土墙作为支护结构。
12.Guizhou Yi Bimo Study on Cultural Heritage of People--Guizhou Province as a Case Study of Panxian Yuni Country贵州彝族毕摩文化传承人问题研究——以贵州省盘县淤泥乡为个案分析
13.Interpretation of the 15th Grave of Yingpan in Yuli County of Xinjiang;新疆尉犁县营盘15号墓文化内涵探析
14.On the outskirts there is Du'Le'Si or the Temple of Solitary Joy, the White Pagoda, Mount Panshan, etc., all in Jixian County. One can also see the relics of the Great Wall at Huang'Ya'Guan or the Yellow Cliff Pass.郊区,有蓟县的独乐寺、白塔、盘山和黄崖关长城等。
15.The Investigation Report of Areali (Ovis ammon) Population Density in the Balcheng Hunting Field拜城县国际猎场盘羊种群及数量的初步调查
16.Comparison Studies on Hakka in Phonology between Panlong and Meixian;盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话音系的比较研究
17.An Idea of Conservancy and Exhibition of the Ancient Shu Culture Relics in Maoxian Yingpanshan;对茂县营盘山古蜀文化遗址保护与展示的构想
18.It was not until the battle of the Chingkang Mountains was fought on August 30 that the Hunan enemy forces retreated to Linghsien;but the Kiangsi forces still held all the county towns and most of the villages.八月三十日井冈山一战,湘敌始退往酃县,赣敌仍盘踞各县城及大部乡村。

Panxian Dadong盘县大洞
1.The Panxian Dadong, with a mapped passage of 1660m long is a large karst cave system complicated by multi genesis of morphology.盘县大洞是一个形态和成因复杂的大型喀斯特洞穴系统。
2.The fossil materials described in the present paper come from excavations of 1992 and 1993 at Panxian Dadong, a cave site in Guizhou Province of Southeastern China.本文记述盘县大洞遗址1992—93年发现的哺乳动物化石共计43种,属于中更新世中、晚期生活在云贵高原和东南亚丘陵地区的过渡地带的动物群。
3.The Panxian Dadong, Guizhou which was discovered recently is an important site for paleoanthropology and paleolithic archaeology.本文记述贵州盘县大洞中—晚更新世洞穴堆积中的猴类化石,数量不多,被归入短尾猴(Macacaarctoides)、熊猴(M。
1.The analysis of sequence stratigraphy and fusulinid assemblages from the Maokou Formation in Panxian, Guizhou Province, southwestern China, provides a framework to study the interrelated changes of relative sea level and fusulinacean fauna in the Maokouan period (middle Permian).分析贵州盘县火铺镇茅口期海平面变化的过程和类动物群的变化规律 ,研究相对海平面变化对类动物群构成及演替的影响。
5)Panxian Fauna盘县动物群
1.Factor analyses and environmental evolution implications of element geochemistry data for the section bearing the Middle Triassic Panxian Fauna in Guizhou Province;贵州中三叠世盘县动物群产出地层剖面样品元素地球化学数据因子分析及其环境演化意义
6)Panxian county of Guizhou province贵州省盘县
1.In this study,Panxian County of Guizhou Province is exemplified to establish an integrated assessment index of karst rocky desertification based on the percentage of area and weights of types of rocky desertification.本文通过建立基于面积和权重的石漠化综合评价指数,定量研究了贵州省盘县不同行政单元、不同石漠化分区、不同坡度范围内和不同地貌类型的石漠化严重程度。
