
1.Crop Changes the Warm Response to the Climate in Northeast of Henan豫东北主要农作物对气候变暖的响应
3.On the Periodization and Character of the Dawenkou Culture in Northern Anhui and Eastern Henan;皖北、豫东地区大汶口文化的分期与性质
4.A Study on the Tombs of the Area Connected the Northern Dynasties and Southern Dynasties论南北朝交接地区的墓葬——以陕南、豫南鄂北、山东地区为中心
5.First, we have the co-operation of the Chen-Xie Army, operating in the vast area of the Funiu Mountains and western and southern Henan, and of the Shandong army, operating north and south of the Longhai Railway.首先是有陈谢兵团在伏牛山、豫西、豫南广大地区及山东大军在陇海路南北的互为配合。
6.Astudy of the Singing Art and the Transmission of One of the Henan Opera豫剧豫东唐派唱腔艺术及其传承研究
7.Part of the forces of Hu Tsung-nan, Commander of the Kuomintang's 1st War Zone, advanced from the northwest to the east along both sides of the Lunghai Railway to invade the Liberated Areas in western Honan;国民党第一战区司令长官胡宗南分兵一部,自西北方向,沿陇海路两侧东犯豫西解放区;
8.The forces of Liu Chih, Commander of the 5th War Zone, advanced from the north to the south along both sides of the Peiping-Hankow Railway to invade the Liberated Areas in central Honan and central and eastern Hupeh;第五战区司令长官刘峙所部,沿平汉路两侧,自北向南进犯豫中、鄂中、鄂东解放区;
9.to, toward, or in the north-northeast.到北东北,向着北东北或在北东北。
10.Contrastive Study on New Breeds of Occidental Poplar in North Henan豫北地区欧美杨新品种对比试验研究
11.The Comparison Research on the Three Traditional Schools of Zheng in the Provinces of Yu、Lu、Shan in the North of China;豫、鲁、陕三个北方传统筝派比较研究
12.Culture as Reflected in the Drum Groups in North Henan Provi nce (Yubei qungu wenhua yanu);鼓的文化意义——豫北群鼓个案研究
13.Appraisement on the Present Condition of the Quality Education in the Rural Primary Middle Schools in North Henan;豫北地区农村初中素质教育现状分析
14.Yes, there are lots of them such as Terracotta Army, Huaqing Pool.南京路、豫园,东方明珠塔等等。
15.Study on Soil Series Classification in Kaifeng Plot Area in the East of Henan Province豫东平原开封样区土壤基层分类研究
16.Survey of the Heredity Effect of Cousin Marriage in Rural Areas of Eastern Henan Province豫东农村表兄妹通婚遗传效应的调查
17.The Reasearch of Greenhouse Whitefly Regularity in the East of Henan Province;豫东地区温室白粉虱发生规律的研究
18.An Approach to Locust Disaster During1941~1947 Years of the flood area of East Hennan;浅谈1941—1947年豫东黄泛区蝗灾

North Henan豫北
1.Evaluation and Analysis on the Development Level of Economy and Society in Four Cities of North Henan;豫北四城市经济和社会发展水平评价及分析
2.Palaeogeography of Early Cambrian Period in HuiWeiQi Region, North Henan;豫北辉卫淇地区寒武纪早期古地理
3.Emplacement Mechanism of Intrusive Rocks in Huiweiqi area of North Henan;豫北辉卫淇地区侵入岩就位机制的探讨
3)North of Henan豫北
1.The paper analyzed the results of 40 four-year-old black poplar clones grown in Wen Country,north of Henan.豫北温县40个黑杨无性系4年生试验材料表明:参试无性系胸径、树高、材积等差异达显著水平,用综合法评定了它们的优劣,选择出3个优良无性系,它们的平均材积分别超对照114。
2.That the population occurrence trend of the cotton bollworm in field in zoology condition of the plant cotton area in the north of Henan showed stated regularity.在豫北棉区生态条件下 ,田间棉铃虫种群发生趋势表现为 :每代棉铃虫世代发育完成之后种群个体数量均大量减少 ,但不同世代减少的幅度不同 ,在常规年份 ,一代和三代棉铃虫种群个体数量减少的幅度小于二代和四代。
4)the north of Henan Province豫北
1.Preliminary study on middle-short term epidemic forecasting model of wheat sharp eye-spot in spring in the north of Henan Province;豫北地区小麦纹枯病春季中短期流行预测的初步研究
5)East Henan豫东
6)Northern Henan Plain豫北平原
1.A study of the development and water quality evolution of groundwater in the Northern Henan Plain;豫北平原地下水开发利用与水质演化规律

豫北攻势  解放战争时期,中国人民解放军晋冀鲁豫野战军主力及地方武装一部,在河南省北部地区对国民党军进行的战略性反攻作战。1947年 3月,国民党军从豫北抽调第5军、整编第75师等部共10个旅,转用于山东战场,实施"重点进攻";豫北战场仅有整编第26军军长王仲廉部之 4个整编师和第5"绥靖区"孙震部2个整编师,以及地方部队孙殿英之暂编第 3纵队等部约10万人,在平汉铁路和道清铁路沿线担任守备,并置重点于新乡及其以北地区。晋冀鲁豫野战军司令员刘伯承、政治委员邓小平遵照中共中央军委指示,决心集中野战军 5个纵队和地方部队一部,共60个团10万余人的兵力,向豫北新乡南北地区的国民党军发动攻势,以策应山东解放区军民作战。    3月23日开始攻势作战,至4月1日,晋冀鲁豫野战军先后攻占封邱、延津、原武、阳武(今原阳)、濮阳等5座城镇,一部直逼新乡以北,主力包围了汲县。国民党军整编第66师(欠第 185旅)、整编第9师(欠第9旅)等部由郑州驰援新乡,使新乡地区国民党军增加到 5个整编师另2个旅。    刘伯承、邓小平为调动敌人,创造战机,于4月3日毅然挥师北上,至10日攻占淇县及五陵、鹤壁等据点数十处,歼灭国民党地方部队一部。接着,以一部兵力围攻汤阴,进逼安阳,集中主力准备歼灭由新乡北援之国民党军。4月13日,王仲廉率 3个半旅和第2快速纵队为第 1梯队,由新乡沿平汉铁路东侧向北增援;以整编第32师为第2梯队,在淇县及卫河西岸担任掩护。4月16日夜,当其第 1梯队进至汤阴以南地区时,晋冀鲁豫野战军主力首先切断其第1、第 2梯队的联系,然后从第1梯队的两侧突然发起进攻。经两日激战,全歼第 2快速纵队,在追击中又歼灭整编第41、第66师各一部,并乘势收复淇县、滑县、浚县3城。4月下旬,晋冀鲁豫野战军主力转入休整,以一部兵力于5月2日攻克汤阴,全歼守军暂编第 3纵队。随即乘胜扩张战果,至25日在攻占安阳外围的若干据点后,因准备南渡黄河,攻势作战遂告结束。豫北攻势历时两个月,共歼灭国民党军 4万余人,迫使国民党军退守新乡、安阳等少数孤立据点,有力地配合了山东人民解放军的作战,并为晋冀鲁豫人民解放军尔后转入战略进攻创造了条件。