径向速度,radial velocity
1)radial velocity径向速度
1.The use of the radial velocity to improve the performance of target tracking;利用径向速度观测值提高目标跟踪性能
2.The radial velocity of flow field in hydrocyclones has great influence on the particle radial movement, which decides the degree of resisting particle radial movement and the diameter of the minimum particles the hydrcyclone can separates.水力旋流器内部流体径向速度对其内部颗粒的径向运移有着重要的影响,它是固体颗粒径向运移受到阻力的重要原因,直接影响水力旋流器的最小分离粒度。
3.Results show that the distribution of radial velocity of wide spaced two jet and four jet impinging streams has relation to d/L , the maximum radial velocity has relation to u 0 d/L , and the radial distance of the position of the maximum radial velocity is directly proportional to L .采用 DANTEC公司的三维激光动态粒子分析仪 ( Dual PDA)测定了大喷嘴间距同轴对置两流股及四流股撞击后的径向速度分布。

1.The radial velocity and Doppler width distribution of belted atomic vapor are given.给出原子束径向速度及其多普勒宽度分布。
2.A Novel Track Initiation Algorithm Using Radial Velocity Measurement一种利用径向速度量测的航迹起始新算法
3.Unambiguous Radial Velocity Estimation Method of Ground Moving Target地面运动目标不模糊径向速度估计的方法
4.Study on application of radial velocity product of Doppler weather radar to prediction多普勒天气雷达径向速度产品在预报中的应用
5.Accurate Velocity Measurement of High Speed Moving Target about Stepped-frequency Chirp Signal调频步进信号高速运动目标径向速度精确测量技术研究
6.Study on Low Doppler Velocity Target Detecting Method With Artillery Location Radar炮位侦校雷达对低径向速度目标的检测方法研究
7.Analysis of the Adverse Wind Regions in Doppler Velocity;多普勒天气雷达径向速度场中逆风区的分析与研究
8.The Processing Methods of Pulse Doppler (PD) Weather Radar Radial Direction Velocity Datum and Identification of the Low Level Jet;脉冲多普勒天气雷达径向速度资料处理及对低空急流的识别
9.Experimentation and Application Research of Doppler Radar Radial Velocity Data Assimilation in Three-dimensional Variational System;多普勒雷达径向速度三维变分同化方法试验研究
10.Research on improving detection performance of side looking airborne pulse Doppler radar for targets with low radial velocity改善正侧视机载PD雷达检测低径向速度目标性能研究
11.Calculation and measurement of speed of diametric fragments of metal-back blasting caps金属壳雷管径向破片速度计算及测试
12.The effect of G_x and G_y on Coriolis illusion不同轴向的径向加速度对科里奥利错觉的影响
13.footward acceleration足向加速度足向加速度
14.However,the radial acceleration is a key parameter;而目标的径向加速度是一个非常关键的参数。
15.The Effect of Tangential Wind Profile on Track and Intensity;切向风速水平廓线对台风路径和强度的影响
16.Analysis and Calculation on Radial Rigidity of High Speed Angle Contact Ceramic Ball Bearing;高速角接触陶瓷球轴承径向刚度的分析计算
17.Research on the Acceleration Vibration Characteristics of Stator of Constant-Pressure Radial Piston Pump恒压式径向柱塞泵定子加速度振动特性研究
18.radial betatron oscillations径向电子回旋加速岂荡

radial speed径向速度
1.Through measuring radial speed,testing whether it is reasonable,then computing and unlinearity-correcting,we get the speed of target.利用固定多普勒频率的周期进行测速是测速的方法之一 ,此法应用到雷达测速中 ,通过测出径向速度 ,检验数据的合理性 ,再利用合理的数据进行径向速度外推和非线性修正 ,求得目标的速度。
2.The stage numbers of the separator of PBR was optimized by analyzing its effects on radial speed(U),average turbulence kinetic energy(ADT),cycle time of PBR(tc)and the ratio of cycle time of the downer channel to cycle time of PBR(ε).采用CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)模型对一种新型多节隔板-平板式光生物反应器在不同通气量下的流场分布进行了模拟并与PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry)测量结果进行比较,结果表明CFD模型可用于光生物反应器流场的模拟;利用CFD模型对不同隔板节数的平板式光生物反应器的内部流场进行了模拟,对光照方向混合进行定量研究,并通过分析光照方向径向速度U、下降通道体积平均湍动能ADT、流体(藻液)绕隔板循环一周所用时间tc、下降通道(光区)停留时间占藻液绕隔板循环一周所用时间的比例ε四个参数来优化光生物反应器的隔板节数。
3)Radial speed and acceleration径向速度、加速度
4)Radial acceleration径向加速度
1.In this paper, the problem of radial acceleration estimation in one pulse was dealt with based on Hough-Ambiguity transformation, and then acceleration was estimated.根据雷达发射恒定载频信号时匀加速目标的回波为线性调频(LFM)信号的特点,研究了在单脉冲内基于Hough-Ambiguity变换(HAT)估计目标径向加速度的问题。
2.Radial acceleration of radar and target is a important character of the relative movement of them and can enhances maneuvering target tracking and target identification,so study on radial acceleration estimation directly from radar echo is needed.雷达-目标径向加速度是表征雷达和目标相对运动关系重要特征,可用于机动目标跟踪、目标识别等,因此研究直接从雷达回波估计径向加速度很有必要。
3.In the post signal processing of CW radars,when the radial acceleration of the target is big and the SNR is low,most methods to estimate it are incompetent for getting the precise result.而目标的径向加速度是一个非常关键的参数。
5)low Doppler velocity低径向速度
1.This paper introduces a method for the artillery location radar to detect the low Doppler velocity target by using a special filter and CFAR process to obtain a detecting threshold, which can improve the detecting capability of the radar.为了解决炮位侦校雷达对低径向速度目标的检测问题 ,首先引入一个专门的滤波器对接收的回波信号进行滤波 ,然后采用数字杂波图对信号进行恒虚警处理 ,获取一个自适应于地杂波变化的检测门限用于低径向速度目标的检测。
6)radial velocity径向速度场

锻压:径向锻造 专门加工实心或空心长轴类零件的旋转锻造方法。锻造时﹐分布在棒料圆周方向的锤头(2~8个)对工件快速和同步锻打。如工件为圆截面﹐则一面低速旋转﹐一面轴向进给移动﹔如工件为非圆截面﹐则只轴向进给而不旋转。径向锻造的特点是不需要专用模具﹐能按预定程序锻出精密的轴类零件。径向锻造每次压缩量小﹐每分鐘锻打次数高﹐一般为240~1800次/分﹐能提高金属的塑性。这种方法可用於热锻或冷锻。图 径向锻造件 为常见的径向锻造件形式。锻件的精度﹕热锻的外径±0.5毫米﹐内径±0.1毫米﹔冷锻的外径±0.1毫米﹐内径±0.01毫米。 径向锻造所用设备分精锻机和轮转锻机两类。用精锻机锻造时﹐工件一面轴向送进一面旋转﹐锤头径向锻打。这类机器多用程序控制﹑数字控制或微处理控制系统自动操作﹐生產效率高﹐用以建立热锻火车轴等自动生產线和冷锻枪管来复线等。精锻机有立式和卧式之分。还有一种设备锻造时﹐工件只送进﹐不旋转﹐多用於钢厂﹐将钢锭直接锻成方钢﹑扁钢等。轮转锻机有2或4个锤头﹐锤头一面围绕工件转动﹐一面对準工件径向锻打﹐工件只轴向送进。轮转锻机结构简单﹐价格低﹐但自动化程度低﹐噪音大。