历史资料,historical data
1)historical data历史资料

1.oral history survey口述历史资料搜集计划
2.The Classics Pavilion houses a rich collection of historical records.藏经阁内存有丰富的历史资料
3.Based on relative historical literature, the historical factors to advance the development of modern Baoji industries are analyzed.借助历史资料,分析了宝鸡近代工业发展的多种历史条件和因素。
4.The Public Records Office is one of the largest local sources of information for historical and other studies relating to Hong Kong.历史档案馆是本地收藏香港历史资料最丰富的中心之一,并储存大量有关香港的其他研究资料。
5.They are the earliest historical documents so far discovered in China,它们是迄今为止在中国发现的最早的历史资料
6.The Introduction of Video Materials of Historical Themes and Teaching Reform of History in Teachers Colleges历史题材影视资料的介入与高专历史教学改革
7.Where can you find out about history?在哪里能找到关于历史的资料?
8.Naissance Background of Lacquer Paintings of Chu by Archaeological Information;从考古资料看楚漆画产生的历史背景
9.The Development and Utilization of Historical Data and Resources in Senior Middle School Textbooks史料资源在高中历史教科书中的开发利用
10."Many cultural remains are discovered and unearthed, and large quantities of valuable historical and cultural relics are found. "发掘出许多历史文化遗址,找到大量珍贵的历史和文化实物资料。
11.Archaeological data are historical documents in their own right, not mere illustrations to written texts.考古学资料本身也是一种历史文献,而不仅仅是文字资料的例证。
12.The historian searches for primary sources of information about the past历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源
13.We need to adequately utilize dossiers to open out the history lowdown.这需要我们充分利用档案资料以揭示历史真相。
14.disclosure of historical cost information adjusted for inflation公布对通货膨胀作出调整后的历史成本资料
15.The words on the tablet are a precious resource for studying the history of the country.碑碣上的文字是研究祖国历史的宝贵资料。
16.The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past.历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源。
17.Index of Research Papers (Documents) on History & Culture of Nanzhao State and Dali Kingdom (Ⅲ) Periodical Department of Library, Dli Teachers College Editorial Department of Journal of Dali Teachers College南诏·大理历史文化研究论文(资料)索引(三)
18.On Chinese Characters Being the Third Important Material to Study Chinese History;论汉字是研究中国历史的第三种重要资料

historical materials历史资料
1.Subjective knowledge of the world and historical materials are in unity.历史事实既不是不以人的意志为转移的客观实在,也不是历史认识主体纯粹的主观重构,它是融主客观于一体,历史认识主体与历史资料在科学实践基础上的能动统一。
2.As an artistic form of the Public, a special epoch, the genre paintings authentically revealed the current features of the general public lives and become extremely significant historical materials.作为荷兰共和国时代这一特定历史阶段的艺术形式,风俗画真实地展现了当时民众生活的现实面貌,是非常重要的历史资料
3)historic measured data历史实测资料
1.The historic measured data from 3 hydrologic basic stations of Shashi,Luoshan and Hankou on main stem of Yangtze and major hydrologic basic stations on tributaries are selected for flood simulation analysis.在简要介绍系统模型基本原理以及率定参数方法的基础上 ,选择沙市、螺山、汉口 3个长江干流控制断面和主要支流控制站的历史实测资料 ,应用多输入单输出系统模型模拟预报长江洪水过程 ,选取发生大洪水的1981、1982、1983、1995年和 1996年汛期资料作为率定期资料 ,以 1998年资料作为检验期资料 ,计算结果得到了较高的精度 ,模型效率系数超过 97% ,洪量相对误差小于 1。
4)inquiring about climatic information历史资料查询
1.Based on the necessity and urgency of setting up the system,elaborates Jiangxi provincial computer system of meteorology service for policy decision in detail, especially the program of annual service, the information of water conservancy and agricultural situation, inquiring about climatic information, automatic production of graphs and charts, alarm of meteorological disasters, and so on.文中重点介绍的模块包括 :周年服务方案、水利农情信息、历史资料查询、图形图表自动分析生成、灾害警示
5)historical meteorological information历史气象资料
1.This paper introduces the general idea, structure and function design of the historical meteorological information sharing system at provincial and municipal levels, and points out that this system possesses the functions of providing the inquiry service of metrological information, and the download service of part metrological information, etc.介绍了“省市级历史气象资料共享系统”的总体思路、结构和功能设计,指出了该系统具有气象信息查询服务、部分气象数据下载服务等功能。
6)historical seismological data历史地震资料
1.On the basis of the historical seismological data of Fujian province, the distribution features of seismicities in space, time and strength of the 1604 M8.根据福建历史地震资料,对1604年泉州海外8级大震的震害分布特点及地震活动时、空、强度特征进行了分析,同时根据震中区的地震地质、深部构造资料对发震构造进行了讨论。

日本医学历史资料目录日本医学历史资料目录 医史著作。日本吴秀三普辑。合1册,日文。该书由四部分内容组成:第一部分是古代到室町时期医学的一般情况;第二部分是关于医学的分科,共分解剖、内科、针灸等18个科目;第三部分是关于外来医学的历史资料;第四部分杂类。该书对日本医学的发展历史能够提供较多资料,是研究日本医学史的重要参考书。现存日本大正十四年(1925年)日文排印本。