1.Recently,two single-Doppler radar wind retrieval techniques of IVAP and an Extended-VAP method are developed respectively based on the VAD and VAP methods and the VAP method.在IVAP和扩展VAP技术基础上,进一步改进IVAP技术,将IVAP技术反演假定从局地均匀扩展到局地风速均匀、风向随方位角线性变化,进而提高IVAP技术的反演能力。
1.Application of techniqueson precised reservoir description in oil explotation in reservoir of chang6 of wuliwan block of jing'an oilfield;精细油藏描述技术在五里湾长6油藏开发中的应用
2.Study on the oxygen-natural gas cutting and welding technique;氧—天然气切割和焊接技术研究

1.Information Technology Technical Committee信息技术技术委员会
2.banding technique显带技术,分带技术
3.Technical Service and Technical Training技术服务和技术培训
4.A concept discrimination on emerging technology, new technology, high technology and new and high technology;新兴技术、新技术、高技术及高新技术概念辨析
5.farming techniques农业技术,耕作技术,农场经营技术
6.Regional Technical Cooperation Network in Africa on science and technology非洲科学技术区域技术合作网(科技网)
7.Research on Technique System of Chinese Wushu's Fighting中国武术技击术技术体系框架的研究
8.Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations技术援助业务局(技援局)
9.Technical Assistance Bureau技术援助局(技援局)
10.Technical Assistance Administratio技术援助管理处(技援处)
11.Technical Assistance Board技术援助委员会(技援委)
12.Technical Services Branch [Information Technology Services Department]技术服务科〔资讯科技署〕
13.Technology Incubation Centre技术孵化中心(技孵中心)
14.Technical Advisory Committee技术咨询委员会(技咨会)
15.Technical Assistance Loan技术援助贷款(技援贷款)
16.Technical Qualifications and Special Skills技术资格与特别技能
17.Technical Education and Skills Development Authority技术教育和技能发展局
18.Office for Science and Technology科学和技术处(科技处)

1.Application of techniqueson precised reservoir description in oil explotation in reservoir of chang6 of wuliwan block of jing'an oilfield;精细油藏描述技术在五里湾长6油藏开发中的应用
2.Study on the oxygen-natural gas cutting and welding technique;氧—天然气切割和焊接技术研究
1.The Related Techniques of Proteomic Research and Their Application in the Fundamental Biology and Medicine;蛋白质组学研究相关技术及其在生物医学研究中的应用
2.Energy saving modification techniques for Liaoning buildings;辽宁既有建筑节能改造技术浅析
1.Values of Australian patient satisfaction monitoring on political and technical perspectives;澳大利亚病人满意度监测的政策和技术价值
2.The Technical Study Report On FT8-55 Gas-fired Compressor Unit;FT8-55燃压机组技术考察报告
1.Current situation and development of air jet technology;空气喷射技术的现状与发展
2.The preliminary analysis of technology principle of laundry soap made by non-salting out mathod;无盐析法制洗衣皂的技术原理初步解析
6)IT technologyIT技术
1.Discussions on Accessing Pathway of Co-governance Type Financial Control Under IT Technology;IT技术下的共同治理型财务控制实现路径探讨
2.In order to cultivate compound personnel systematically and comprehensively as a goal,on the basis of experiments of main courses of IE subject,a modern IE laboratory system based on IT technology is presented,which builds digital manufacturing and managing network environment to make experiments more flexible and op.目前国内大部分高校工业工程专业实验室建设很落后,普遍缺乏科学的教学实验体系,该文提出构建基于IT技术的现代工业工程教学实验体系。
3.This paper introduces many kinds of modern design technologies from mathematics,IT technology and new concepts.文中从数学基础知识、IT技术、新概念等方面入手,介绍了多种现代设计技术。
